
The "Great" Stag

(Cold!) was the first thing Leo thought as he regained his conscience.

Slowly he moved his arms and legs as he tried to get a feel for where he was however no matter how much he moved his limbs he never touched anything, he felt extremely cold and his body seemed like it was floating.

Leo opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a dirt floor 10 feet under him as he floated in the air face down.

[!!!!] he suddenly remembered what had happened before when he passed out.

[I fell through the wall and into water! but ... i can still breath and I'm not wet either, what is this?] he said while moving his limbs.

Leo slowly waved his hands under him and it feel very strange, it felt like it truly was water however he could breathe without a problem and his clothes were still dry.

(well what ever i have to get out of here first) Leo lifted his head and saw that he was in what looked like a crater, it looked like he was in a lake but the water was glitched?

He tried swimming but couldn't move, this water didn't act like normal water did. Leo flailed around a bit until he got the hang of how to move forward and he slowly flailed to the shore.

Upon shore he lied down on the ground to catch his breath

"this body is so weak and pale it looks like i didn't get out much before all this" he shook his head in disappointment as he judged his past self.

When Leo finally caught his breath, he stood up using his hands as supports and when his head was raised he became flabbergasted.

(Trees! Huge Trees!!!) around him were trees so large it made him feel like an ant.

The Towering trees were so thick you could easily fit a small family inside with enough extra space for a pet. They were so tall that there were clouds floating under the canopy and the foliage was so full that even though it was daytime the shadows made the forest around him dim.

That's not the only strange thing he saw, all around him were bushes of every size however the strange thing about it was that they were sculpted into shapes of different beasts and were swaying in the wind.

Leo walked closer to one of the bushes, it was a large cow with 2 sets of horns on its head. It didn't look like a cow he was familiar with, it was standing on 2 legs and even though it was a bush you could still see its strong defined muscles.

(The swaying is very strange, it looks so lifelike) the whole body wasn't swaying uniformly, instead it seemed like the limbs were moving separately.

From the corner of his eyes He saw another swaying bush that looked like a large serpent with 3 eyes two on the sides and a vertical one on his forehead, the wide open eyes made it look terrified.

(they are moving differently, what strange bushes) he would be scared if it wasn't for the fact that he could see light from the other side, how scary could something you could see-through be?

Standing still for a second it finally hits him, or should i say it didn't! There was no Wind! Since there was no wind how are they moving?!

Every single hair on Leo's body stood on end, He hasty backed away to the shore of the glitched lake.

(what is this place? Those bushes are too creepy, are they alive? maybe they are one of those carnivorous plants?) Leo tried to make sense of what he saw to lessen some of his fear.

He looks around and found a small smooth Stone, picked it up, wound up his arm, and threw it at the 4 horned cow that was closest to him.

The stone made a small arc in the air and then it hit ... the floor.

Scratching his head in embarrassment Leo picked up another Stone, moved a bit closer and tried again.

The new Stone made a small arc in the air but this time it just barely hit the bush cow. When the stone touched it, it immediately stopped swaying but only for a second and then started to desperately stagger. Leo waited for a few minutes but all it did was start to sway from side to side once more.

He tried a few more times with the other bushes but the result was always the same, including him missing all his first shots.....

(Though they are very creepy they don't seem to be dangerous, though i should still be careful since my body is so weak)

Leo picked up a branch close by and slowly approached one of the bushes, he stabbed the bush but it still showed the same response.

Leo also tried touching it with his hands well but it was all the same, the bushes were just creepy but not dangerous whatsoever, looking around he felt like he was in the den of plant medusa.

Leo's arm was getting tired from throwing rocks it even felt slightly numb so he decided to take a rest by one of the giant trees, he first touched it to make sure he wouldn't fall through (fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!) when he felt everything was okay he sat down and leaned his back against the trunk while facing the broken lake. Leo noticed that on the back of the lake was a large stone hill, the surface looked very like the stone wall he went through from back then.

(was that where i fell from?) Leo made a mental note of where this was in case he ever needed to come back in an emergency, though he doubted that he would be able to climb that hill.

Looking around one more time to make sure there was no danger he closed his eyes to take a short rest, he was starting to have a headache from all the things that had happened today, however unfortunately for him he wasn't meant to have a rest, from all around him he heard a voice so loud he covered his ears in pain.

"Are you comfortable?" the powerful voice said with a hint of mockery.

Leo quickly jumped up and rolled forward at least 3 times before He stopped and then turned around to face the tree he was leaning on but there was nothing there? He looked all around but still found nothing.

"Up here human child" The powerful voice said with amusement.

Looking up He finally saw it, a head so giant it made the thick trees look like blades of Grass. It was the head of a large stag, his fur was White as snow and his very large antlers looked like trees growing on a snowy mountain and the tree he was leaning on was actually his leg!

His eyes widened Leo was speechless He didn't move at all, there was no reason to, if this beast truly wanted him dead there was nothing He could do. He Just stood there and hoped that maybe it was like a T-Rex and could only see movement.

The deer furrowed his brows and Said.

"you are kind of dumb for a human aren't you? I can obviously still see you"

(!!!!! How did He know what i was thinking? Did He read my mind?)

"It's not hard to read the mind of such a small being" The stag said with mocking tone in his voice.

When He spoke you could feel a calming breeze carrying the smell of flowers.

Leo took a deep breath and then lowered his head, the smell of flowers seemed to calm him down.

"Please don't eat me oh great one! i shall be your loyal dog and do everything to please you" Leo said while looking down at the ground.

"hooo really? and what could you could possibly do for me?" The great stag Said amused.

"I could help by .. i could... look for?... i could.. find? .. .. .... Oooh i got it! every great being need lackeys! i can be the greatest lackey that ever existed! i shall make your enemies vomit blood in rage and strengthen your self esteem with my words, I'm practically support class!!" Leo said while raising his head and looking at the great beast with a straight face.

The great stag was surprised, how can there be someone so shameless? However he didn't dislike it, it's been a while since he even had a conversation with another intelligent being, though this little thing isn't exactly considered intelligent it was close enough.

"you have pleased me little one, tell this great being what your name is" The great stag said as he let out a chuckle.

Visibly excited Leo thought (if i can get such a strong backer i don't need to be afraid of anything anymore!)

"this little one is named Leo but divine being can refer to me as bug or insect" Leo quickly responded the great stag.

The stag chuckled again after hearing what this weak human said but after a few seconds his facial expression changed into one of horror..

"y-y-you ... you said your name was what??"

Leo saw the change in his expression and started sweating

"this lowly thing apologies, i didn't mean to offend the elder please forgive this one for what hes done, to be called a insect is too good for such a pathetic thing, parasite or worm would be more fitting" Michael Said as he lowered his head again even more.

´"what?? No! Repeat what you Said before!" the stag was getting more and more impatient

Leo gulped loudly and Said in a very small voice that was almost a whisper

"I'm sorry, this little one doesn't deserve a name, please spare us" As he spoke, his head was now so low it was touching the ground.

(What the f*ck is wrong with this thing?? does it not have a spine!?) The stag looked at him surprised.

He took a deep breath and once again the calming breeze with the smell of flowers spread throughout the Forest

"you said you had the name Leo, where did you come from? How did you get in this Forest?" the stag slowly and calmly asked.

"this little one woke up not too long ago in a small White room inside that hill, if i have intruded in your territory then this one apologies."

The stag became visibly excited and let out a big laugh that shook the forest "buahaha! good! Good! You are finally here! I've been waiting for you for over a thousand years!! The one who inherited everything!"

I happily accept both constructive criticism and power stones! =D

PeaceAndQuietcreators' thoughts