
Making my mother my woman




The evening sky was marvelous as the sun setting was kissing the surface of the earth with it's rays as two lovers kissing to say their goodbyes. The rays were soft on the land creating a very nice atmosphere for the evening. Bai Ting after receiving her punishment of molesting from Mo Bai was in the kitchen preparing her usual sumptuous meal rice with meat balls which they turn out to be Lee Fan's favorite.

Bai Ting was the ideal mother a child could ask for as she had dedicated all her time to taking care of her son out of her working time. She was surprised when she saw that Lee Fan had offered to help her out today in the kitchen. Immediately she saw her son in the kitchen she just went blank for a while as she seems to see her 6 years old son appealing to her.

Lee Fan immediately entering the kitchen turned on the sex scent.He was pleased to see his mother have a little pink on her soft cheek.Hmmm..fufu...seems it is working..haha.. our mother will be our woman soon ..the system laughed evilly in his head.He rolled his eyes in his head to the sinister pervert of a system he had. He went closer to Bai Ting to increase the effect of scent.

Bai Ting now had a purple spot on her face now.She kept on shaking her head to clear of this foreign she was having for her son today. She gasped for air when Lee Fan's had accidentally grazed her skin.

Lee Fan stood closer to her and at certain intervals touch his mother's face will showing his clear blue eyes and innocent childish face.Bai Ting was in a trance when she saw the face that her soon was showing her. She came back to reality when Lee Fan tucked her dress drawing her attention to the ingredients she. had placed on fire which were on the way of been burnt.


The system smiled. Lee Fan guess you have our mother wrapped around your finger tips.You the perfect person for me to help to spread his heavenly seed across the universe. Hahahaha..the system was laughed evilly again in his head.

Bai Ting had never been in an awkward situation where she would have to keep herself from pounding on her son and devouring him there. The she stayed close to her son the more she was loosing her control but she could no tell Lee Fan to go out to stop the situation to be more embarrassing for her.

Lee had been with Bai Ting through out the when food preparation and had been touching his mother occasionally to cause her arousal to spike. After preparing the food and helping his mother to set the table he was able to sneakily drop the aphrodisiac pill into her drink while he was helping her.

Bai Ting now had a red ting on her face and could feel that her nipples were slightly hard and still could fell that the heat in her down below had increased was sitting at the dining table awkwardly at the dinner turnable was now feeling a blood rush around her little sister and now her already red face became even mo

re vivid.