The end of The Dream Workshop and the final journey of Crusadia team. One year after Crusadia team learned about the exist of Kraton empire. Eva, Elastor, Julia, Lamalia, Grim and Belle now will fight for The Highland Continent. Their journey will end here.
Crusadia team took a quick breath to rest, Jake looked at them and said:
"William, who are they?"
William replied:
"They are the benefactors who protected us and brought us here. They belong to another land that was also destroyed by the empire."
Eva said:
"I'm Eva Gloria, we need to go into the castle."
Jake replied:
"Who are they really to be so reckless?"
Elastor said:
"Hey, how to deal with this fat guy?"
The manager was huddled in fear in the corner of the room, Grim giving him a sly smile that made him panic even more. Grim said:
"Feed The Predator, he's hungry."
Elastor also followed Grim with a cunning smile and replied:
"Yeah, what a great idea from Grim."
Belle immediately slapped them on the back of the head and said:
"Come on, we'll keep him. But he's certainly not worth using for us."
The manager hurriedly said in fear:
"But... but... I have the officer's badge to enter the castle."
Elastor replied:
"Who goes straight to the castle door? To surrender? We don't need that."
Eva said:
"Okay, I don't know what decision to make with him. Elastor, let you decide."
Elastor smiled cunningly and said:
"Thanks Eva."
Elastor approached the manager causing him to panic. Elastor tore off his expensive clothes, took all his money, and changed him into a ragged suit. Then Elastor kicked the manager out of the house and said:
"Don't ever come back here or try to tell the soldiers. Who would believe a rag like you?"
The manager was so scared that he ran away and dared not do anything. Elastor took the manager's money and threw it on the table to Jake and said:
"Here's the money. We'll pay anything to get in. Even if we have to go through the sewers."
Jake took the money and replied:
"Okay listen. I'm only doing this for money, life is very hard here, this money is enough to buy some medicine for them. I don't care what you are here for but please don't inform the soldiers about this money."
Eva said:
"I promise, now show us the way to the castle."
Jake said:
"Okay, follow me."
Jake took the Crusadia team down to the basement, where he hit the floor with a hammer. Elastor and Grim also help him break the floor. Underneath the floor was a sewer pipe, Jake said:
"Down here is a sewer from the castle down to the city and below. You can sneak into the castle this way."
Eva replied:
"Okay, here we go."
Grim summoned his sword and slashed at the sewer, he broke the sewer to get in. Elastor looked at the dirty sewer line with feces, urine and garbage, he said:
"Okay, who first?..."
Grim immediately kicked Elastor down the drain, his whole body smelling terrible. Elastor angrily covered his nose with a cloth and said angrily;
"Stupid Grim!"
Everyone started to cover their noses, Julia, Lamalia, Grim and Belle went down the sewer and moved towards the castle latrine. Eva was about to go down, when William said to her:
"Miss Eva, why are you so sure you want to enter the castle, isn't it too dangerous?"
Eva replied:
"I told you, we have to destroy the Kraton Empire. I'm not sure but I promise I can help you to escape from them. The slaves will be free soon, I have to go."
Jake said:
"You have brave hearts, good luck. And please save us."
Eva nodded and went down the drain and followed everyone. Those who remained were extremely grateful for their kindness and hoped that they would win to end the miserable life of the Kraton Empire. Crusadia team walked in the sewer, they held their guns high so they wouldn't get wet with gunpowder. Lamalia couldn't stand the smell, she said:
"Oh, damn it. When are we getting there, Elastor?"
Elastor took the lead and replied:
"I don't know either, this is a very dark sewer, can you put on some fire?"
Belle said:
'Hey, hey, don't do that, or the smell will get worse.'
Everyone was silent and continued on. Later, Eva, too tired of the smell, said:
"Oh damn it. Even though I've been to the dumpster twice, this stinks."
Elastor replied:
"Ahh, I want to die now."
An hour after walking straight in the sewer, people saw a light, they approached and looked up was a light from a hole. Julia said:
"Are we under the castle already?"
Elastor replied:
"Hmm, I'm not sure either."
Grim said:
"The Predator! Go check the above."
The Predator was summoned and replied angrily:
"Damn it, why am I the only one who has to carry the whole team of Spirits today?"
