
The Dramedy Adventures of Tilda Attaway

A commoner maid named Tilda tries to keep Lady Cosaria out of trouble. A feat that may be impossible given the lady's disposition. In a twist of fate, Lady Cosaria gets shipped off to marry the tyrant Duke Delrik Alabaster Arquix and Tilda gets dragged along as her personal maid. Whether it be tyrants, monsters, cultish priests, or a hot knight commander, Tilda will do anything to save her lovely mistress. UPDATES DAILY Check out the AI art on Pinterest and Instagram under my username: CopperTopHero

CopperTopHero · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 21: Scrolls

The crescent moon was high in the sky when Felux arrived just outside the chapel. It had been a hard night of riding and the horse was breathing heavily.

"Good girl. I'll be back soon," Felux said as he tied her reins to a nearby tree.

Felux hopped over the hedge wall outside the chapel and hid in the shadow of a tall tree as he surveyed the surroundings. The chapel was a large building with tall pillars, parapets, and impressive outdoor corridors. The scrolls were kept in the high priest's office located on the second floor. Felux moved with the shadows then hid behind a pillar as two priestly guards walked by. Waiting a few seconds, Felux readied himself to sprint towards a far wall.

BAM! Felux recoiled behind the pillar as blue fire illuminated the area where he was just about to step.

The guard with the long nose shoved his companion, saying, "What are you doing!?"

The shorter guard said, "I thought I saw something."

Long nose said, "You're seeing stuff. Just the squirrels."

As he watched a squirrel crawl up into its tree, Shorty said, "You're probably right..." 

When the guards left, Felux relaxed into a relieved smile thinking, That's a close call.

With no more wasted time, Felux bolted towards the wall and scaled its vertical surface. As he reached the second floor window he pried it open and slid inside.

Inside the priest's office, Felux crept behind the desk and opened up a chest where he found a collection of scrolls. Felux grabbed them all and, putting them in his bag, he exited through the window and moved onto the ridge of the roof.

Felux paused for a moment as a light in the distance caught his eye. Priests were gathered around a green fire near the cemetery land inside the chapel's wall. Felux readjusted his footing and accidentally brushed the nest of a pigeon resting on the roof. The startled bird took off in flight.

FWOOM! Felux ducked just in time as a fireball flew over his head and scorched the bird.

From his ducked position Felux heard long nose say, "Dude, it's just a bird, calm down."

He's a wee bit trigger happy, Felux thought as he smelled burnt feathers.

Shorty said, "It's just my first night and I don't want to mess up."

Felux heard a thwack as long nose said, "Then stop shooting random targets you idiot."

Felux smirked. He had to appreciate the shorter guard's impressive sense of perception. It was too bad he wasn't experienced enough to trust his instincts. With a little training, he would have made a good knight.

When the coast was clear , Felux made his way towards the cemetery and jumped down onto the ground. As he got closer to the light, he noticed all around him, the carcasses of dead, bloody animals, rotting on the ground. He stopped himself from leaning on a tombstone when he saw it had been stained, dripping with blood.

Peeking around a small angel monument, Felux saw seven priests holding hands and swaying around a giant bonfire burning green in the center.

Is that...? Felux thought he saw a man in the center of the fire. Naw. Wait. There was. There was a man in the center of the fire, the green flames were licking his body but nothing was burning.

He was yelling, "Come, come, come to me!"

This was a summoning, Felux knew. He wondered, Should I kill him now or...

A pillar of fire descended from the sky and engulfed man and all the surrounding priests in sickly green flames. The men started tearing at their flesh as they screeched in pain and fell to their knees.

Felux thought, Naw, I'm out.

With brisk speed, Felux returned to the forest, untied his horse, and escaped unseen and unnoticed.


It was early morning as Felux sat in the inn with Delrik, reporting on the mission. As soon as he'd arrived, he told Delrik about the scrolls, but more importantly, about the cultish priests and their demon summoning circle.

Felux finished saying, "Left soon after. Couldn't chance them sensing me."

Delrik asked, "Did you see who the summoner was?"

Felux said, "Saw his face, didn't recognize him." From what he had seen, the summoner looked to be a man in his mid fifties with an excellently styled dark haired beard.

Delrik said, "Well done Felux. We'll need to look more into this later but for now, I'm glad you're safe."

Felux said, "I've still to take the scrolls to the Lady."

Delrik picked up Felux's bag as he said, "I'll do it. You rest for now."

Felux appreciated the gesture and left for his room at the inn. He was going to take a long sleep.


After Cosaria had awoken, she congregated in the main area of the inn with Delrik and Tilda.

Delrik handed Felux's bag to Cosaria, saying, "Here are the scrolls, though I'm not sure which it is."

Cosaria pulled a few scrolls and read the labels embalmed on their latches; Benedicta, globus ignis, mundare, pluvia.

"Oh, it must be this one," Cosaria said as she plucked one out.

