
The Drifter's Second Life

What is a Drifter? A Drifter is someone who does not have a house or a proper job. He’s constantly on the move and does not stay in the same place for a long time. Because he doesn’t have a place he can call home. ***** On July 7, 2016, Cayden Campbell watched helplessly as his parents got killed by monsters he only see in movies. On August 7, 2017, he watched his best friend get eaten by a BOSS monster. On September 9, 2018, he found a girl he fell in love with. Xyris was also a player and he swore he will protect her. On October 19, 2020, she used her life as a price to save him from the penalty instance. When he finally came out from the game, she was already dead. On February 26, 2030, he stood at the eightieth floor of the Dark Tower. He and his comrades raided the instance, but the constant fighting has worn them out. Enemies that are defeated come back to life. Blood was spilled until Cayden was the only man left. The enemies did not stop growing and spreading in numbers. Surrounding him, forcing him to surrender. And he lost all hope. Maybe it’s better if he’ll stop fighting and just die. ***** [You have obtained the Legendary item, Drifter’s Clock] [Would you like to give up all your points to rewind the time back to July 7, 2016?] As Cayden take his last breath he uttered, “Yes…” _______________________________________________ If you want to connect with me find me in: Twitter: phoenixhyperion Discord: phoenixhyperion#9130 Instagram: phoenix_hyperion Facebook: phoenixhyperion

phoenixhyperion · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

The first elimination game (2)

The monster saw a large number of people going inside malls and nearby buildings to escape. It hastily gave chase.

"Ahh!!! Get away!!"

"Don't come near me!!!"

A woman stumbled and crashed to the floor. Her face was covered in snot, and tears fell rapidly down her cheeks. She crawled on all fours and kept on screaming.

"Help me!! Please!! Save me!!"

The monster is looming behind her, drooling into its wide, gaping mouth. The claws that scratched a human's torso into different parts are slowly approaching her.

When the ten high school students saw this, they couldn't help but grip the table where they had been hiding. Their sweat dripped coldly on their backs. They could not utter a single word except a silent whimper.

When the 'mutated monster' is right in front of her, she shrieks at the top of her lungs.

In the next second, a loud bang erupted from the scene, stopping everyone on their feet. Their eyes instinctively looked at where the sound came from.

The woman who was screaming for help is now lying lifelessly on the ground. A bloody hole was embedded in her forehead. Blood immediately pooled on the ground where her dead body is.

Just a few meters away from her, a brawny man with powerfully built shoulders, arms, and leg muscles was holding a rifle in his hand. He fired another shot. Everyone's heart became hopeful.

Someone had a rifle. That strong human weapon called guns can be their only hope they could use to take the monster down.

Contrary to their expectation, the bullet did not hit the 'mutated monster'. The old man who was cowering in the corner was hit instead. The last hope they have crumbles just as the old man falls to the ground.


"What are you doing?!" A young man cried out. The brawny man expressionlessly turned to him and fired another shot. The young man immediately crouched down behind a car and cowered in fear.

The brawny man did not pay him any more attention and turned towards the other people who were cowering nearby. The brawny man did not hesitate to shoot at them.

Gunshots after gunshots was fired, followed by bodies crashing down. After five minutes, the street was filled with dead bodies. The 'mutated monster' only looks at the dead bodies piling up on the ground. Then at the brawny man holding a rifle.

Everyone thought the monster would attack him. But it didn't. It just turned around and chased the other humans who were busy running around. Nobody expected this outcome. The brawny man secretly laughed as he watched the 'mutated monster' turn its back on him.

"See? What did I tell you?" A tall man in a black suit wearing an alligator mask chuckled beside the brawny man.

"Once you start to kill other players, the 'mutated monster' will not attack you. Easy as a pie, right?"

"Hahahha yes!" The brawny man laughed loudly and gazed at his rifle.

"This young 'un misses wielding big guns! Thank you for giving this to me."

The alligator mask man bowed like a gentleman bowing to a lady for a dance. His eyes were full of arrogance and smugness. "Pleasure's mine."

The brawny man trotted confidently down the street. Occasionally, people crossed in front of the intersection. And he did not hesitate to take a shot. He always hit them in the head or the neck, barely missing a single target.

"So what are you?" The brawny man strode languidly, glancing at the alligator mask man.

"Hmmm... We are what you call, in human terms, 'referees' or 'judges'. But the Dark Tower called us 'hunters'."

"Referees? You mean facilitator?" The brawny man was puzzled.

"You could say that. In every game created by the Dark Tower, we are there to overlook the games. But most importantly, it was our job to select talented players who have the potential to enter the Dark Tower and play its games. The way I see it, you have the talent. So I choose you."

The brawny man was flattered. "Ha! Of course I have talent! All my life, I was a thug. I work for my boss and find the people who have debts for him. But he never recognizes my potential! Look at me! I'm a great marksman. But he looked down on me! Every time I kill for him, the money he pays me is not enough for my gambling expenses! Ha! How dare he look down on me?!"

The alligator mask man curled his lips. He spoke softly. "Yes. He clearly looked down on you. In fact, not just him. All these people do. Take that woman as an example."

The brawny man pointed to the woman whose leg was bleeding. It appears she grazed it while she was busy escaping. The brawny man raised his rifle and aimed at her forehead.

But the man in the alligator mask stopped him. "Shoot for her leg."

The brawny man hesitated for a moment, then fired. The next second, the woman wailed in agony as she stumbled and held her bleeding leg. She glared at the brawny man and cussed.

"You dumb piece of shit! Why did you do that?! You think you are so strong and invincible now that you have a gun?! Get your ass here and aim straight! Get that bullet piercing through that ugly monster's head! Not mine!" The woman is definitely angry and in deep pain. Her forehead is soaked with sweat, and she is extremely pale from her wound. But the words that came out of her mouth were harsh and sharp.

"What are you still standing there like a moron?! You don't know how to use that gun?! Then what use are you?! You useless swine, you don't even work but just drink and beat people up. Get your fucking ass over here and make yourself useful!"

The brawny man was so angry that his hands trembled as he held the rifle.