The Predator flew up, they were in the latrine, but it was the public latrine of area two. The disappointed Predator flew down and said in anguish:
"Still not there yet."
Everyone cried in despair in the sewers. Then they continued on, they passed many latrines but none were in the castle. Until, everyone stopped at the last latrine, Grim said angrily:
"This is the last latrine, The Predator! Go up there before I swim in this shit from exhaustion!"
The Predator got angry and flew up, thankfully they were in the castle this time. The Predator flew down and shouted happily:
"We're in the right place!"
Everyone shouted happily:
Above were several soldiers going to the toilet, they were a bit surprised to see a hyena with its head just popped up and the screams of joy below. Grim then fused with The Predator into half-hyenas and flew up over the toilet with a rope. But he realized his head couldn't make it through the toilet and poop got into his hair. Grim was really pissed off, he threw his smoke hand up and destroyed the toilet above his head. Grim flew up and saw the soldiers looking at him in surprise. Grim swung his smoke arm and captured them all, then broke their necks and killed them. Grim tied the rope and the people below climbed up. Seeing the slain soldiers being thrown into the corner, Belle said:
"What have you done again?"
Grim smiled smugly and replied:
"Just a little exercise in the early morning."
Elastor said:
"Okay, let's go out, remember to be quiet."
Julia quickly blocked the door with a log, she said dangerous:
"We haven't had a bath in three days."
Grim and Elastor turned pale. Then Grim had to build a thick wall of smoke that could not see the shadow in half the bathroom. Elastor took off his shirt and said:
"Bath? I'm too lazy."
Grim also took off his shirt and replied angrily:
"You think I want that? Nope."
Then the two of them poured water on their bodies and bathed together. Grim rubbed Elastor's back, he grumbled:
"Hey, why should I rub your back first?"
Elastor replied:
"Don't argue with me, hurry up you servant."
Grim grumbled further:
"And don't even think about giving your panther a bath."
The Star was startled to realize that Grim had discovered it. It got scared and withdrew. Elastor said:
"Hey are you absent-minded? The Star has been swapped for light."
Elastor said to Julia:
"Julia, lend us your soap."
Julia put her hand on the bar of soap over the wall and said gently:
"It's yours, Elastor."
Elastor received the soap and replied happily:
"Thank you honey."
Seeing that Elastor asked for soap in a very simple way, Grim said to Belle:
"Hey Belle, lend me your soap."
But Belle only replied coldly:
"Use with Elastor, I don't want you to smell my scent."
Elastor smiled as if to tease Grim, Grim was pissed off so he rushed to fight for Julia's soap with Elastor. Grim said angrily:
"Hey, lend me the soap too. Are you going to use it all?"
Elastor replied angrily:
"That's right. It belongs to my wife."
Grim choked Elastor and said with curiosity:
"Wait? Wife? Since when are you and Julia married?"
Elastor also strangled Grim and replied:
"Idiot, I invited you to our wedding too. You were so drunk that day that you messed up a lot of things."
Elastor and Grim kept fighting. Suddenly someone outside knocked on the door and said:
"Hey, why's the bathroom door jammed?"
Elastor replied:
"Please go to another restroom, sir. These toilets are broken."
The soldier outside said tiredly:
"Hah, this is the only restroom on this floor and it's broken."
Elastor and Grim heard him leave. Grim laughed and said:
"Hahaha, you sound weak, like a servant."
Elastor replied angrily:
"And let your wild voice do the talking? Then I don't want to be caught naked."
Elastor and Grim continued to fight in the shower. Later, everyone was clean and Elastor and Grim were even more dusty from fighting. Belle slapped her face and said:
"It's true that we shouldn't expect more from you two."
Elastor replied:
"Okay, let me peek outside."
Elastor opened the door a crack to look out and saw their location in a hallway. He looked through a bit and saw several soldiers walking around. Elastor closed the door slowly and said:
"There are many soldiers outside. About ten."
Julia replied:
"We've got five muskets here, can kill five at once if you aim carefully."
Grim said:
"The Predator and The Star can go on to deal with two more. That means we have to immediately block them their way, immediately disarm them before they fire."
