
The Dramedy Adventures of Tilda Attaway

A commoner maid named Tilda tries to keep Lady Cosaria out of trouble. A feat that may be impossible given the lady's disposition. In a twist of fate, Lady Cosaria gets shipped off to marry the tyrant Duke Delrik Alabaster Arquix and Tilda gets dragged along as her personal maid. Whether it be tyrants, monsters, cultish priests, or a hot knight commander, Tilda will do anything to save her lovely mistress. UPDATES DAILY Check out the AI art on Pinterest and Instagram under my username: CopperTopHero

CopperTopHero · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 36: Sparrow's Glade

A glistening stream passed under an elegant cobblestone bridge with birch railings. In the distance, hidden away beyond the trees, was a marble carved grotto with pools of cascading water. Inscribed in the marble were words of the ancient language. On the top of the furthest hill, an obelisk stood proudly, watching over the land like a silent sentinel; a protector of the land, a pure human achievement. The Arquix entourage had arrived at Sparrow's Glade in the shining mid-hours of the day.

Tilda rode with Felux on his horse as the carriage entered the clearing dotted with large canvas tents and huge outspread awnings. Nobles congregated over the area, dressed in the finest of outdoor wear, chatting politely amongst themselves. Meanwhile, the servants busily did the work it took to provide comfort in such an untamed environment.

Tilda watched, unimpressed, as the nobles fell into complete silence when Duke Delrik took a step out of the carriage. With bated breath, the nobles were enthralled as Delrik held out his hand for Cosaria. Gasps filled the air as Cosaria was delivered into the daylight. Quiet murmurs skittered across the grass. Most of the nobles had not yet seen the new Arquix Duchess, and to them, she was like an apparition, more beautiful than the sun itself.

Rolling her eyes, Tilda thought, Don't these people have anything more fulfilling in their lives than to watch other nobles?

As Felux helped Tilda down off his horse, nobody cared. The servants got no more attention than if they were a common blade of grass.

Tilda said, "I have to go prepare Lady Cosaria's spot. I'll see you soon."

She squeezed Felux's hand then moved away. She was tugged back. Felux had not let go of her hand. He was staring at it, like he didn't want to let it go.

Realizing what he was doing, Felux snapped his hand away and said, "Sorry."

As Tilda walked away, Felux's eyes drooped sadly. It was slightly alarming how quickly his feelings were growing. He just wanted to be near her.


Tilda stood with the other maids behind one of the awnings. They were far enough away from the nobles not to be in their way, but close enough to observe all their doings.

In the distance, a young lord caught Tilda's attention as he unceremoniously addressed a group of ladies.

"Lady Selinda!" The young Lord Falquen said abruptly.

The lady in question turned, her long silver hair flowing slightly as she did. Tilda thought she saw the lady roll her eyes and frown distastefully. She was a beautiful woman, perhaps the most beautiful there, aside from Cosaria of course. No one compared to Cosaria.

Young lord Falquen continued, "I hope you know that I intend to present you with my quarry of today's hunt."

While her posse scoffed, Lady Selinda, the one with the silvery hair, put her hands on her hips and said, "If you're hoping I give my handkerchief to you, I'm sorry but you're sorely mistaken. My handkerchief is to go to a winning contender."

Tilda winced at the harsh words. Sure, maybe she didn't like the guy, but she didn't have to be that mean. Tilda hoped Cosaria would never have to face off against that vixen.

Lord Falquen bowed, face red with humiliation. With all the dignity of a self-respecting man he said, "Then excuse my disruption. I did not intend to put you in an awkward position."

One of the posse giggled, as Lady Silda turned away. Speaking over her shoulder she said, "Too late for that, don't you think?"

Lord Falquen turned away and left before he embarrassed himself further.

One of the maids serving the elderly Smiffleheim family said, "Does she have to be so harsh?"

Lady Selinda's maid, sighed and said, "She's worried he won't take a hint. She spent too long working on her handkerchief to give it to a Viscount's son."

Looking surprised, Lady Loris's maid said, "She sewed it herself?"

Selinda's maid nodded, "She did. She's quite talented with the needle."

"Lady Loris made me do all the embroidery." The maid's shoulder dropped thinking about all the time wasted on something she would never get the credit for.

Tilda asked, "Who's she planning on giving it to?" Apparently giving handkerchiefs was a big deal in nobility. She hadn't realized.

Selida's maid said, "Lord Mallord, he's the crown Prince's closest friend. She would have given it to the crown prince, but he's not coming."

Tilda asked, "Isn't Lord Mallord and the Crown Prince at least twice her age?"

Shrugging, Selinda's maid said, "She aims high."

Tilda grimaced, while Smifflehiem's maid looked disappointed, saying, "He's not coming?"

Loris's maid said, "I heard he canceled last minute. Lady Loris was so upset."

Smifflehiem said, "You're saying that we could have had the chance to see royalty?"

Loris's maid nodded and all the maids sighed sadly in reaction. Seeing royalty up close would have been the biggest brag of all time.


Almost as soon as Cosaria stepped out of the carriage, she swarmed with eager ladies and gentlemen.

One Lord said, "Oh Lady Cosaria, you have such a warm presence."

A Lady said, "I am surprised I haven't noticed you in social settings. You are so beautiful."

Blushing, Cosaria smiled shyly and said, "Thank you."

In that one gesture, Cosaria had immediately won over the hearts of everyone within a twenty-foot radius.

The lady laughed, "And so humble at that! What a sweet thing you are."

From just outside the twenty-foot radius, Lady Selinda watched. As she ground her teeth, she thought, She's taking my spotlight. I will be the highlight of this event!

Selinda approached Cosaria, followed by her gang of conniving sycophants.

Selinda said, "Lady Cosaria, how pleasant a day. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise. Lady…" Cosaria was unfamiliar with the names of nobility. She'd been so hidden away by the Baxarte family that she'd never had a chance to learn. Unfortunately, as this was not common, it was an insult not to know the names of famous nobility. And Lady Selinda was on the list of famous nobility.

With a curtsy, Selinda said, "Selinda. Selinda Pafster, daughter of the Marquis in the east."

Cosaria was not used to people curtsying to her, being a new Duchess and all, so rather than seeing the gesture as a display of status respect, she saw it as a cute womanly action. Cosaria clapped her hands and said, "How graceful you are!"

Unfortunately, being unable to read Cosaria's backwater backstory, Selinda felt like she had been condescended to. It was not a common feeling for a proud lady like her.

"My gratitude," Selinda said through clenched cheeks, "My younger sister looks forward to her position as your new lady in waiting."

Cosaria tilted her head, "Your sister?"

"Why yes, Paggie. Paggie Pafster."

"Paggie, oh! Of course! Has she not received her rejection letter yet? We sent them out as soon as we knew."

Cosaria was too innocent. Too innocent to realize she had said this in front of an audience of ladies and gentlemen. Too innocent to realize Paggie had bragged about passing the tests and being among the highest status of nobles. Too innocent to notice Selinda's horrified expression.

"Rejection?" Selinda was too shocked to say anything else.

Whispers spread throughout the nearby nobles. Selinda's face slowly turned red, while her friends stared in astonishment.

Cosaria drove the needle further in the coffin when she said, with genuine sincerity, "Perhaps it got lost in the mail. Do we need to send it out again?"

With jaw dropped, Tilda had glanced over just in time to see the worst of it. She thought, What is she doing?!? Is she trying to declare war!?!

Through gritted teeth, Selinda said, "No. That is quite alright. Pardon me."

Then she bowed and left with her posse in tow. Never. NEVER had Lady Selinda ever been so humiliated in her life.

Muttering, Selinda said, "If that's how you want it, then that's what you'll get. You'll pay for making a fool out of me."

The rest of the maids had also joined in watching the juicy confrontation.

In pure amazement, Smifflehiem's maid said, "Wow, the new Duchess is a force to be reckoned with. That was a solid blow. She must know exactly what she's doing."

Shocked and disgusted, Tilda thought, That couldn't be farther from the truth. She's so sincerely an idiot, she has no idea she just offended the lady!

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