
Chapter 4 revised Rated R mature

Lillian stayed in the shadows watching Tanos who was always a dozen steps away from Calista watching her like a hawk, Lillian used the shadows to get close to him where she saw a set of throwing knives flash in his jacket that she could smell poison on them.

Tanos felt like he was being watched as if someone was right next to him, he pulled a blade stabbing at the shadow next to him and nothing was there.

" creepy ass castle " Tanos muttered to himself watching the two girls again who walked inside the garden, Calista kept looking towards an area where she always saw a red headed beauty who always stood there watching and the other staff could never see her.

" what or who are you looking for" Len asked staring that way as well, Calista smiled remembering When they were younger.

" so you remember the red headed beauty that we'd see over there where. mother has forbidden us to go with horror stories that would give us nightmares " Calista said laughing with Len who nods her head.

" I still wanted. to go to her and I'm still curious about the place like I'm being pulled that way " Len said drinking her wine, Calista smiled then walked over toward the foggy land when two pixies came out and pulled both girls back to the garden.

" girls now remember to not go that way yet, wait for your mothers permission" Gin said when her ears twitched hiding behind Calista while Fumble hid behind Len.

" hello girls " a beautiful woman with white hair and purple eyes walked up with a black form fitting dress that had slits down both sides of her thighs and a deep v cut on the front of her dress.

" Auntie Amina I'm glad you made it " Claista said hugging her aunt tight and kissing her cheek, she smiles at Len pulling her in for a hug too.

" you both have grown up so much " Amina said looking over at the first floor of the castle corner then smiles widely, Lillian couldn't help but to react then smacked herself in the face.

" who is that woman....I'm sure I'd remember someone like her" Lillian said racking her brain to think where she might have seen her before, she shadow jumps closer and could sear she seen that was eyes follow her still staring at her.

" I think your mother is looking for you so go inside and get done with this shit " Amina said. aking the girls laugh as they hug her goodbye, both the girls looked back to the foggy clearing really not wanting to leave.

Once the girls was gone a purple smoke shot out covering Lillian's body as they formed chains around her.

" oh no little girl you need to be punished" Amina said making Lillian's eyes go wide, she remembers someone saying that hundreds of years ago but still drew a blank.

" let me go bitch " Lillian said hissing at the woman whose stilettos are now on top of Lillian's head where she should see up the dress.

" ahh the carpet matches the drapes " Lillian said making the woman grin pulling her up where they are now face to face.

" damn you are beautiful, but seriously I'm busy right now and I don't want to fight a beauty like you " Lillian said glancing from Aminas eyes to her ruby red lips, Amina leans closer brushing her lips over Lillian's but not kissing her.

" to bad you don't remember me, I use to be married so I could only do certain things teasing you back then or he'd killed you since you were to young and weak." Amina said as Lillian tried to steal a kiss but couldn't, no one does that without permission but she had this little shit surprise her earlier taking one.

Even when she was married her husband didn't even touch her since he knew she could turn her body where she secreted the deadliest of venom and he didn't care as long as she was by his side.

" I gained a lot from him power, money and also fed off of him and all his warriors making me the strongest Kitsune here." Amina said rubbing Lillian's abs while grinning and the ruler of Thanos kingdom.

" my moon I've missed you so much " Amina said when Adriana appeared beside Tai breaking the purple chains then flinging her through a shadow making her end end up back in the dungeon.

" well shit " Lillian said under her breath looking around at the cells that was filled with almost all men except for a woman who looked to be in her twenties was picking the lock to the cell.

(" I'm going to see what she's up to while I have my shadows observing those witches outside plus my girls I have to watch ") Tai thought to herself while shadows pulled up from around the castle watching all her targets.

Amina smiles at Adriana then intertwines their arms walking to the foggy grounds that's prohibited to others where the cabin is hidden along with the grounds around it with magic.

" it's beautiful here, this place has been brought along with you since youve had Lillian.... You say she's not your mate but I must be honest I think you're lying to yourself and to others" Amina said turning to look at Adriana.

" it's ok we both choose power over our mate, I'm starting to regret that plus I want my niece to live and your unstable core could be fixed if we work hard doing it. " Amina said looking down the hill at the kingdom, she smiled the. turned to the cabin going inside looking at the art that Lillian has done.

There were stacks of paintings that she did that had a few of Adriana, Calista zat different ages and then she saw a few of a woman with white hair and the body done but the face isn't filled in.

" she's really good ... she draws and paints as well as you do" Amina said frowning looking at the unfinished paintings of her that have dust on them and walks over to the art desk seeing pages filled with purple eyes making her smile.

" she does remember somewhat" Amina said making Adriana laugh while walking over jerking the notebook from her.

" you wanted her to forget while I lied to make her leave" Adriana said tossing the pages making them scatter across the room, Amina takes a few seconds composing herself to not show that she still has feelings for Lillian.