Eva replied:
"Let's take care of the left quickly and let The Predator and The Star block the way of the right side. Ready?"
Everyone nodded and raised their weapons. Elastor immediately kicked the door and everyone rushed out. There were six guys on the left, Crusadia team immediately opened fire and shot an arrow at the same time killing them. The Predator and The Star were immediately summoned and charged at the four men behind them. The Predator turned into smoke and flew over them to block their path. The Star rushed forward and bit one of the necks. The Predator also lunged forward and bit one of them. The other two were about to raise their guns to shoot when Eva's two arrows hit them in the chest. The enemies were all dealt with, suddenly one of them was hit by a bullet in the shoulder and ran away. Lamalia took the enemy's gun and aimed, after she took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. The last bullet killed the other. Eva said:
"Okay we separate. Elastor and Julia go find a new zeppelin to get out of here. The rest must find the four pieces of Horux."
Lamalia said:
"Okay team, good luck."
After that, the Crusadia team split up and kept going. Back with Alata, he was chained up with a few other prisoners. Alata looked at the sleeping Onias below, he slept very deeply. Alata thought to himself:
"I've been here for two days, it's time to get out."
Alata saw The Imaginations fireflies around as if watching over the Onias models. Alata thinks:
"And get past them too."
Alata put on a cunning smile and thought:
"Hahahaha, they didn't know The Ghost could be completely invisible."
Alata summoned The Ghost, it was completely invisible and unnoticed by the fireflies. Alata spoke to The Ghost by thinking:
"Merge me into a ghost and get out of here."
The Ghost nodded and merged with Alata and transformed into his Ghost Cloak. Alata looked at Onias one last time and said:
"Sorry Onias, I'd love to finish that painting with you, but I have to go home first. I can't stay here for long."
Alata had turned into a ghost and flew away, suddenly he noticed the painting Onias was in the middle of drawing, which was still unfinished with the angel's face. Alata shrugged and thought:
"Hmm, looks like something's missing. Let me help him."
Alata took a paintbrush and dabbed it in yellow. Then he made some simple lines on the painting and finished Alata's innocent and pure youthful face like an angel (that's what he deduced about himself). Alata was proud of himself and thought to himself:
"Hahaha, I'm so good at drawing myself."
Then Alata waved goodbye to Onias and flew out of the room down the tower. Back to Elastor and Julia, both were walking around the corridors, they were also constantly avoiding the guards or had to secretly assassinate them. Julia watched behind them, she said:
"Where do you think it could be?"
Elastor replied:
"I think it must be near here. We're already five floors up."
Julia sighed, Elastor said with concern for her:
"What's wrong? Are you tired? I'm sorry we can't rest."
Julia replied:
"I'm fine, it's okay. Just a little dizzy."
Elastor said:
"If you want to rest, we can sit here for a few minutes and then we can move on."
Julia replied:
"I told you I'm fine."
Elastor suddenly picked up Julia and said:
"The Star! Look around for a moment."
The Star was summoned, it immediately looks around for minions. Julia said:
"You don't have to, I can go by myself."
Elastor replied:
"We have to keep moving if we don't want to stay in one place for too long, otherwise the enemy will find out. You can take a nap, we have The Star to protect us."
Julia sighed and rested her head on Elastor's chest, she said softly:
"I've been dreaming of a happy life together, at The Dream Workshop, maybe after we rebuild it. It's going to be a great time."
Elastor smiled lightly and replied:
"Yes, the two of us, with our children. That's more than enough."
Julia said:
"So we have to complete this journey together with everyone, for the future of our family."
Elastor said:
"You give me good motivation. If we can find their vault it will be even more fun."
Suddenly The Star ruffled fur, Elastor said:
"Are there enemies around? The Star."
The Star replied:
"It's not an enemy, it's just a feeling I don't like because it belongs to..."
Suddenly Alata's face appeared in front of Elastor and Julia and The Star's funny face. Alata laughed happily and said:
"Guys, I..."
Elastor and Julia immediately covered Alata's mouth and whispered:
"Be quiet for a bit."
Then Alata fell silent, Elastor and Julia immediately hugged him and said with emotion:
"Oh our best friend, you're alive. Twice already, don't scare and upset us again."
