
The Dramedy Adventures of Tilda Attaway

A commoner maid named Tilda tries to keep Lady Cosaria out of trouble. A feat that may be impossible given the lady's disposition. In a twist of fate, Lady Cosaria gets shipped off to marry the tyrant Duke Delrik Alabaster Arquix and Tilda gets dragged along as her personal maid. Whether it be tyrants, monsters, cultish priests, or a hot knight commander, Tilda will do anything to save her lovely mistress. UPDATES DAILY Check out the AI art on Pinterest and Instagram under my username: CopperTopHero

CopperTopHero · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 40 - By the River

Lady Selinda first felt her breath rise and fall as she awoke under a cloudy sky. She felt aches in places she'd never known existed. As her eyes opened wide, her clearing vision spotted that maid, Tilda, sitting under a tree poking at a small fire. Selinda sat up, but immediately her hand went to comfort her head as a sharp pain stung through her eyes.

"Ow. What happened?"

Tilda pointed to the cliff and said, "We fell."

"We're alive? What happened to the demon?"

Tilda pointed to the river and said, "We fell into this river and I pulled you out. The demon got washed away by the current further down."

Something white on Selinda's body caught her eye. Selinda realized someone had put an apron over her to cover her. It had a stain on it. Ew. It must have been the maid's apron. She stared at Tilda, and said, in almost a question, "You saved my life."


Selinda coughed, pretending that she wasn't moved by the deed, she said, "Well, it's only right, seeing as how I'm nobility. I'm sure someone will come looking for me soon. It's so chilly out, couldn't you have found us a cave or somewhere for us to dry off?"

Tilda rolled her eyes, "You think there's just going to randomly be a cave around here?"

Selinda said, "We fell off a cliff. There's always caves below cliffs. It's common knowledge." Selinda had heard hundreds of stories where nobles fell off cliffs and took refuge in caves. Most of those stories were in fantasy books, but still, it was only to be expected.

Tilda said, "You haven't been out in nature a lot have you?"

"It's common knowledge."

Tilda shrugged and poked the fire, "If you say so."

"So, what are we doing? You should be taking me back to camp."

"Yeah, I'd do that if I knew how, or where we are. But I don't. So I have a fire, and the fire has smoke, and the smoke will signal our location so any rescuers will find us."

"Oh. That's…" Selinda said, "Actually really smart."

"It's common knowledge," Tilda said, hiding her smirk.

The tally:

Tilda: 2 Selinda: 1

"Any second now, someone will come running up this riverbank calling my name. I am a noble lady after all," Selinda said. Her admission was more to reassure herself than anything else. In her deepest heart, she wasn't sure anyone would actually care to find her.

Tilda asked, "Are you sure you're a noble?"

"Wuah-! I'm Marquis Pafster's first daughter. How could you even ask that? You ignorant commoner!"

Tilda shrugged, not caring either way, she said, "The way you keep emphasizing it makes it seem like you're trying to justify it to me. Only people with something to hide or something to prove will justify an inarguable truth."

Selinda was made very uncomfortable by Tilda's words. With proud airs, Selinda said, "I'm not justifying my nobility. Don't be so presumptuous."

Selinda sneezed and shivered as Tilda came over to her.

Tilda said, "We need to get you out of your outer dress so you'll dry off faster."

Selinda nodded as her stomach growled.

Tilda said, "And after that, I'll find us something to eat."

This maid was so attentive and almost… caring. Selinda wasn't used to people actually taking her basic needs into consideration (usually only the frivolous needs got taken care of). For some reason, even though she was nobility, Selinda didn't feel like she deserved such attention.


Cosaria reached for the cliff, but Delrik held her back.

"Tilda!!!" Cosaria screamed.

Taking the reins of his horse, Felux turned and called back to Delrik, "I'll find them!" Then he bolted to find a safe way to reach the river.

Cosaria turned to Delrik, asking, "Aren't you going to go after them too?"

"We can't risk it."

"But, but you have to! Tilda-!"

"Felux will find Tilda and the Lady."

Cosari's panic rose, "But the beast!"

Delrik said, "Felux will take care of that as well. It's important we don't give into hysteria."

This is obviously all a ruse put on by the church to cause panic among the nobles, Delrik thought, Why else would Grysle bring a priest to a hunting competition.

Delrik approached Lady Loris and Ulteo, Selinda's underlings. He said, "Listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you or I won't hesitate to finish the job intended by the demon beast."

The Ladies began to tremble as they realized their savior had now become a worse threat.

Delrik said, "You will go back to the competition and you will act like nothing is wrong."

Loris whimpered, "But… but Lady Selinda."

"My Knight, Sir Felux will find her," Delrik said. "It is imperative that nobody knows what you saw or experienced here. Understood?"

Terrified, the Ladies nodded.

"And if I find out you opened your mouth about this incident, your lives will be the first to go. In fact, I'd suggest it would be in your best interest to leave upon your immediate return."

The Ladies nodded.

Cosaria said, "Let them stay with me. While they wait for Tilda and Lady Selinda."

Delrik stared at Cosaria, calculating if the amount of effort used to enact his order was worth an argument with Cosaria.

Finally, Delrik decided that her request was not too large to fulfill. He said, "Very well."

Cosaria approached the woman and hugged them. Together, they trembled with tears and whines.


Dressed in her underdress, Selinda sat by the fire while Tilda sat by the river with a make-shift fishing pole.

Selinda was mostly dry by now, but her patience was wearing thin. She said, "How come nobody has come for us yet? They should have stopped the hunt completely."

Tilda said, "Hm…" She was focused on her fishing.

"I'm so hungry. How come you haven't caught anything yet?"


"If only I had fallen off the cliff with a handsome noble. He would have found a cave. And he would have found food already." She kept thinking about her favorite romance stories where the two lovers secluded themselves in caves and had to cuddle to stay warm.

Tilda said, "I think you give noblemen too much credit."


"You think a nobleman knows how to makeshift a fishing pole? Some hardly know how to start a fire." From everything Tilda had learned about the life of gentry, they were taught in the ways of book learning and society impressing. Sure, they could hunt and use a bow and arrow, but so could every twelve-year-old from Tilda's town, boys and girls alike. When it came to practical things, nobles were found lacking.

Before Tilda could explain her thoughts, the fishing pole tugged and Tilda stood up. Selinda gasped as Tilda pulled out a fish hanging from the end of her line. Selinda jumped to her feet clapping as Tilda turned and smiled flatly with one eyebrow raised. It was unusual to see Selinda express genuine joy. Selinda coughed and resumed her reserved demeanor.

Poking the fish, Selinda said, "So, how do we eat it?"

Tilda took out a pocket knife from her boot and began scraping the scales off the fish. Then she cut it in half and cleaned out the guts.

Horrified, Selinda said, "Disgusting."

Tilda laughed, "Have you never been in the kitchens before?"

"I don't do the cooking."

"Yeah. Obviously."

Selinda waved her hand dismissively, saying, "Nobles don't need to know those kinds of things."

Except for when they fall off cliffs in the middle of nowhere land, Tilda thought.

Selinda sat patiently near the fire.

Hoping for some interesting conversation, Tilda asked, "Are you close with your sister?"

Starting at Tilda, Selinda said, "Why?"

"Just curious."

Selinda sighed, "We're close enough. I wish…"

She didn't finish as Tilda put a log on the fire.

Sensing her discomfort Tilda said, "I have a younger sister too. She was my best friend, but I always felt like I had to protect her."

"You too? Our parents can be so cruel and… I shouldn't be telling you this. You're just a commoner. You wouldn't understand."

"Sure, sure. But I have a sister, and you have a sister. I might understand more than you think I would."

Selinda watched the fire closely. She spoke quietly, "Maybe you're right."

Tilda put the fish on sticks and set it over the fire.

Selinda continued, "Our parents shower me with praise but they hardly notice she's even there. I wish they would love her as much as they love me."

Tilda said, "You love her."

"It's not enough."

Tilda nodded sadly, and said, "Sometimes love isn't enough."

Selida put her arms out and admired her sleeves. She noticed how Tilda's simple commoner's dress was so similar to Selinda's underdress.

Maybe she just wanted someone to relate to, as Selinda said, "We kind of look like we're equal status like this."

Confused, Tilda glanced at Selinda with furrowed brows. Tilda handed Selinda the fish when it finished cooking. Tilda greedily bit into her piece as Selinda nibbled. After the first taste, Selinda's eyes went wide and she took a hungry bite. She closed her eyes in pure bliss.

Selinda said, "This is so good."

"It's only cause you're hungry. Everything tastes good when you're hungry."

Finally, Selinda said quietly, "I guess I'm lucky to have gotten stuck here with you."

Tilda said, "You sure are."

For the first time ever, Selinda felt like she was making a real, genuine friend.


The demon beast. It came from the distance but Tilda knew it wasn't too far away.

Tilda grabbed Selinda's hand, pulling her to her feet and said, "We have to start running."

"Wait, what was that?"

Tilda didn't answer, as she dragged the delicate lady along. Tilda stopped in front of a steep wall.

Tilda said, "Can you climb?"

Selinda's jaw dropped. She couldn't be serious.


"We don't have time. Start climbing!"

Selinda grabbed some hand holds on the wall as Tilda pushed her up.

The beast had arrived and sniffed the area just as Selinda reached an upper ledge.

Tilda said, "Help me up!"

Selinda reached her hand down as Tilda grabbed it. Suddenly, Selinda let go and started pointing. She said, "I see someone in the distance." Selinda stood up and started waving her arms around to get their attention. In joy, she exclaimed, "Someone has come for me!"

"Let me up!!!" Tilda all but screamed.

Selinda remembered the maid and grabbed for Tilda's hand, as the beast started charging towards them.

"Tilda!" Felux called, as he charged into view on his horse in full gallop.

With the beast almost upon her, Tilda ditched Selinda's hand, and started running. In seconds, Felux's horse had caught up to the beast and was running side by side to it.

With excellent skill, Felux stood on his horse and jumped onto the beast. The momentum took them both down and the beast rolled. Forgetting about his female prey, the beast changed targets as Felux pulled out his sword. The beast attacked as Felux, calm and collected as ever, stepped aside and slashed the monster. The beast screeched, took a few heavy steps, then collapsed, motionless.

Trembling, Tilda took a step towards Felux. Leaving his sword clattering on the ground, Felux caught her as she fell into his arms. Her legs had turned to jelly. He brought her close, hugging tightly.

Selinda stood motionless on her ledge, watching the endearing embrace. Feeling a little more than lonely, Selida whimpered, "But, who has come for me?"


Selinda rode the horse, while Tilda and Felux walked side by side holding hands.

It was dark when they finally made it back to camp. Lady Loris and Ulteo embraced Selinda when they were reunited at last. It warmed Selinda's heart to know that perhaps, there were people who cared.

Delrik stood at a distance, watching with arms folded.

With a cool but threatening voice Delik said, "I expect you will all keep the events of today a secret."

Selinda was indigent, "How could you ask that!"

Delrik clarified himself, "Unless you want to keep your head, you won't speak of this to anyone."

Selinda said, "How could you? What do you gain by this?"

"It's none of your concern."

Loris said, "It's better to listen to him, Lady Selinda. He's Duke Arquix."

Selinda immediately shut her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. This wasn't fair.

Ulteo said, "Let's go back to our tents."

Loris and Ulteo lead Selinda away. As they passed by, Tilda stepped forward.

Tilda said, "Lady Selinda."

Selinda stopped and looked at Tilda. She spoke to her companions saying, "Go on without me. I'll be there in a moment."

Loris and Ulteo noded then walked away.

When they were out of earshot, Tilda said quietly, "The church has been unleashing cursed demons on unsuspecting victims. This attack was intentional."

Selinda's eyes went wide as she said, "That's crazy. Why would the church do such a thing?" She had heard about the attacks on commoner's villages, but she had never considered that they would be intentional.

Tilda said, "How else are they supposed to increase their influence?"

"You suspect the church of trying to grab power."

"It's not just me." Tilda nodded to where Delrik was standing.

"Duke Arquix is working against the church?"

Tilda said, "If news of this event gets out, the church will claim they could have stopped it with their divine powers. They'll gain credibility among the nobles and if the church can control the nobles, what's stopping them from obtaining the country?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

Tilda cocked her head, "We're friends, aren't we?" She had thought a near death experience would have won her that much.

Selinda blushed and fiddled with her hair saying, "I'll never admit to that in public."

"I know." Tilda sighed and said, "Good luck."

Tilda smiled and blushed as she spotted Felux waving from a distance. After such a rough day, she just wanted to be near him, safe in his presence. As she started to walk towards him, Selinda held her back.

Selinda said, "I don't get it. How can you be so happy? I'm a noble. I'm the one with the privilege, the position. Why do you get a hero, trust, respect, why do you have everything I don't?"

Tilda put Selinda's hands in hers and said, "Your social status has very little to do with the quality of your relationships. And the quality of your relationships has a lot to do with your quality of life."

"I don't understand."

"Here's this nugget of wisdom for you," Tilda said, "Be the type of person you'd want to be around."

"I still don't understand."

Tilda sighed, "I'll be blunt. Fix your personality and people will like you."

"I should have you whipped for saying that!"

"I'm not your maid. I'm your friend. And friends say harsh things to each other. Especially if they're true."

Tilda squeezed Selinda's hands, then made her way to Felux.

In some strange way, Selinda felt relieved. It was like she had been carrying a rock around for so long and someone had just told her she didn't have to carry the rock anymore. Sure, she felt stupid for having the rock, but knowing that she could do something about it meant more than the stupidity of having it.

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