
The Dual System-(Moved to a New Link)

Lee Fan was reincarnated to a new world after his death after a cruel some death.He gained a cultivation system which helped him to rise to the peak. Gaining power through the system by perform perverted missions,he tended to gain attention which created a lot of enemies for him. On his adventure,he tends out to find out the mystery behind his cruel death. After finding out the mystery behind his death,he knew he had to save the world he was no in. Will he be able to save it.

Hybrid_Starkidz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The threat at the back of the beast horde.




Roars of beasts,cries of agony surrounded Providence City.Hong Fei stood still on the wall with a deep frown on his face.Although,the guards and martial artists where in a tough situation,he still stood there motionless.

"Ahhh!!..help me",a young man who had his legs chopped off

by a beast cried out loud.

The beast which had the appearance of human,with a large mouth covering the front of the head with it's long tongue hanging freely from it's mouth.Due to the large mouth, the eyes of the beast were on the side of it's head.It's hand dangling on by its side.It had long claws attached to it's finger tips which reached the floor.The beast seems to enjoy torturing as it still didn't go in for the kill but rather,it tore the hands of the young man brutally.The beast was indulging in its torturous activity when a spear whizzed through the air piercing through its upper body.


The shockwave of the spear managed to tear the beasts apart with nothing left of the beast except it's beast crystal.

Derek had appeared behind Hong Fei atfter he had buried Bai Ting and gotten rid of all the intermediate beasts that were in the northern parts of the city.

"Master,the northern part of the city safe now.We lost Jiaxin and Kelly",Derek reported to his master remorsefully.

He was overwhelmed with sorrow when he saw Lee Fan holding the mutilated corpse of his mother.He wished he had closed their training earlier or had been there early.

"Stop with the remorse,more death is the way.Call your brothers and sisters all their help will be needed now",Hong Fei said to Derek.

"And also tell Hale that he should get his arse out of that stupid tower,we need all the strength we can get ",Hong Fei gave his last order to his disciple.

Coming to think of it,Derek knew the attitude of Hong Fei as a strict person but he was never cold hearted.He was warm in the inside and cares a lot for the people that he had sworn to protect with his life.

Derek had wanted wanted to question his master for refusing to move even though they were in a pinch and more lives were been lost.The last order of his master still rang in his ears which made him to become weary because Hale was the only person was the only one who could go toe to toe with his master.

Hong Fei protected the walls of the city whiles Hale protected the mansion in which the Mo's live in.In short,anything that will need the combine efforts of this two monsters in his eyes was a great threat.

Derek rushed straight to the tallest tower post before the mansion.

"Master Hale,your strength is needed on the wall ",Derek bowed in front of the door that was before him.

"Has old age affected Hong Fir that he needs my help he needs my help to protect the city walls?", an old and imperious voice boomed behind the door which sent chills down Derek's spine.

He never liked been sent to Hale but he could not afford to disobey because it was ordained by his master.When ever he felt this presence he felt so miniscule and weak.It was like placing your hands in a hot boiling pan of soup and not expecting to get burned.

The door opened and before Derek was an old lanky man with sunken eyes who looked like someone who last slept week ago.He had a slightly hunched back and had a long white beard goatee.He had strong aura around him that made others want to flee from him the instant they saw him.

"Come,let's go ",he chuckled when he saw the frightened and pale face of Derek.

"Master Hong Fei!",different voices sounded behind Hong Fei.

His disciples were running towards him like a group of zebras running away for their lives.This scene made him chuckle a little because he knew the reason why his disciples were running like gazelles towards him.

"You old prick,you never change ",Derek called out to the lanky old man behind the group.

"Were did you get this cry babies from old man",Hale berated Hong Fei.

"You are you so weak that you need me?"Hale asked with raised brows.

"Don't you feel it?,You are all brawn with no brains",Hong Fei retaliated.

Hale stretched his eyes towards the horizon and tried to feel the aura since he felt slightly uncomfortable when. he had reached the wall.He did felt threatened since the aura was was no that strong.But now that Hong Fei had pointed it out to him he now had a grim expression on his face.


In the far horizon, a creature as tall as a small hill was making its way towards the city.From the pace of the beast,it looked like it was not in a rush since it took one step at a time even though it could see a heated battle in front of it.The ground shook everytime it moved.Since it was far away and there was a battle going on,most people would think the slight earth tremors was coming from the battlefield since there were both beasts and humans causing destructions everywhere.


A loud roar sounded from the horizon.The roar was so loud that,both human and beasts felt like they would be blown away due to the wind pressure.The humans suffered great casualties just from the roar.Those with weak mental strength had their head burst like watermelon and those who could resist had blood bleeding from their ears.The battle became a stand still when the huge roar sounded.

Appearing from behind the mountain,was a beast that brought all the fears of everyone to light.

The beast appearance looked like a mountain of mud.It had huge legs or arms that supported it's huge body and had a very large mouth which could easily swallow a giant boulder.The beast had huge eyes which made it looked more intimidating. It had a disdainful look displayed in its face.

The aura of the beast was so intimidating that both human and beasts found it difficult to breathe.The presence of the beast was strong that everyone had the urge to bow down to it's imperious aura.The beast crystal in its head shone so bright and pure which added a sacred aura to its bold presence.

"That's a legendary beast ",Hong Fei said grimly.