
The Dreamless Dreamer

After being tormented and experimented on by a mad mage to see if he could force magic powers to manifest, she and her pet rat-Stingy are faced with a discussion. Will she take on the task to save the kingdom or will she let it fall into ruin.

Rosaline_Valentine · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Nasty Tea

Looking around the large gleaming room with all its decorative pretty people, I wanted to find the darkest corn and hid. The light hurt my eyes. The stench of wood oil, candle wax, perfumes, and bodies made me nocuous.

I had been forced to take a bath and change my clothes. I refused the dress they insisted on me wearing. With Stingy's help, the maids that were forced on me wouldn't dare come near me to put the dress on me. Feeling me thinking of her, Stingy's cold little rat nose nuzzle into my neck. She could barely ride on my shoulders now she was getting so big. That was fine. I liked her around my neck. When she peeked out from my hair at people, they gave the best reactions. Stingy enjoyed startling them as well.

Spying a corner with a window with a heavy curtain, I beelined for it. Unfortunately, the large man who had been following me, somehow appeared before me cutting off. Stingy popped out of my white hair and hood to hiss at him. He only flinched to his credit and gestured to a seat at the table.

I stood next to the chair not really knowing what he wanted. Only one other person was sitting right now and they were in deep conversation with a trimmed, well-dressed man.

"Please sit, madam." The man who had been following me said as he pulled out a chair and Stingy leaped from her spot on me to the back of the chair. The man leaped back so fast he almost fell down. I couldn't help but smile. She was very protective of me, even back in that lightless hell hole.

She was getting fat; her dark brown fur had become silky with the improved food. she still looked like a crazed rat. A large scar ran from the left side of her face to her ear and down her neck. Her tail was crooked from two breaks with the tip missing. One back two was missing on her left side along with two scars that ran up most of that leg. A large patch of fur was missing from her middle on both sides were an animal had bitten into her. To me she was beautiful.

Her eyes were a deep royal blue, that reflected my magic in her. I shared everything with her. She may not be able to talk to me, but she could read my mind and I could feel her emotions. It was just as good as communication.

Sitting down at the offered chair, its comfortable cushion put me on edge. The table had a high shine and gold made pretty designs on it. Such a waste of money. This table could probably buy my food for a year or more. Hearing a polite cough, the man that was sitting had his hands interlaced on the table in front of him. The trimmed man walked over to us and stood just in polite range to talk.

"Forgive me but please remove your veil and hood before you talk with his Grace." The trimmed man's voice was strained and I could smell his fear. My thin veil was the same deep blue as I had spelled it for me to see through it. It wasn't a full veil, as I had made it to fit on a headband to cover the top of my hear, eyes, nose, and what remained of my ears. Pursing my lips, Stingy suddenly jumped to my shoulder and hissed at the trimmed man. He recoiled. Petting her gently she huffed at him and took her spot in my lap. Holding up my right arm with its wooden nub, a clear crystal lit up to display words. I had lost my right hand long ago and fashioned myself a permanent wand with the few gems I could find in that monster's house.

"AS YOU WISH." With my left hand, I slowly pulled my hood off and removed my veil.

Gasps filled the room. My face was a mess. A large part of my skull at my hairline had been taken so it was sunken in there, my nose was half gone, and my eyes-crisscrossing scar tissue filled them making the pupil look cut up. Without the veil, it was hard to see. Since I had lived in the dark for almost all my life, the brightness of the room hurt me even more.

"Henry that was not necessary. She may wear it. I am Duke Cazalet." The Duke had a deep voice and was filled with pity as he spoke.

Awkwardly pulling it back on, Stingy helped straighten it on me. I could feel the tension in the room relax a bit as I pulled my hood up and Stingy curled up on my shoulders under my hair next to my neck. She cooed to me in soft squeaks to comfort me. I didn't care about what they thought of me or for their pity. It all meant nothing.

Placing my right arm on the table, once again the light shined, and words appeared. "WHAT AM I HERE FOR? WHY DID YOU CAPTURE ME?"

The Duke frowned. I had not given my name; in truth, I didn't have one.

"We feared you wouldn't have come otherwise. We couldn't risk that. Once we knew of your existence, we had to act and ask for your help." The Duke's voice sounded a little strained, he was rushing his words a bit as he became more uncomfortable with me. He probably never thought he would talk to someone like me.


I couldn't help but chuck to full-body laughing. The sound came out strangled and muddled. My tongue had been shredded and burning liquid of some kind forced down my throat. I could not speak much less scream if I wanted to.

"WHY WOULD I HELP YOU?" Stingy felt the need to poke her head out and glare at the man in my place. That also made me smile.

"We indeed knew the mage that had you was known for his…unethical practices but we were not aware of what he was really doing. Not until we found you there. If you had not already dealt with him, we would have.

"As things are, regardless of if you are willing to help us, you will want for nothing. You are my ward now." He seemed pleased with himself for taking me on.

