
The Duality of Fate: Blessed or Cursed with Two System

https://discord.com/invite/CggXeC27 #WSA 2024 Drake, a 25-year-old writer, unfortunately, meets with rejection. However, at his doorstep, he receives a cheat and suddenly finds himself transported to a completely new world that he has never seen or heard of before. This world is called Astral Nexus, and it is filled with different types of species, each with its governor. Democracy seems to rule here just like back on Earth, but there is one person who rules over all the species - an exiled demon. While some people are aware of this information, others are not. Unfortunately, no one is willing to challenge the demon ruler. That's when Drake - now known as Xavier, an emotionless, stupid, weak young boy, and an abomination - decides to take matters into his own hands. He has been granted two systems, but it's uncertain whether he will be able to balance them as an ML since both systems have different elements.

Seastar_222 · Fantasy
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110 Chs

He's a system user

One thing a child will always desire is the love of their parents, but for Koì, it's a different story. "So, Koì, why didn't you report back?" Her mother's voice thundered, sending a chill down her spine.

"You didn't report back for two whole days, and now you show up out of nowhere to give your report," she continued.

Koì lifted her head to meet her mother's gaze and spoke, "Mother, I found out that he's a Grade SSS user."

"Don't call me mother, Koì. I am not and will never be your mother. Your father will return soon, expecting results. It's clear that he will be informed the boy is still alive."

She sighed as she rose from her throne and approached Koì, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Do you want your father to destroy the Phoenix dynasty because you failed a simple task, Koì? Is that what you want?"

"No, mother, I don't want that," Koî replied, fear evident in her voice.

"Good. I will have one of the Eleven escort you to The Academy. Stay close to the little boy, observe, and strike when he least expects it. Be discreet and avoid drawing too much attention, Koì."

"Yes, my Queen," she answered.




Back at the Academy.

The news of the incident at the academy quickly spread, catching everyone off guard. No one had expected such a turn of events. It would be disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

In the Sanctuary of Mend, Xavier lay on the bed, his aunt pacing back and forth, clearly worried about him. She had never imagined something like this would happen.

She was both shocked and fearful, as they had previously confirmed that he did not possess any powers. Now, as the youngest Grade SSS, he would surely face war and danger ahead.

Xavier's eyes fluttered open, feeling weak and drained.

{Host, you shouldn't have done that. It's funny you're still alive,} the system voice giggled.

[Host's body is weak, you know what to do, right? Your HP is low.]

'Use 20 LP for Soul Conversion.'

[20 LP used.]

After some time, Xavier felt his strength returning. 'I never imagined I would have two systems talking to me.'

"Xavier, are you okay?" Alad asked softly.

"Yes, I'm fine. When is our second test?" Xavier asked, determined. Standing up, he looked at his aunt.

The urge to confront her was strong, but he held back in front of Alad.

"You really scared us," Alad recounted the events in the hall. "But now you seem ready for the second test."

"I am, and I'm starving," Xavier said, his tone playful, causing his aunt to blush deeply.

[Kathy Amore: HeartSync 1/10 You are my sister's son. 16—100%.]

"When is the second test starting, Aunt?" Xavier asked.

"I'm not sure, Xavier. Everything has changed, so I assume they will inform us when it's time. Don't worry," his aunt replied.

There was a knock at the door, and it opened to reveal Iorin standing there.

Kathy wondered why he was there. A smile appeared on Iorin's face, and she realized he was there to speak to Xavier.

"Greetings, Lady Kathy," Iorin greeted, bowing down to show respect.

"Greetings, Iorin. What brings you here?" Kathy asked, feeling suspicious.

"I am here to check on how this young boy of yours is doing and to inform him that the next test is about to begin," he said with a smile. Kathy nodded.

"If you say so, the door is over there, Ae'elith," she said, pointing to the door and giving him a look that conveyed a warning.

Iorin swallowed nervously. "I do want to speak with Xavier alone, my Lady," he requested. Kathy turned to Xavier, who nodded, and she left the room with little Alad.

"I see you have control over her," Iorin remarked.

"What makes you think that?" Xavier asked innocently.

"I'm just curious, but it's a positive thing, by the way," he stated with a smile, his eyes fixed on Xavier's movements. It seemed like he could anticipate his thoughts or actions.

"Well, I'm not sure what you're getting at, so let's cut to the chase, Elder Iorin," Xavier replied politely, aware that the man was wary of him and had ulterior motives for being here.

"I have a hunch that you're not from around here," Elder Iorin remarked casually as he settled into a seat near Xavier, crossing his legs.

[Host, stay calm and act natural.]

{Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. What's the point of having two system hosts?}

The system interjected, catching his attention.

He followed Iorin with his eyes, disregarding the system question.

"Elder, I'm not sure what you're implying, but if that's all you came here for, you can leave," he said calmly, flicking his finger.

{There's something odd about how he knows, but...}

[He's a system user himself, just another target. Hehehehhe]

'So he's walked right into the lion's den.'

He then turned to Iorin, who was feigning indifference, "If I may, Elder Iorin, why do you think that?" he asked.

"I couldn't help but notice your potential, young man, and I overheard you mention two systems before you collapsed," Iorin said, grinning at Xavier. Xavier could sense that this man had faced off against many system users.

It was just a gut feeling, so Xavier decided to bide his time and wait until he was certain.

'He probably views me as some naive kid he can easily manipulate for information. It's good that he underestimates me. But I believe he already knows I'm a system user. He'll need more than assumptions.'

{I recall the saying, "keep your enemies close." For now, he's just speculating, so you're relatively safe. We'll monitor and strike when he least expects it. We must level up swiftly.}


Iorin, still suspicious of the young man, continued to observe him closely. He knew he needed to keep an eye on Xavier.

The best way to do that, he decided, was to allow Xavier into the school, even if there was a chance he might fail. So he reasoned.

"Is something the matter, Elder Iorin? You've been staring at me," Xavier inquired.

"Nothing at all. I will take my leave. I believe you have passed the test, so get ready for the next one," Iorin said with a smirk before leaving with a smile.

Ae'elith : means "THE ELEVEN"