

Jen surveyed the pile of boxes she and Sean had packed. Yawning, she stretched her arms and moved her head to work out the kinks.

Strong hands kneaded her shoulders when she lowered her arms. Warmth pervaded her body and tensions left her. “Mm,” slipped out of her mouth.

“Feel good?” Sean’s breath whispered across the small hairs on her neck.

His touch, gentle, but firm chased away the stiffness. “Too good.”

A chuckle rumbled from the depths of his chest. She stiffened, then decided he wasn’t laughing at her.

“Relax,” he commanded.

What great hands. Imagine what they could do elsewhere. She decided to let that thought roll around her brain for a moment longer. A tingling began in her middle. She let it envelop her before she pushed away the feeling. No need to wallow in the fact that she needed sex and wasn’t going to get it

any time soon. She tucked the fantasy of her and Sean away for later.