" you turned your back on them and let that bastard kill most of her people, we lost her parents who was out best friends. I sacrificed some of my tails so they could live with most of their kind stuck for only the divine knows I'm that dimension. I had to suppress my feelings for my mate without breaking the bond while you use a spell to make her forget you.....OHHH let's not forget how many times I caught you watching her for these hundreds of years, thinking no one knew " Adriana saidwatching Amina throw paintings of Adriana that Lillian painted out the door.

" you bitch " Adriana said going outside picking them all up and using magic to repair them as Amina does the same with the art book.

" I'll alwaysove her, at least you've been by her side and she looked at me not knowing or feeling anything for me,,,,,,,,," Amina said sitting down on Lillian's bed as Adriana done the same while they both sit quietly and hold hands.

" I am working on revenge my own way making the son of a bitch slowly wither away and I control the kingdom, he has children who have been coming to the kingdom more and more trying to gain power.

I'll be strong enough soon to save you and then we can bring our friends back, hell what's another few years compared to the thousands we've already lived through...give me time plus I need to replicate your feelings for your daughter, Lillian and all of us that you love " Amina said pulling out a black and red ruby that was shaped like a heart that she done spells and magic to pull these feeling and memories from Adriana in case she forgets it all. Which will soon happen when she goes on a rampage as her inner demon will take over since her core is to damaged plus her soul was split into four that was lost saving Lillian when she was a baby.

" I want to spend a couple of nights with Lillian as you need to do as well " Amina said with a soft smile laying back on the bed storing the gem in her storage space,

Adriana kisses her lips lightly then disappeared.

Lillian was in the dungeon smiling at the girl who kept dropping the piece of metal, Lillian takes her horns and other things away looking human walking over picking up the small piece of metal.

" so I've watched you for over an hour trying to get out.... well it seems the one who locked you up used magic on the lock " Lillian said looking at the beauty whose locked up with ripped clothing, she can tell what happened and she never thought one of the generals of Adriana's armies was like this.

" he's good at blocking his aura and things he has done to innocent people, some of the councils men tried and you fought them off well " Lillian said as black wisps went inside the lock making it fall to the floor.

" how would you like to work for me Bella since no one in the city will hire you now and the guards will arrest you at first sight " Lillian said looking around seeing three more women who have been through hell.

" how can I trust you to help us " Bella said looking over staring at the other beaten women then back to Bella, she bites into her wrist to use a binding spell Adriana taught her it'll make the other person stronnger or even a normal person gaining elemental powers.

Bella has seen this before and when she looks into Lillian's eyes that draw her in she can't help but to want to trust her or be close to her.

Lillian looked at the brown haired girl looking into her hazel eyes, a flicker of hope went across her beautiful eyes for a moment and grabbed Lillian's wrist drinking the blood that tasted like honey.

Bella's eyes rolled in the back of her head moaning and Lillian had to jerk her hand away, when she heard voices coming from the back of the dungeon where she saw a light coming from under a crack in the wall.

" all of you keep quiet I'll be here in case they try something, but I need to see and hear everything they speak about " Lillian said putting the lock back on after stepping inside the cell with Bella hiding in the shadows, six men exited through a hidden passage.

" when do we meet Rollins" Jax said walking by the girls cell where they huddled under the bed acting asleep, a younger one stepped closer throwing a bucket of piss on them making them gasp.

" Austen why did you do that now we'll have to wait until their cleaned. " Jax said when a big man pushed by them standing in front of Bella's cell with a mischievous smirk, General Shane stepped forward.

" let's go over the plan first, Rau has set up a meeting at five in the morning for all of us to meet except for the soldiers that all six of us are over. We'll meet near the trail that leads to the foggy grounds where the cemetery is and have at least sixty men under the cover of night for anyone trying to follow or spy. Jax after you have your fun stay back with a group of ten men watching the castle especially the ones on the list." General Shane said as Jax patted a small satchel on his side, The five men left the dungeon after Shane unlocked the lock with gey wisps of magic making the lock fall to the ground and left Jax who started taking off his armor then left only a pair of under shorts on entering the cell.

A few of the men in the cells started shouting for him to leave the girl alone while the other two girls were reaching through the cell bars trying to grab at him to stop him.

Lillian took notes of who tried to intervene or get him to stop while, watching him get closer to Bella who was still under the effect of drinking Lillian's blood panting while keeping her eyes on Lillian.

" I'm guessing you're tired of the rough treatment, I hated how Shane put you five girls in that brothel and I heard that the two customers you took on so the others didn't have to. They wasn't easy on you either then you killed two of the vip men who attended for your sister and now she's stuck there with the other girl while you three are here for me " Jax said pulling Bella by her legs to him and when he was about to rip her clothes off Lillian had him pinned to the wall by his throat with her canines showing.

" so you are one of the generals under Shane, I love finding one of your secret passages and hearing about the meeting....what I want to know is when Rollin is meeting them and how to get a hold of him " Lillian said when she felt Bella running her hands up Lillian's legs, she ignored the girl even when she started rubbing her bulge.

