
The dreaming boy is a genius!?

Follow the story as we see how Kiyotaka Ayanokouji handles himself in another body, with a........ questionable background "I'd say that's putting it lightly" HEY YOU! NO BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL. "Then don't put me in the body of a simp next time..." HOW DO YOU EVEN- Actually nevermind, you did get his memories afterall.

sewerslvt · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Kawasaki Saki

There's still more!!!?

Wtf he's on a roll today :3


An uncoordinated punch aimed at my face came forwards with power. The man's form was extremely sloppy, if one were to kick his feet he would fall over. Not to mention his punch was imbalanced so he wouldn't be able to stop his charge.

I dodged his fist and kicked him at the side of his rib.


I punched his nose with enough force to knock him out before spinning to my left then blitzing towards the other thug and punching his liver. The man spit out blood as his body folded inwardly. 

"Urghh W-what the fuck, Why is this kid so strong!?"

'I'm not.' Rather than my power it was the momentum from my charge and the fact I hit him in his liver. My strength is nowhere near what I previously had. Though I am thankful that I still have my combat experience.

"Do you both still want to continue?"

"N-No man, we're good..j-just stay the fuck away from us."

"Not so fast. Wallets."

I wasn't about to miss the opportunity to gain some compensation for my trouble. 'Not that it was any trouble anyway.'


"You heard me…wallets. Now."

"Y-Yes, Here!"

'I wonder how i found myself in this situation anyway.'

After leaving Cafe Stile I didn't feel like going home right away, instead I chose to walk around the neighbourhood. It was already 7 so I'd only be able to stay out for two hours max. To avoid any trouble I sent a message to my mother letting her know I would be home late.

「I'll be home a bit late today okay mom.」

「Okay sweetie, don't get into any trouble okay ᡣ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶𐭩 ♡」





Dew was already falling, the crickets chirped loudly and the normally loud and busy streets quieted down a bit. It was still noisy, just less than it was during the morning. Tired office workers waiting at the bus stop and trying their hardest to get home quickly. Some falling asleep on ledges, others bar hopping, clearly drunk yet not ready to stop drinking yet. 


I could hear a female's voice screaming out from an alleyway, normally I wouldn't bother to check; however, her voice sounded oddly familiar. As such, my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to see who it was.



I could see a familiar pale blue haired girl in the alleyway. Dressed in an open black dress that had a split opening on the left side going up to her thigh. She was being encircled by two thugs that seemed to back her into a corner.


"Thank you Sajou-kun."

The girl was crying tears of relief as she thanked me over and over, bowing her head while shivering, most likely from the fear she felt.

"I didn't do much, but you're welcome."

"Mm mm" She shook her head as she responded to me.

"If it wasn't for you I don't know what would've h-happened to me."

"It's alright now." 

I waited for the girl to stop crying and catch her breath before I led her out the alleyway. We were situated in an empty playground sitting on the swings as we ate icecream I had purchased with my…recently acquired funds.

"So..if you don't mind me asking, how did you get yourself in that situation?"

She seemed hesitant to respond to me..but ultimately she chose to respond. Most likely out of gratitude towards her benefactor. The human mind is extremely fragile, if put in a situation where their fight or flight instincts are triggered and they are saved by another, they are overwhelmed with gratitude towards that person, and feel the need to accommodate to that person; even acting or doing things they would never do normally.

 I can take advantage of this fragile mental state if I want to; however this girl has nothing I want besides information to sate my curiosity.

"Well…you know how I always come to school late and sleep in classes right?"


The girl had always projected the image of a delinquent who played around late at night and came to school too tired to do anything. To individuals who spoke to her though, they could infer she didn't seem like the type to do that.

"Well, I've been working at a bar nearby."

"And why would you need to do that?"

Whilst our school was quite prestigious, tuition was free of charge. Not to mention public transportation via bus was free as well. Even if the girl was trying to save up to buy something she wanted there were plenty of part time jobs in the area that she could do during the evening to make up the money. Therefore I can only assume she's saving up for quite the large purchase, otherwise it made no sense as to why she would risk her safety and health for a slightly high paying job.

"I need money."

'Well isn't that obvious.'

Before I could say anything else, she continued.

"I need enough to cover tuition."

Tuition for this school was free, which could only mean

"You want to go to college?"

She seemed to be extremely embarrassed at her circumstance. Though if anything it was commendable.


"You do realise even if you have tuition, as long as your grades aren't up to their standards you won't be accepted right?"

"I-I know that."

"Then why risk your performance in classes? We are still first years so we have enough time."


"So instead of killing yourself with work, why not study and try for a scholarship?"

She stopped in contemplation. 'There's no way she hadn't considered that…right?'

"Hey, did you forget about scholarships?"

Her face glowed a bright red and she covered her face with her hands.

"I- Okay I did, I forgot."


"But, I'm extremely bad at studying!" She said while flailing her arms, she was clearly looking for an excuse for her negligence at this point.

"Studying isn't that hard."

"It isn't! But i suck at Eng— Wait, aren't you good at English?"

"I am."

"Can you please help me study!?"

It was surreal seeing the normally aloof beauty speaking so much— 

"What do I get out of doing that?"

still,that was about it. I had no more interest in her situation.

"I can't afford to pay you. How about I treat you to icecream every—"


'How do people keep finding out my weakness?'


Author note: End of the first part of my return mass release. Enjoy until the end of this mass release because…who knows when we'll run out of milk again.

 If y'all have any suggestions just lmk, also please help me fix any errors if there are any.


Love y'all

pce out.

Finally decided to update. This mass release is brought to you by Ril_Homura. Shoutout to Ril, my biggest supporter. Gives me powerstones almost every day <3

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