
The Dual System-(Moved to a New Link)

Lee Fan was reincarnated to a new world after his death after a cruel some death.He gained a cultivation system which helped him to rise to the peak. Gaining power through the system by perform perverted missions,he tended to gain attention which created a lot of enemies for him. On his adventure,he tends out to find out the mystery behind his cruel death. After finding out the mystery behind his death,he knew he had to save the world he was no in. Will he be able to save it.

Hybrid_Starkidz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs





Please I have changed the symbol to represent the system's shop voice from () to **..

Lee Fan woke up due to the single ray of the sun which had managed to escape through the curtained window.He found his head on the soft mountains on of Bai Ting.He gingerly smiled as he recalled their night activities.He woke Bai Ting up with soft kisses on her lips.Good morning sleeping bBai Zheauty he replied causing her to blush increasing her charm.He was happy Bai Ting responded to his advances.They lazily drag their feet to wash the sticky substance all over their body.

Bai Ting left to perform her duties but not without giving her man a deep wet kiss.She reminded him of his train as Mo Bai had promised to allow him to learn the family's technique.

Lee Fan watching the swaying hips and perky bottom of Bai Ting was getting a hard on till he heard an annoying voice in his head.

//hehe..look at that.. delicious the system commented.Congrats on popping you cherry.hehe...don't forget to retrieve your rewards//.

Lee Fan did indeed forget about his rewards.For once the system had helped him.He opened the system shop and the normal display message was displayed in his eyes.

**Welcome to the system shop.You have received 1000 points for completing your mission**

**System has been upgraded to lvl 2**.

'Well I least expected it.I never thought the system was upgradable.Lee Fan went into deep thought when he saw the message.Moving on to the next message more surprises awaited him.

**You have received 200 points for popping your cherry""

** You have received one chance to learn any of the current fight techniques except rising rainbow as an extra reward**.

There were no words sweeter to hear than this to Lee Fan at the moment.He least expected to receive high points and also he had a free chance to learn how one technique on top of it all.

Reading through the shop he saw a new category that had never been there before which had the name sex store.Rubbing his head Lee Fan wandered when this category had come from because upon all the years he had with the system he had never seen this category.

//I never knew you were such a dimwit to the infinite degree the system said.You just read the system the system had been upgraded and you are wandering where this came from.Open the shop let's see what in in there// it displayed a hesitant face in Lee Fan's eyes.

Whatever god that had given me this system really had hated me to give me this system.He click the sex shop and he was in for a surprise.

**Aphrodisiac pill: place in food or drink effective after ten minutes when taken.100 points**

**Sex scent(upgradable): release hormones into the atmosphere effect within a 5m radius which affects target.300 points**,

**Bai Zhu pill: increases sexual stamina by 20minutes.200 points**

**Ren Shen: increases semen load by 5ml.150 points**

Lee Fan was shocked by leaps and bounds.He was so excited that he his body was shaking unconsciously.Happy sex life to me he proclaimed in his head.

Not wasting time he directly went in for the Ren Shen and Bai Zhu pill which caused him a total of 350 points.He knew the effect of the semen load and stamina as he saw how Bai Ting leaking and orgasming when ever she felt his hot semen in her womb.

Also seeing the effect of the sex scent he also bought at a cost of 300 points and he was satisfied.Lee Fan now wanted to use the rest on some fighting technique.He opened the technique category to buy one technique when he heard the annoying system's voice in his head.

// Well.. I did say you are a dimwit so that's why am here.It displayed its normal smile.You idiot who are you going to fuck with that 6 cm dick of yours.Have you forgotten that the Nirvana pill is temporary you dimwit/),

Lee Fan wanted to argue with his system but upon realising the hint in it's word he opened the pill shop to buy the Nirvana pill at a cost of 100 points.Now he only had 450 points which saddened him since he wanted to purchase the swift cloud movement technique.

He was thinking if ways to buy the technique when it dawned on him that he now had one free chance to learn a technique for completing his mission.He happily opted in for the swift cloud technique as he wanted to increase his speed since he was going in to learn the Mo Family's spear technique anyway.

** You have used your free chance to purchase the swift cloud technique.Do you want to learn now.


Well what am I waiting for he immediately clicked the YES button.

** Synchronising technique now**

He lan could feel a slight pain in his feet and hands and it was increase the moment .He now had beads of sweat on his face and was lying on the floor as he could not stand on his legs since the pain had intensified.He wanted to tshout but stilled his resolve as the pain had not reached unbearable point.

** Synchronisation complete**.

The pain was now dwindling and Lee Fan was gasping for breath was gradually able to stand up.He felt steange at first since his body felt light.

Wanting to try out the new technique he tried moving to the table in front of him as fast as he could.Moving his feet he tried to run and then a loud bang was heard in the room.

Lee Fan was lying on the floor now.He had crashed into the table since he never thought he could move this fast and so failed to break which lead him to crash into the table.

"Well this is troublesome"he commented.I think I have to keep it a secret for now.He was cleaning his mess when he heard the normal bell chime.

" I guess it's time to learn my first martial arts teachnique"he dusted himself to make him look presentable at his first meeting with his teacher.

Sorry this chapter really took sometime

Hybrid_Starkidzcreators' thoughts