

Ishgard the Steps of Faith, a Dragoon was helping the Warrior of Light and Alphinaud in defeating Nidhogg who took the body of their friend Estinien. The Dragoon was named Vincent Highwind he was sturdy enough to survive the fight but died after helping the Warrior of Light and Alphinaud rip Nidhogg's eyes from Estinien's Dragoon armor. He sat down beside the wall looked as the sun goes up and takes his helmet off to have one final glance at it before everything turned black.

The next thing he sees is a giant blue crystal and the voice of a woman says, "Child it's not your time yet." "Where am I and who are you?" asks Vincent and the voice says, "I'm the Word of the Mother. But Alphinaud and Bultechu Kagon know me as Minfilia Warde. I'm the voice of Hydealyn until she regains her strength back. And you are in the Aetherial Sea right in front of Hydealyn. She called you since you still have a purpose to live for."

"And that would be?" asks Vincent and Minfilia says, "In another world. A God that Hydealyn still owes for giving her Midgardsormr and his seven eggs or how you call them the First Brood." Suddenly a giant dragon wrapped in light comes from the far darkness and Minfilia says, "He is already here." "Ah, two humans. I thought Hydealyn would show herself to me after so much time," says the dragon and it changes form into a Hyur and says, "It should be easier to talk like this then." "How is that possible?" asks Vincent and the Hyur says, "Pretty simple mortal. I'm a god. It's easy to change forms if you live as long as I do. Also, it seems you are a Hybrid of a Dragon and a Men."

"I'm an Au-Ra from the Xaela side," says Vincent and Minfilia says, "I'm sorry mighty Akatosh but Hydealyn can't attend you since she is resting recuperating her strength." "It's alright. I can see that you are her represent and he is the warrior that will come with me," says Akatosh and Minfilia says, "That's right. But before you go I have a gift from Hydealyn for him." Minfilia takes a crystal out and says, "It will make you a special Warrior of Light. You won't need a soul crystal with this crystal and this egg it's big because it has a full-grown Chocobo inside. It will be inside this storage pouch it will be your truthful mount wherever you go." "Thank you," says Vincent and Akatosh transforms into a dragon again and says, "Hop on boy I can't stay very long in this realm."

Vincent jumps on Akatosh and Akatosh says, "Hold on tight or you might fall off." As they begin to fly into the darkness and a portal opened and both enter it and a female voice that wasn't Minfilia says into Vincent's ears, "Be brave my child." And the portal closed behind them. They arrive in a realm full of light and Akatosh says, "Welcome to the Realm of the Aedra. Once we land we will change you a little bit."

"What do you mean?" asks Vincent and Akatosh says, "Making you a bit bigger and bit more muscular. You have to represent me and the other eight Divines after all. Also, you will get a blessing from every Aedra of the Nine Divines before I sent you to Tamriel. Now then let's begin." And Vincent was now naked and Akatosh began to make him taller and thicker then he gave Vincent muscles making the fat disappear and now Vincent had a stocky body. Then Akatosh changed his hair from black to white and his iris turned from red to blue. The hair was long it covered his neck. The only thing Akatosh didn't change was Vincent's black skin color and his horns.

"Now then I will now call the other eight Divines and I will send you to Skyrim," says Akatosh as he rang a bell and everyone appeared out of nowhere and someone says, "Have you found a replacement for the Dragonborn that was killed before his time?" "Yes, I had to pull some strings but an old friend of mine gave me a brave soul. I want you all to give him a blessing before we sent him to Skyrim to stop Alduin, I will begin. From today on you will become my son, Vincent Highwind," says Akatosh and a dragon entered Vincent's body and his body began to shine than a woman says, "No woman can resist you." "Nature will be your friend," says another woman and the last woman says, "People will find it easy to talk to you." "You will not fall to temptation," says one man and another continues, "You will never lose in a trade." "Magic will be like breathing to you," says another man and the next says, "You will never feel exhausted as long as you breathe." "You will never die since I gift you immortality," says the last man shocking the other eight and the light stopped after every blessing entered Vincent's body and Akatosh asks, "You sure about that Arkay?"

"Yes, he will need it. His name was written in my book before Alduin's name. That's why I gave him immortality," says Arkay and Akatosh says, "Well alright then. Vincent, it's time for you to go let me change just one little thing since now you are my son." Akatosh then gave Vincent a bigger leg and says, "Now that's worthy of my son. Now then good luck in Skyrim and don't kill every dragon you find not all are evil." The light was engulfing Vincent and Akatosh puts some poor excuses of clothes on Vincent as he disappears out of the Realm of the Aedra. "You think he can do it?" asks a man and Akatosh says, "Yes, Talos he can. He was a Dragoon before but now he first needs to recuperate his strengths before he can fight again."

Hope you like it. Won't continue until my other FF is over and if this one has won in the voting poll.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts