
The Dramedy Adventures of Tilda Attaway

A commoner maid named Tilda tries to keep Lady Cosaria out of trouble. A feat that may be impossible given the lady's disposition. In a twist of fate, Lady Cosaria gets shipped off to marry the tyrant Duke Delrik Alabaster Arquix and Tilda gets dragged along as her personal maid. Whether it be tyrants, monsters, cultish priests, or a hot knight commander, Tilda will do anything to save her lovely mistress. UPDATES DAILY Check out the AI art on Pinterest and Instagram under my username: CopperTopHero

CopperTopHero · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 43: A Day on the Town

A new status quo settled over life at the castle Arquix.

Having arrived at the castle, Marley began work as the new lady in waiting for Duchess Cosaria Arquix. She sat in the library chewing on a pencil, glaring at a paper while Tilda sat beside her, pointing out the different numbers and their correlation. Cosaria was looking over Marley's shoulder curiously. While Cosaria had no idea what anything on the paper meant, she thought it must be important since Marley took it so seriously.

Finally, Marley threw her hands up and buried her head into the couch, biting her lip to keep her from crying. Tilda thought Marley was doing great, but that she was just getting down on herself for not getting it fast enough.

Cosaria hugged Marley, showing deep concern, while Tilda found the whole thing amusing. Needless to say, Marley fit in very well.

As for Felux and Delrik, they were busy uncovering the secrets behind the 'demonic' attacks on the towns and churches. Felux became busy doing undercover missions for Delrik. So far, nothing turned up fruitful.

After a few days of being so busy it was as if he had gone from the castle, Felux found that he missed Tilda terribly. When he finally had a chance to see her, he was disappointed to find Tilda as happy and content as ever. He felt like she didn't miss him as much as he missed her.

Felux said, "You donna miss me when I'm gone. That hurts. I feel like you don't care."

Tilda said, "I do care, I'm sorry I haven't been able to show that properly. But you have to let me explain. It's not that I didn't miss you, of course I wanted to see you, but I wasn't distraught about it, not because I don't care, but because I trust you. I know that you care, I know that you're busy and that you're doing important work. Now you need to understand that I'm not going to pretend like I'm hurt or in pain or melancholy just to make you feel better."

Felux shook his head. "Naw, I donna want that."

Tilda said, "Good. I wanted to be strong for you and it was easy for me to wait, because I knew that you'd make time for me once you could. It's not that I don't care, it's because I trust you."

Felux kissed Tilda. She was so wonderful.

Pulling away, Tilda said, "But if you could manage to make some time for me, I'd love that."


And with a renewed fierce determination, Felux managed to get a day off so he could take Tilda for a day on the town.

Felux waited for Tilda in the doorway of the kitchen wearing his best informal outfit. Energy was bubbling out of him and he was glowing, almost as brightly as Cosaria.

When Tilda arrived and saw his smile, she said, "You look excited."

"Course, I'll spend the day with you."

Then he grabbed her hand and led her away saying, "I'd heard there's a traveling theater troupe in town and if we hurry, we'll catch their performance."

Tilda, who already knew about the theater troupe as gossip was her specialty, was infected with Felux's excitement. She said, "Sounds like fun!"


Felux and Tilda sat on some hay bales towards the back of the town square.

The master of ceremonies, slender with a colorful costume, took centerstage on a pageant wagon set up at the front of the square. The audience surrounding the wagon immediately quieted.

"Welcome all!" Their host said, "To our magical production of 'The Divine Maiden'."

Felux turned to Tilda and said, "I thought that was a church belief."

Tilda pulled an orange out of her bag and began peeling it as she said, "It is, but a lot of people tell stories about it. Embellish the legend and all that."

Tilda gave Felux half of the peeled orange as the host on stage bowed and said, "Without further ado, enjoy!"

The host took the narrator's spot on the side and began telling the story as the action on stage played out.

"There once was a beautiful maiden, simple in nature, pure in heart."

A beautiful woman wearing a simple long cloak sat humbly on the stage with head bowed in prayer.

"From the sky, a dove descended upon the beautiful woman, and bestowed upon her its divine blessing."

