

"Family is just like a tree whose branches grow in different directs but the roots still remains as one " , It is a guiding compass and the inspiration which help us reach great heights and our comfort when we occasionally falter . In short i can just say When we have a family we have everything with us .

sometimes we get exhausted of fighting the internal storms which arise due to misunderstanding or may be because our expectations didn't worth the struggle we face,. Quiting the family and trying to explore ourselves beyond our destiny isn't easier. Indian society questions our thought of quitting a lovable family. It gives nothing but isolation and Little bit of mental peace . It's true that" memories can be created but it can't be erased ". sooner or later we realize our worth in the family.

imagine a life without proper guidance and supoort. Where you are left all alone to struggle and to cope up with disappointment, discourage

The land of vizag is enriched with beaches, temples and the people living here are born with traditions. In the midst of crowd there lived two families . Mr Satya Narayan & his family , Miss Jyothi and her family. The customs and age old tradition binded all the families together . Although these two families were indifferent but still remained as one root yeah you are right ! one root? what's the connection? Chill! let me throw some light on this . Mr Satya narayana & Miss Jyothi were relatives . Jywothi was indeed as beautiful as a rose flower , and maintained a cheerful smile in any circumstance she would never loose hope and invested her faith in worshipping Lord Rama. Jyothi's family always restricted the freedom of girls but her dad Mr Murthy wanted to break down the chains of age old customs & tradition which burried the dreams of girls and burnt it to ashes. And the opposite is her aunt's family Mrs Lakshmi . Satya Narayana was the only son of Mrs Lakshmi , thereby, its common to be brought up with intense care . Satya Narayana never dreamed to start up a business . Time can change at any instance, who Knows whats going to happen in the next moment.

Satyanarayana followed the modern world rather than the age old customs . The two families always had a clash on this topic . who knows that someday the families would come to an understanding and get compramised. It's true that Life is all about getting adjusted with whatever little we have and it gives happiness . Satyanarayana:s . father wanted him to be a graduate just like him . But, the fear inside him didn't dare to speak harshly . The greatest fear of Satyanarayana was loosing his parents. The Grandhi house was stone built with wooden doors and windows .Iron gates lead into a beautiful garden . It had a large hall , , on the left hand side of the hall it had two well ventilated bedrooms. and a washroom backside. On the right side it had a beautifully constructed Lord Rama's temple .The temple roof and the pillars were made out of milky white marble .

in the centre of the large hall there's a Tulsi plant , dearest to Mrs Lakshmi . Satyanarayan's father was a successful business man in vizag. lakshmi's morning prayer's would cause disturbance to her one and only beloved son satyanarayana. who had faith in Goddess Lakshmi rather than anyone else. He would never start his day without his mother's blessings and then goes to the temple. Satyanarayan's father would sit in the wooden chair and read the newspaper aloud so that Lakshmi can listen to the news.

Just next to the open ground satyanarayana found his love Jyothi. but he never stepped into the Murty house .Still thinking why did satyanarayana stop ? The golden rules formulated in bringing up satyanarayana stopped him from getting close to Jyothi. Murthy house was a thatch . It had two bamboo tress and palm tress outside which beautified the Murthy house. Jyothi's father Karthik Murthy hated the business but he couldn't ignore his only sister Mrs Lakshmi . Jyothi was indeed reflection of her aunt Mrs Lakshmi .

jyothi's mother Mrs Deepa swaroopa brought a cup of flavoured tea in the garden where Mr .Murthy would water the plants .He treated the plants as a member of his family. Mrs Deepa and Lakshmi belonged to the family of vyshas. & were perfect examples for the family . After completion of class 12 satyanarayana and Jyothi dreamt of graduation and expressed their interest to their parents. Jyothi's mom hindered the further studies since she lived in a vysha family and followed the ave old customs where a girl was never allowed to step out of the house once she's grown up . This statement made Jyothi obsessed . on the other hand Satyanarayan's father was pleased to see his son getting close to his studies.

Every year the two families meet on special occasions and visit venkateswara temple. The temple was located above the mountain and had huge uncountable number of steps. while Satya thinks of expressing his love for Jyothi ,She arrives at the temple gates along with her family dressed up in a velvet blue dress donating fund to the temple heads. Satya questions his mother about Jyothi . With a cheerful smile she says " Satya! you are still young yo understand this concept! "

Satya gazes at Jyothi althroughout the rituals and wished Jyothi as his spouse . Satya determined himself to express his sincere love to Jyothi .He kept waiting for Jyothi to be found alone . Satya threw a rose flower which hit Jyothi and she looks at Satya . Satyanarayana signals to meet near the Old Neem tree .

Satya eagerly waited for the completion of the rituals and the Pooja .Indeed he's desperate to meet Jyothi. Satya tries so keep himself awake during the enchanting mantras but he failed to stop and fell asleep on his mother's shoulder . Lakshmi hated satya's lazyness and disobedience ,disrespectful behavior in the temple . she trues to move her shoulder is .so that Satya would wakeup . Lakshmi whispers "Satya! get up this isn't your home we are at the temple . Your t father gets aggressive if he see you sleepy " The Thief can't hide himself after he had committed the sin of theft . Satya's Father bent down to offer coconut and unfortunately he saw Satya in a drowsy mood .

it's hard to run against the clock ! will Satya thinks be able to meet his first love Jyothi? What would be her answer if at all Jyothi accepts his love . Will see you soon in chapter 2