
The dragons unidentified mate

Dragons are the most powerful clan, which is ruling the world with an iron fist. All the other clams are considered beneath them. Humans are considered the lowest of the low. Drake Hamilton is the most powerful orange dragon. He is rich, handsome and powerful. Dragons have the option to choose their mate. But once they sleep with anyone, automatically that person will become their mate. They cannot change it. Only the death of their mate will give them the chance to choose another one. Using that as an advantage Drake's step sister drugs him, so that she can sleep with him and become his mate. But fate has another thing planned. Drake escapes and sleeps with a human named Nyra. Nyra has a hidden past. When she tries to help an injured Drake, under the influence of the drug, Drake forces himself on her. Marking them as mates. Nyra now has an orange Dragon Tattoo, which is marked as Drake's mate. she is adamant to hide it and Drake is desperate to find her. Who will succeed in their quest? Will he find his mate? What happens when her past comes back to threaten her? will he save her?

pravs_3618 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

scheming step mother

Drake got ready for work and came down to the mouth-watering aroma of breakfast wafting from the dining room. Usually, he prefers to eat in a nearby coffee shop near his company headquarters.

But since the day this new cook started working in the Hamilton mansion, he don't want to eat anywhere but in his house.

He finished his healthy and tasty breakfast and took his second cup of coffee in a to-go cup, which was placed beside him.

Drake got into his Bentley and drove off towards his company. One thing he loves is driving his car.

It's a luxury sedan built for the city traffic. His company is situated in the center of the city in one of the tallest towers in the world with a helipad on the terrace.

It's constructed by the Hamilton group, facilitating the dragons to shift and fly off at any given time. There are balconies on every floor, making the shifting easy.

Mostly Dragons work in his company, along with a few wolves and vampires. Humans will not dare to step inside it, with the fear of being killed. 

The ringing of his phone alerts him of the incoming call. He looked at the caller id and noticed that it is from his father.

Drake's mother died when he is only 10 years old. His father then married his stepmother Sophia after a couple of years. Drake never liked his stepmother. She is shallow and flashy. He never liked people like that.

But he want his father to be happy, so he never went against her. 

"Dad" Drake greeted his father Roland Hamilton who is the founder of the Hamilton group.

It is Drake who expanded the company and the profits were tripled in just a few years. Roland retired as soon as Drake took charge.

"How are you son?" Roland greeted his son.

Roland loves his son very much. After his first wife died Roland was devastated. But he gave him a purpose to move on.

After a few years of his wife's death, he mated with Sarah under the effect of a drug and was forced to marry her out of obligation. He never touched that woman after that night.

He just lives with her and her twin children for the sake of formality. But he did not hold any affection for Sarah. He just bears with her attitude.

"I am doing good father. Is there any matter father? You called me early today" Drake asked with worry.

Roland chuckled at his son's concern.

" I am fine son, you don't have to worry about it" Roland assured his son.

"It would be great if you could live with me in the Hamilton mansion father. I wouldn't have to worry about you then" Drake said the same words he repeats every time they talk.

"That house was built by me for your mother Drake. Every inch of that house is filled with her memories. I felt that I am betraying your mother, by marrying another woman. I cannot live there son" Roland repeated his words.

"Mother always wanted you to be happy, father. She never would feel betrayed" Drake argued.

This is their routine. Drake always tries to coax his father to come and live with him.

His father lives in a 6 bedroom luxury villa in the city, while Drake prefers Hamilton's mansion which is in the outskirts of the city. He never minded the 30-minute drive to the company as well.

"Enough about me son, I want you to come see me before going to work today" Roland requested his son.

Drake's eyebrows creased with confusion. But he decided to go see his father like his father wanted him to.

"Okay, I will be there in 10 minutes" Drake promised and disconnected the call.

He took a U-turn at the last moment and turned towards his father's villa, which is named after them as well, the Hamilton's villa.

In Hamilton's villa Sarah Hamilton is still fuming over her daughter Caroline's failure. Caroline and Carlos are sitting in their mother's room, while Sarah is pacing the floor with anger.

Sarah is a beautiful woman with her fit body, perfectly applied makeup, and a branded wrap dress.