A white bird flew into the beautiful woman's lap. She picked up the bird as light glowed onto the woman and centered around the bird in her hand.

Tilda nudged Felux whose jaw was dropped from the amazing special effects. Tilda pointed to a man on a rooftop holding a mirror angled towards the stage. While it broke the illusion of magic, it didn't take away how visually interesting it made the performance.

Felux whispered to Tilda, "You think Lady Cosaria'd fall fer that?"

"Pftt," Tilda had to cover her laugh. She knew Cosaria would definitely think all the special effects and mechanics were real.

The narrator continued, "Twas her, the divine maiden, chosen of the skies, in determining future's fate."

The beautiful woman extended her hand up, and the bird flew away as the light continued to rest upon her visage. The audience gasped as she stood and dropped her cloak, revealing a beautiful, ornately jeweled white priestess gown.

"She began to search for the gate to heaven."

The stage hands pulled a rope and released a curtain backdrop of a painted forest scene. The beautiful woman walked through the forest, dramatically looking into the distance as if she was searching for something.

"As she searched, she came across evil demons, tormenting the poor souls of humanity."

An ensemble of peasant farmers entered the stage followed by actors in red and black devil costumes. The devils poked the farmers with pitchforks. The beautiful woman reached her hand towards the devils.

"Using her power, she expelled the demons back to whence they came."

The audience jumped back as pyrotechnics exploded from the corners of the wagon. Most of the farmers joined the beautiful woman, bowing and raising their arms as if in worship. They followed her, as she walked off the stage.

"However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not truly expel the demons."

A farmer who remained on stage, and did not follow the herd, turned to talk with a demon. The demon stood down center stage, as the farmer bowed to it.

"Humanity itself lived a cursed and mutilated existence, desiring to chase after demons and their power."

The beautiful woman, in a new costume; bigger, poofy, more jewels, more embroidery, more luxurious than anything Brutis Baxarte could buy, entered the stage on a raised platform.

She had tears in her eyes.

"As her last attempt to save humanity, she sacrificed herself to open the gate to heaven. She said;"

The woman spoke, "Though I cannot keep humans from seeking demons, perhaps I can show them a path leading into the skies. Leading into heaven. Leading to me."

A growing light illuminated the spot where she stood. Then the platform underneath her opened up and water shot out of the platform, as she fell down into it.

"Then she vanished. Forever guiding humanity away from demons, and towards the path she opened. The path she provided. It is only through the divine maiden that we can each be saved from the demons of this world."

The light on the sprayed water created a rainbow effect. Birds were released and flew out of the water into the sky.

It was so over the top, Felux dropped a piece of his orange. Both he and Tilda had raised eyebrows and a curious bewilderment.

Clapping as the actors bowed, Tilda popped the rest of her orange in her mouth.

Felux commented, "Enlightening."

Tilda said, "Those special effects really were something."

"That divine maiden, she opened the gate to heaven?"

"In other versions she locks the gate to the demon realm. It varies, but there's always something about a gate."

"It's a folktale then."

Tilda shrugged, "A folktale, a legend, a prophecy, something like that."

As the couple walked along, they passed a savory fresh smell drifting in the air. They both sniffed happily.

Felux asked, "You hungry?"

Tilda said, "Yeah."

"I know a braw place with steak and potatoes."

"I don't want steak and potatoes. How about chicken and rice?"

"That meal's too common at the castle. We eat it all the time. I want steak."

Tilda said, "I'm not in the mood for steak."

Felux said, "I donna want chicken."

"You can get something else."

"But it's a braw steak."

"What's braw mean?"

"Good. Braw's really good."

"How about this," Tilda suggested, "You go to your steak place, and I'll go get my chicken, and we'll meet up afterwards."

"I wanna eat together."

Tilda put her hands on her hips saying, "Then make a decision, because I want my chicken."

At the eatery, Tilda and Felux sat at a table as piping hot chicken and rice was served on the table. Tilda took a happy bite while Felux forked the food gloomily.

Felux said, "Next time, we're goin fer steak."

Tilda said, "I can agree to that."