Delrik asked, "How do you know that?"

"It says so right here. 'Rain'." She pointed to the label that said, 'pluvia'.

Tilda, who had been eavesdropping from behind, couldn't resist asking, "Since when can you read this, milady?"

Cosaria said, "Well it... I don't know, it's easy to read."

Delrik said, "That's an ancient script. Only those who study for decades or those with immense diving power can read its words."

"Oh... should I have someone else read it then?" Cosaria asked, feeling like she had done something wrong.

Delrik said, "No no! That's fine."

Tilda explained, "It's just very impressive that you can read it, milady." There was a time when Tilda had spent months studying the ancient language and she had only been able to learn a word or two. Even that had been absurdly taxing.

"Oh. Okay," Cosaria said. She didn't feel like it was very impressive, especially since it was so easy for her.

Delrik said, "Let's head to the lake immediately. No time to waste."


With Delrik beside her, Cosaria stood next to the barren lake. The ground was cracked and dry. Whatever water it held was collected in a muddy pile at the center of the lake. Tilda awaited beckon call just a few paces away.

As Delrik handed Cosaria the open scroll, he said, "Whenever you're ready."

Cosaria nodded, though she wasn't sure she could do this. But she had to try. For the people of the Duchy. She looked over the words on the scroll. Her heart beat rapidly as she began reading aloud, "Aethera magna superne faciunt nubes, pluviam, umbrem, aquam de caelo ferunt."

As Cosaria spoke the words her voice became stronger and a feeling of power and devotion filled her body. In the sky, clouds formed and a sprinkle of rain commenced. 

Suddenly, as the power she felt left her body, Cosaria swayed and fainted from fatigue as Delrik appeared beside her and caught her in his arms. 

The light sprinkles became a heavy, pounding downpour.

Delrik marveled, at the rain, and then at the woman in his arms, as he mumbled under his breath, "Amazing."


Tilda watched the rain through the window of the inn. It had been pouring non-stop all through the morning and late afternoon. There were no signs it would let up anytime soon either. The towns folks had spent the day collecting water in jugs and dancing in the puddles.

Felux had woken up and joined Tilda at the table she was sitting at. He was sipping a mug as Tilda enjoyed a plate of food.

Tilda started conversation, asking, "Is Lord Delrik with Lady Cosaria?"


Tilda asked, "You think he likes her?"


"Hmmm... is that a good thing?"

"Is it not?"

Tilda said, "He seems like the type to get obsessive. And possessive."

Felux said, "That's fair."


Cosaria was resting in sound sleep as Delrik sat beside her bed. He picked up her hand and held it in his own.

He said, "I promise, I won't let anyone or anything harm you. You are more precious to me than life itself, I need you more than life itself, and I'll do everything in my power to keep you beside me. You are my life, my everything. You are mine."

With delicate grace, Delrik brought Cosaria's hand to his lips and kissed it. He then took one last longing look at her and left the room.

Cosaria stirred. As she blinked open her eyes she sat up and looked out the window.

She thought, It's raining. I'm glad. The rain was proof her spell had worked.

Cosaria then lifted her hand and caressed the back of it. She thought, I just had the strangest dream that Delrik was holding my hand. He was so gentle and sweet.

Cosaria hugged her hand tight against her body. Even if it was just in her imagination, she clung to the thought that maybe, just maybe, Delrik might cherish her. Then maybe, if he loved her, maybe she would be worth loving.


Delrik barged into the main area where Tilda sat chatting with Felux.

Delrik called, "Felux, come here."

Felux tipped his head to Tilda then joined Delrik in conversation where they sauntered their way to the porch outside. The roof overhanging kept them dry while the pounding rain kept their conversation private, drowning out the sound of their talking to any would-be eavesdroppers.

Delrik said, "We need to leave tomorrow. We can't have the church finding out about the miracle Cosaria performed."


Delrik glanced over to the window and remembered that brunette maid, who was lazily staring out the window.

Delrik said, "You seem to be talking to that maid a lot."

Felux said, "That's true."

Delrik asked, "Do you like her?"


Delrik asked, "Does she like you?"

Felux said, "She's fer staying friends."

"I see. That's probably for the best in the long run."

Felux said, "I donna agree."

Delrik said, "You don't? For what reason?"

Felux said, "I'm lookin fer a family of my own. A wife, together raising bairns-ah children. That sort of thing."

"Really Felux?" Delrik said, "Sir Felux, the Knight extraordinaire. I would not have pegged you as a family man."

Felux said, "Family's my life's greatest joy. You'll know, I consider you family."

Felux smiled at Delrik. A lifetime had passed between those two young men and their brotherly bond had been hard won on both sides. It was because of that bond that they knew, through thick and thin, they would always have each other's backs. But to hear it expressed...

Delrik said, "Stop being sentimental. It's gross."

"Aye Sir!"

Thanks for reading!

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