
The Drifter's Second Life

What is a Drifter? A Drifter is someone who does not have a house or a proper job. He’s constantly on the move and does not stay in the same place for a long time. Because he doesn’t have a place he can call home. ***** On July 7, 2016, Cayden Campbell watched helplessly as his parents got killed by monsters he only see in movies. On August 7, 2017, he watched his best friend get eaten by a BOSS monster. On September 9, 2018, he found a girl he fell in love with. Xyris was also a player and he swore he will protect her. On October 19, 2020, she used her life as a price to save him from the penalty instance. When he finally came out from the game, she was already dead. On February 26, 2030, he stood at the eightieth floor of the Dark Tower. He and his comrades raided the instance, but the constant fighting has worn them out. Enemies that are defeated come back to life. Blood was spilled until Cayden was the only man left. The enemies did not stop growing and spreading in numbers. Surrounding him, forcing him to surrender. And he lost all hope. Maybe it’s better if he’ll stop fighting and just die. ***** [You have obtained the Legendary item, Drifter’s Clock] [Would you like to give up all your points to rewind the time back to July 7, 2016?] As Cayden take his last breath he uttered, “Yes…” _______________________________________________ If you want to connect with me find me in: Twitter: phoenixhyperion Discord: phoenixhyperion#9130 Instagram: phoenix_hyperion Facebook: phoenixhyperion

phoenixhyperion · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Champion (1)

The Alpha Beast Snake refused to comment on the first question thrown at Cayden, but right now, he could not stop his sharp tongue.

"What are you playing at, human? Trying to be the good selfless snake? Reality is not that kind for it to fulfill your wretched impossible wish to save everybody."

The number Cayden is given is number 4. There are other people on the square but none of their attention was on him. They are more worried since it will be their turn next.

The Alpha Beast Snake hated Cayden's indifferent reaction. While others will show fear at him when he speak, this young boy ignores him. Not only that, he won't even look at the Alpha Beast Snake in the eye.

This is clearly an insult!

For once, the Alpha Beast Snake has never been treated like he was an air!

The Alpha Beast cast the orb an unknown glance. Something in his iris flashed. Then a few seconds later, the orb respond with its faint light.

This exchange did not escape Cayden's eyes. He stood inside the square, a bit farther from the others. He meticulously try to not look in the Alpha Beast Snake's direction or at Pete.

Pete seemed to have the same intention as him so he never look at Cayden's way too.

Both are vigilant against the huge Snake at the center of the stage.

And at this moment, Cayden knew he will be targeted. That exchange will surely result in pitting him out. So he better not drag Pete into this pit hole and survive the ordeal by himself.

There are only sixteen of them. On the third round of the question game, almost everyone was lucky. Some received the rewards. Ten minutes of invincible strength, super strength, super speed etc. But these types of body enhancing rewards cannot be brought outside the square. Because once the others have their turns, the timer will run out and the reward will disappear.

It is much better if the reward you receive is the weapons type. Since you can bring it to the other squares. Out of fifteen players who have their turn, five got the weapon type reward. Two have knives, one had machete, the other two have hand held guns.

Right after Pete's turn, it was Cayden. This time, it was another situational question that he answered with 'both'. The moment those words came out of his mouth, the orb give him the number 1.

All sixteen of them have moved over ten steps. After the number '1', Cayden was stuck in the last. The others have advanced five to six steps ahead.

He's currently on the tenth square. He remembered that the previous challenger who landed on the eleventh square earlier received a weapon type reward. Cayden calmly walk to the next square.

The moment his both feet stepped inside, the square grid immediately flash red.

[The first second level battle square has been triggered. The famous champion of 'Game of truth and kill' in the Snakes tribe has been summoned to challenge the challenger Cayden Campbell.]

A light flash and a figure of a man came into view. From the bottom, Cayden can see the black loose pants worn together with black shoes. On the waist up, the man is bare naked. His abdominal muscles were obvious, it created an image of superior strength and arrogance. Especially his wide shoulders and buffy arms.

His body obviously belongs to a man who loves fighting. But his face no longer bears a resemblance of a human face. His neck was sliced and what rooted from it are countless small snakes sizzling and tangling each other.

Dozens pair of eyes glared at Cayden who is a head shorter than the newly appeared man.

Somewhere near Cayden, voices of exclaimed erupted. A young woman even screamed before she abruptly covered her mouth in fright. The Alpha Beast Snake glared in her direction before looking at Cayden with a strange smile.

Cayden squinted his eyes at the man.

[The rules of the game is simple. Answer the question asked by the champion and survive in the next five minutes.]

[The champion will ask you a question and challenger Cayden Campbell must answer the question within 30 seconds. Whatever your answer is, the champion will take away the other choice you did not choose in the next two minutes. Only two questions will be asked by the champion which will only allow you thirty seconds to answer. Please choose wisely.]

After the prompt screen disappeared, a huge timer of [05:00] immediately appeared.

The snakes on his head simultaneously opened their mouth.

[Which body part would you like to keep? Your right arm or your left arm?]

This completely took Cayden aback. Even the atmosphere in the game, right after reading this question became stagnant. Everyone was horrified. The thirty seconds immediately started.

Cayden gritted his teeth. He, along with the others, were overwhelmed with panic. But he took a deep breath and suppressed the unease in his heart. He raised his head and look at the seconds that already reach 10 seconds.

"Right arm."

The snakes that grew on the man's neck slithered slowly. It's bright yellow eyes and slanted pupils gazed at Cayden coldly, as if they are studying a strange prey and thinking of the best way to eliminate it.

It happened so quickly that no one in the crowd could see what happened. The little snakes on the man's neck suddenly grew longer in a split second and bit Cayden's left arm!

The snakes are really small. Their faces could not be bigger than a regular coin. However, their fangs are ferocious. After one bite, Cayden's left arm was covered in blood. Even some part of his skin was torn off along with a piece of flesh.

In front of him, the snakes in the man's head retracted into its original length and a sound of chewing could be heard. Then a low raspy voice echoed.

"You have a very delicious meat."