Alata also touchedly replied:
"Huhuhu, you guys think I'm dead again. I'm both sad and happy."
But they didn't notice that they were already surrounded by soldiers. All three thought to themselves:
"We're all dead."
Returning to the other four, they were moving through the corridors when they immediately stopped. Lamalia spotted a group of soldiers approaching them, she whispered:
"Quickly withdraw, they're coming."
Grim replied:
"We've got a few more after us."
Both corridors had enemies approaching and the four of them were stuck in the middle. Belle saw a vent over their heads. Belle said:
"Everyone, above us. Grim, lift me up."
Grim crouched down and Belle stood on his shoulder. She pry open the grille and had a look inside. Belle said:
"We can get in here, let's go."
Grim lifted Lamalia and Eva into the vent. Grim flew in and reassembled the grille. The soldiers passed by and found nothing. The four of them crawled in the ventilation and kept crawling up. Grim went last and kept looking behind Eva. Eva said:
"Hey, don't touch or look at anything."
Grim replied:
"Do I look interested? I like Belle's body better."
Eva immediately kicked Grim in the face and she and Lamalia looked at him with angry eyes. While Belle blushed embarrassed at Grim's compliment. They crawled in the ventilation for a while when Belle noticed a grille in front of them. Belle looked through the grille and saw that they were in Xanuguis's lab, she could clearly see the four pieces of Horux. Belle also noticed that Xanuguis was extremely tired and stressed by the four pieces, she pushed the papers off the table and said angrily:
"No results at all! Why haven't the best technologies worked on them yet?! Don't tell me this magic is stronger than machines?"
Belle whispered to everyone:
"We're here, but there's a Grand Generals here."
Eva was crawling on a grille. Suddenly it fell, causing Eva to fall into another pipe leading to an unknown location. Grim tried to catch her but couldn't, he said:
"Damn it."
Lamalia replied:
"You two find Paradise's location, I'll save Eva."
Then Lamalia also slipped down that pipe to find Eva. Grim jumped over the hole and whispered:
"Let's go, when do we get in there?"
Suddenly a chainsaw cut the vent behind Grim's feet and another chain saw cut the vent in front of Belle. Grim and Belle fell and were dragged out by Xanuguis, she looked at them and said angrily:
"You two? How did you two get here?"
Grim kicked Xanuguis in the face and said loudly:
"I don't need to explain!"
Xanuguis was already angry now she became even more furious, She turned her robotic arm into a blade and prepared to stab Grim. Suddenly a voice called out loudly:
Owl came in and continued:
"He's mine."
Xanuguis threw Grim to Owl, she said:
"Then get him out of here."
Grim looked at Owl and said angrily:
"You bastard."
Owl slammed into Grim's collarbone, knocking him out. Owl then dragged Grim to his room. Xanuguis looked at Belle and said:
"I hate to admit this but you're good at magic, aren't you?"
Belle frowned fearlessly at Xanuguis. Eva and Lamalia slipped so fast, they fell right into the Throne Room. The two clung to the robe on the neck of Xanuguis's statue and slid down and landed safely. Eva and Lamalia immediately stood up, summoned their weapons and looked around. Eva looked around the Throne Room, she said:
"Oh no, This is like the Throne Room, then..."
The two immediately turned around and discovered they were standing in the middle of the Throne Room and in front of them was the Throne of Everest. Korad came out and said:
"Hmm, who are these brats? Soldiers!"
More than a hundred soldiers stepped out from behind the statue and pointed their guns at Eva and Lamalia as if they knew they were coming. Suddenly Rhohan came out and said:
"Soldiers! Withdraw now, they are the emperor's guests."
The soldiers immediately lined up and moved out of the Throne Room. Korad said:
"Did you know that they would come, Rhohan?"
Rhohan replied coldly:
"No, not me. The Emperor already knew they were coming."
Eva and Lamalia looked up at the Throne and looked straight at Everest. He looked at them slowly and said calmly:
"Eva Gloria, queen of Gloria kingdom. Lamalia Corput, queen of Sandx kingdom. Welcome to my Empire."
Eva and Lamalia were surprised when Everest knew their names. Eva and Lamalia felt the warm and pure light of Everest, they looked back at him and looked like an angel.