After their meal, Felux brought Tilda to a grassy spot of land overlooking the town. They sat down together and enjoyed their vantage point.

Felux said, "I'm thinking of takin on an apprentice."

"Really? Why's that?"

"It'd be fun. I've never had an apprentice."

"Would you have time for it?"

"I'd find a way to manage. And one of the other knights could take over when I'm not available."

Tilda pictured Felux yelling at a kid to run five more laps and laughed.

Felux asked, "What?"

"I love the idea of seeing you with kids."

Felux blushed.

"In a totally, no pressure way," Tilda said, clearing her throat, not sure if she said the wrong thing.

Felux's eyes softened, saying without words that he loved that idea. He put his hand on hers but looked up into the sky, soaking in the sunshine. With eyes closed, taking a deep breath, Felux said, "I'd like to capture this moment forever."

Tilda rested her head on his shoulder and said, "Me too."

They enjoyed the moment for as long as the sun allowed them.

Later that evening, Tilda and Felux were holding hands walking along. Tilda waved to some of her local village friends as they passed by.

A young woman, just younger than Tilda, waved back. Her name was Lillis. She said, "Tilda! Oh hello."

Tilda gestured to the man standing next to Lillis, and said, "Is this your beau, Heinry?"

Lillis blushed, "We're engaged now actually."


"And is this Felux?" Lillis said with a bow.

"Yes," Then Tilda turned to Felux saying, "Felux, this is Lillis. Her family runs a fruit stall. She always knows the juiciest gossip on the nobility and their events."

Lillis said, "I try to keep up to date on current events."

Heinry spoke up asking, "Are you two going to the barn dance?"

Felux said, "We dinna know about it."

Lillis grabbed Tilda's free hand and said, "You have to come with us then. There'll be a bonfire, games and dancing. If you have time of course."

Tilda glanced at Felux to try and read his thoughts. He smiled.

Felux said, "We'd love to go."

The barn dance was a special event put on by locals for locals. A fiddler, trumpeter, and a tambourine percussionist played on a raised platform, while the couples danced. A few tables sported playing cards.

Tilda and Felux danced in line with the rest of the commoners, twirling and laughing. Then they went to the table and played cards. When Tilda showed her cards, she smirked as Felux's eyes nearly bulged out of his head at her full house.

As the night died down, they sat in front of the bonfire. People all around chatted, drank and laughed. It was a warm and friendly atmosphere where everyone cared about everyone, and neighbors looked out for each other. They were happy just being together.

That night, just outside the servant's quarters, Felux and Tilda were passionately kissing. Breathing heavy, Felux broke away and looked away.

Tilda asked, "Would you like to come in?"

Felux tensed.

He said, "Ah, I'm, naw. That's, if I'd go in we might. I might not be able to hold back. Somethin could happen."

"I'm okay with that."

Felux gulped, "I'm… not."

"Oh…" Tilda said, confused.

"Donna misunderstand. It's not that I don't want to. I want to. I… my family. It's a custom. I save intimacy fer marriage."

Tilda's hand slid behind Felux's neck as she drew closer. She said, "That's just a family custom."

Felux withdrew from Tilda's touch saying, "Naw, it's me. It's what I want. I want to save it." He glanced at Tilda and in his eyes was a look of pure terror. He was afraid she would feel like he rejected her. "Please understand."

Tilda searched Felux's eyes for a moment. All she could see was genuine concern and an underlying anticipation for his future. She said, "It's something that's important to you?"

Felux nodded.

Tilda sighed, "Then I'll respect it."

"You will?"

"I care about you, not just your body, though I can't say I'm not disappointed."

A mischievous glint came to Felux's eye when he said, "When the time comes, I promise not to disappoint."

"When the time comes?"

Felux leaned his face closer and whispered, "I love you."

He kissed her, then she kissed him back, pulling him in passionately.

Face flushed with adrenaline, he broke the embrace and said, "Ah- good night."

Then he left abruptly.

Tilda, arms crossed, leaned against the wall.

"He always leaves me wanting more," Tilda said into the night sky.

Thanks for Reading!

Yeah, don't expect a lot of spice in this story. Expect clear boundaries and healthy communication.

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