
The Duality

TootyThoot · Fantasy
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Tree's wave, along the flowing winds.

People sharpened their knives for it to keep its quality.

Hunters, the title Hunter are given to people of our clan that displayed outstanding achievements.

Warlocks, those who posses the title of warlocks are an enemy of the Hunters. They practice witchcrafts, and many more prohibited magic.

"Jeann!!!" I heard a shout that was calling me.

I rose up the ground that i was lying and hurried towards the voice.

It was my mother calling for dinner.

"Where have you gone again brat" My mother scolded me for leaving the house again.

I don't know the reason but ever since i was three years old my mother always kept me from leaving our house.

Our family isn't really an influencial one, we where just a branch family and nothing more. I followed my mother inside our house, a sweet scent drifted unto my little nose.

My stomach grumbled upon smelling the dishes that my mother served.

"Go wash your hands" My mother told me

I nodded in response and headed to the sink.

I sat down at the chair besides my mother.

"You know jean, you should stop disobey your mother im doing this for your own good" She said in a worried tone.

I didn't get it, how is that for my own good? I asked inside my mind.

I simply nodded and chowed down the delicious food that was infront of me.

After the meal i washed my body and headed to ny room. I jumped on my bed and stared at the gloomy ceiling. My mother words came back to me completely flooding my thoughts. What's the reason for kepping me here in this house? Is there something mother is hiding from me? I overthinked and overthinked, i didn't realise that over two hours had already passed. My eyes slowly closed in drowsiness until the whole world turned black.

I fell asleep.


(Where am i?)

Darkness swallowed ny sight but i was awake, i couldn't fell my arms nor feet. I was simply conscious.

It was silently peaceful.

A few minutes later a light appeared on sight and it slowly grew larger until the dark place was replaced by the complete whiteness. I looked down at my body there was something covering it.

(A black fog?) i was covered in black fog.

Swish a light shined infront of me but nothing appeared nor changed.


"Ehem, can you hear me?" My face made a frightened expression.

I loud but calm voice was echoing inside my head.

"Don't be afraid, i will not eat you" the voice said

"I am you, or more like im a the manifestation of your mana" the voice said

Mana? I shouldn't have mana as i have th-

While i was reconstructing my thoughts violent shakings happened.

"I guess its time, ill see you again next time and listen to your mother" the voice slowly died down.

The whole place crumbled and i found myself in my bad with my mother hilding my hands.

"Jean are you alright?" My mother asked me while she wore a worried expression on her face.

"Im alright mom" i said calmly

That was one hell of a weird dream.

Or so i thought.