"YOUR WARD?" his smugness faltered just a bit.

"Yes, you will live with me and my household, unless you wish otherwise. I will also provide for your living expenses and give you an allowance every month. It's the least I and this country can do after all that you have been through." He looked a bit uncomfortable as he spoke.

I could feel his eyes going over all my visible scars. The dark blue cloak covered me from head to foot with large sleeves. Only the lower half of my face and arms were visible but that was enough to turn the Dukes and his people's stomachs. It made me want to roll my sleeves up more and maybe even feed Stingy in front of them.

Stingy perked up at that idea. She was feeling a bit peckish.

"Now if that's all settled." The Duke came to his feet looking a bit anxious. "How about a walk around the garden while we talk?" I remained seated and I could feel the confusion of the Duke.

"Stand and follow the Duke!" the trimmed man said as he took a step towards me. As I didn't respond to him either, he went to pull my chair out.

Stingy darted out to the table and hissed angrily. The trimmed man fell over himself and landed hard on his ass. The room became deathly quiet except Stingy's angry huffing now. Her eyes were glowing faintly.

The Duke raised his hands and calmed everyone down. "Very well, I should have been more considerate. We can stay inside. How about some tea?" glaring at the maid who had the tray but was shaking so much she couldn't move.

Finally, the man who had been following me all day went over to her and took the cup meant for me as she gave the Duke his cup.

Stingy huffed heavier at him but he just slowly placed the cup in front of me and took up a spot behind me. That made me very uncomfortable.

Looking at the strange liquid it reminded me of the filthy water I usually drank…why would he give me dirty water? Watching the Duke drink, I let Stingy smell it. She didn't know what it was either. The Duke looked to enjoy it, so I delicately let it touch my lips.

They didn't become numb, there was no poison…maybe. Taking a small sip, it tasted strange and bitter. I didn't like it. Stingy turned her nose up at it as well. She was becoming very picky.

"Now…miss, may I have your name?" The Duke was back in his comfort zone as he spoke. At my continued silence he shifted uncomfortably and took another sip of his tea.

"It would be easier to talk with you if I could use your name."

"31, GET TO THE POINT." this was becoming tiresome.

"Very well, 31…this country is about to go to war. We will lose. We are no match for this advisory. He is a very powerful magician that has been able to conquer his kingdom and now he is on the warpath to conquer the world. If that happens, many people will die, and he will plunge this whole world to ruin.

"The progress we have made will be for nothing and we will go back to living in caves and throwing rocks at each other." The Duke took on a grave look as he talked. He was very dramatic.

"RUIN SUITS ME." Utter shock filled the room as they read my words.

"There is a prophecy When the sky bleeds and no stars shine, the black breath can only be stopped by the dreamless dreamer." The Duke let his words hang in the air.

"WHAT OF IT?" I didn't like where this was going.

"You have power over dreams, do you not?" the Duke took my silence as confirmation. It was true. I hardly slept now. Only when I was with someone else did I dream.

"That evil mage knows of this prophecy as well. If I know of you, he will too. What I was hoping for was to help you kill him before he kills you." His voice lowered and eyebrows drew together as he looked at me.

"SO THIS IS YOUR PLAY." He smiled at this. It was a small nervous smile.


The Duke waved his hand and a very delicate thin man came into the room and placed a large crystal in the center of the table. It began to glow and an image of a handsome man sitting on a blood-spattered chair in a large decorated room. Dead bodies with armor to well-dressed nobles, lay strewn around him. Blood and gore spilled from the bodies and all over the room. He was also covered in it.

"Prepare your self Kingdom of Bendail." Was all he said, and shivers coursed down my spine. Stingy scrambled to get back under my hood and hair.

The corpses then rose from the ground and breathed out a black mist. So he was a necromancer…

The gem then dimmed, and the thin man picked it back up and left the room.

"We have sent countless assassins and mages after him but he is too strong. No one is able to even scratch him. If he comes here…" the Duke let his voice trail off.

Indeed a man like this was not just looking to conquer but to kill off humanity it seemed. Someone created a monster they could not control. That thought made me smile. I too was a monster but not like that.

"Will you help us?" the Duke was full of tension and so too was the room. Petting Stingy she happily preened herself and my hair. she was up for it. She had been bored lately it seemed. Did I want to help them? No, but I did want to meet this mage. I felt a kindred spirit.


"Please I- oh, OH! Very good! Then we will talk about the details later." All the tension in the room left almost as if it took a sigh itself.

"OF COURSE." Standing stiffly the man who followed me opened the door for me and followed me out. I made a beeline for my room. All the maids and workers avoided me as I walked. That was fine. It made it easier to walk.

Opening the door to my room, a black whole welcomed me, and I greedily threw myself into it. Shutting the door tightly behind me I heard the man take up a post outside my door and sighed. Things were about to get interesting.