
The dream world.

Bali has gotten a new console that takes you into the game. The game was Minecraft with a few modifications. He had to kill dragons in the end dimension, make allies, remove enemies, progress in industrial machinery, and most importantly... Survive. What is he going to do? Whom is he going to meet? Is he even safe in the early stages of the game? He is yet to know...

bali_aka_the_dude · Video Games
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First intrusion.

Bali has acquired 3 nether stars after killing his second Wither. 1 Star was illegal, and the other 2 were okay. He needed a fusion crafting setup, so he went mining. Again. He found 12 diamonds, but no Draconium. That made him sad. He went home in disappointment.


He started to think of ways to collect Draconium dust. A void ore miner? No. It requires energy to work. A mining turtle? No. It requires fuel to work. He then gave up the idea, and started to think of ways to store his energy. He made 4 energy core stabilisers, and 2 energy pylons. He assembled them in a way that he could input the core, and make It work.


"Don't move!"

Bali turned round to see a blonde girl with nano suit armour. She had a nano saber, which illuminated the place.


Bali started to walk towards her.

"I said, DON'T MOVE!"

Bali was startled.

"Why have you come here woman? What in the living bedrock do you want?"

"I have come to seize you. My sole goal is to eliminate you."

Bali started to think of ways to get her onto his side. She came here to kill a person who has no armour.

"You're lost. You have no goal."


"Is your leader abusive? Is he or she getting better stuff than you?"


"Have you eaten? You look thin."


"Join me. I treat my peers with respect. I care for them as if they were my second body."

That got her interested.

"What do I get?"

"I will try to get you quantum suit armour as soon as possible."

"What about you? What armour will you get?"

"My end goal is to get draconic armour. The armour lets you fly without limitations, give you immunity to all damage and most importantly, you can disguise it as if there is nothing on you."

The blonde girl got interested in the armour.

"Can I also have it?"

"Yes. It will take a while... but it will happen."

Bali and the girl then shook hands and the girl left him. He thought that he said a bunch of empty words.


"I am back!"

Bali looked around and saw the girl coming back.


"Sorry for coming a bit later though, I got my stuff from there."

"Nice. Do you have any gold?"

"I have 20 gold ingots."

"Good enough."


"Felix, do you think she will come back?"

"I'm certain that she will. She cannot betray us. She will be killed too."

What will happen to the girl? What will happen to Bali? Who is Felix?

Time will show...


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