"I gave you the drug and the perfect plan to secure your position as Drake Hamilton's mate. You couldn't even do that properly?" Sarah glared at her daughter.

Caroline looked uncomfortable.

"I did everything like you told me to mom. How would I know that he will leave the party so abruptly like that? I tried to follow him, but he is much faster than me. I lost him after a minute or so" Caroline defended herself.

"Impossible, don't lie to me, Caroline. That drug takes effect immediately. It's not possible to shift and fly that fast" Sarah glared at her daughter.

"What do you, mom? I love Drake. I am obsessed with him. I don't want anything more than to become his mate. You how powerful he is. He the most powerful one among us. Nothing works the same like it works on us" Caroline snapped.

Carlos, who sat there quietly, decided to his sister.

"She is telling the truth mom. I saw everything with my own eyes. As soon as he drank that whiskey mixed with that drug, he left the party" Carlos confirmed what his sister told his mother.

"What? How is that possible? That drug will work no matter whoever takes it. Then how did he managed to escape from its effects?" Sarah wondered out loud.

"We don't know mom. But according to the house staff in the Hamilton mansion, he came back alone the next day evening and then immediately left and returned two days later" 

"What? He came back alone? How did this even happen?" Sarah looked puzzled.

There is no way one can survive without sleeping with a female after taking that drug. Your body feels impossibly hot and one cannot control the urge to mate.

When Sarah is deep in thoughts, a human maid knocked on the door.

"What is it?" Sarah snapped at that poor maid. Who instantly paled with fear.

"Mrs Hamilton, Master Drake came" the maid relayed the message and fled away for her dear life.

"What? Drake came?" Caroline jumped from the bed and ran to greet their guest.

Sarah looked at her daughter and sighed with resignation.

"Come," she told his son, and both of them made their way downstairs to meet Drake.

Carlos is tensed to face Drake, ever since they drugged him. He is scared that, if Drake finds out that, they are the ones who mixed that drug in his drink, then he will kill them all.

"Relax, you will make him doubt us if you keep shaking like a leave" Sarah snapped at his son.

"I am scared mom" Carols whispered pathetically.

Sarah glared at her son. 

"Why can't you be like Drake? Go and stay in your room. Don't come out until he leaves" Sarah shooed her son away.

She is scared that, he might give them away.

When Caroline came down to greet Drake, he is nowhere to be found. But she could hear voices from Roland Hamilton's study. Caroline silently stood outside the door to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Drake hugged his father as soon as he saw him.

"Hey dad" he greeted and sat in a chair on the other side of the desk, opposite his father.

"Hello, son" Roland greeted his son and looked at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Drake asked when he noticed his father starting.

"Nothing, I was just wondering, how fast time flies by" Roland replied.

Drake gave his father an amused look.

"Surely, you didn't call me here for small talk isn't it?" Drake asked in a lighter tone.

Roland chuckled at his son's comment. 

"No son, I didn't call you here for small talk" Roland agreed.

"Then what is bothering you father?" Drake asked softly.

Roland sighed heavily and looked at his son.

"Why don't you find a mate, Drake?" Roland asked abruptly.

"What?" Drake asked in confusion.

In all these years, his father never asked anything like this. He never interfered in his personal life. Why now? Drake thought.

"You are getting old son. You are in your late 30's in your human years. Even though our kind has a longer life span, I cannot wait that long for you to give me grandchildren" Roland advised his son.

"Why now father? Why so suddenly?" Drake asked with confusion.

"You are a smart man Drake. Find someone before that choice is taken away from you. Choose a girl, with whom you want to spend your life with. Don't let anyone force you to accept them out of obligation" Roland suggested.

Roland is a smart man. He know what his wife and step-children are planning to do. He doesn't want them to force his son into a corner, like they did him.

Drake looked at his father and thought about his mate. Her lips are permanently etched in his mind. Even though someone drugged him, he liked his mate. 

After he took his leave from his father, he left the villa without waiting for his step-siblings or stepmother. He is not in a mood to deal with them right now. He knows they must be eavesdropping on the conversation between him and his father. Usually, he likes to taunt them, but today he didn't care.