" you're a demon " Jax said seeing the horns and wings as Lillian wrapped Bella up with her tail, Lillian was thrown off guard when Bella started sucking on the tip of her tail makinga moan slip out.

Lillian used her nails to cut across Jax chest down to his stomach stopping at his waist band, he tried to scream but his lips seemed to e glued together.

" I'll take the spell off and if you scream or anything I'll rip your small four inches off, which is sad compared to my nine to ten inches or when I'm in a rut it's larger than that. Any who tell me now I might let you live plus Adriana is on her way down any minute and you've seen what she does. " Lillian said almost moaning out again when Bella was deep throating her tail which is one of her sexual organs also killing weapons.

" At the cemetery there is a hidden door in the third mausoleum that belongs to the kings grandfather, in that satchel has the words to speak also other things I keep in case they betray me....you'll need me since some of the words for the spell is left out " Jax said as she shuts his mouth again taking her long nails down his face and different parts of his body.

Black wisps come from the shadows wrapping him from head to toe only leaving his nose and toes left out, it pulls him into a dark dimension where she's holding him.

" Bella stop come here " Lillian said helping Bella up pulling her tail away, Bella looked down seeing a large bulge in Lillian's pants.

" we need the innocent ones out along with the others who can work off their crimes or face the Queen....repeat after me.... I pledge myself to you as my master who I'll never betray and will follow no matter what." Lillian said holding Bella close to her as her hand slipped inside Lillian's pants gently stroking her.

" I Bella will pledge my life and body to my mate forever" Bella said kissing Lillian hungrily as their bodies glow red while kissing each other, Lillian looked at the the thirty men who had black wisps pull them inside the shadows while the black wisps gently hold the girls hands walking them inside where they end up inside the cabin where Gin was waitingvinvthevgirka with the other pixies who had potions, clean clothes and large baths with showers ready for them along with clean towels and clothes laued out on the bunk beds in the guest room.

Lillian Rips Bella's dress open making the girl moan when Lillian picked her up pinning her against the wall, Bella reaches down grabbing Lillian's member lining her head up with her entrance where she was so wet it was running down her thighs.

" AHHHH HAAH OHHH SHIT" Bella moans out when Lillian slowly pushes inside of her only a Quarter of the way inside of her, Bella started to push down to take more of her inside.

" Lillian I need you inside me now " Bella said as she moves up and down, Lillian gently pushes the rest of the way inside of Bella kissing her while letting her get used to her size. When Bella was ready she started rolling her hips while bouncing up and down, getting mad when Lillian doesn't move and bites into her neck drinking some more of her blood.

Lillian starts to move picking up the pace growling as she starts pounding in her harder, Bella snaps her head back making an "o" shape with her mouth while bouncing in rhythm with Lillian.

" OHHHHH FUCK BABY YES SO GOOD AHHNNN Hahn" Bella moans out as her walls tighten around Lillian's member making them moan out when Bella hits an orgasm as Lillian kept thrusting in her then when she felt her release coming filling Bella while she continues thrusting in and out of her.

Lillian bites into Bellas neck while releasing inside of her again and Bella hits another orgasm smiling while they continue, Lillian pulled out of Bella turning her around pushing her front against the wall while raising one of Bella's legs then pushing back inside of her from behind making Bella arch her back pushing back meeting Lillian's thrusts.

" OHHHHH YES MMMM don't stop AHHH HAAH AHHNNN" Bella moans out hitting a third orgasm when her legs started to shake and Lillian held her up by holding behind both Bella's knees pounding inside of her while hiding her up against her.

" OHHH shit Bella mmmph " Lillian moans out releasing inside of her again, she tries to pull out when Bella held her hands when she sat her down on her feet.

" I want more...but I think I'll pass out " Bella said looking over her shoulder kissing Lillian lovingly, Lillian pulled out one of her long shirts putting it on Bella then carrying her bridal style through the shadow arriving inside one of her bedrooms where Gin came inside.

" heal her then bathe her then put her in the room with the other two girls " Lillian said going inside another room where she is the only one whose supposed to be inside that room that has her art with a small bed and goes inside taking a shower.

Her shadows are connected to her so she sees what they see and right now both girls are asleep in bed and her shadow seen both Adriana and the white haired woman went into the cabin then she felt her shadow disappear after hearing the things they side about mates, her family and both women pushing her away by making her forget or making her keep her distance that was it when Adriana seen the shadow then snapped her fingers making it disappear along with two shadows shaped as spiders as well.

" how much did she hear " Amina asked taking a drawing of her eyes with her along with some she made of her parents she seen in her dream along with a few of Adriana, Her niece also ones of Len and a few of the fae creatures along with Calistas other friends.

" enough she'll be coming back to shower and get ready to scout out some new info she got, I also need to meet this Bella and her family since Lillian blocked me out when things got good " Adriana said making Ami a frown when she heard that, they both disappeared I. purple smoke going. sck to the castle and Sminsstltex the drawings in her storage space that's in a dimension that Amina made that she can enter along with storing people inside.