
Ishly and Provus making a deal with Uncle Sheo

The next morning, Vincent was preparing himself in his bedroom when he says, "To think that he would sell his own father as a mercenary just because he has to be an Ambassador for the Empire on the Citadel."

The women were laughing about Vincent's complaints about Naosane selling him out when Mina says, "Well, we will miss you."

"You aren't coming?" asks Vincent confused about them not joining him.

"Nah, why should we join a suicide mission. We don't come back from the dead like you or Titania," says Mako joking about it.

"So only I. Well, I will miss you all then," says Vincent as he put his shoes on.

He gives them all a big kiss before he grabbed his bag and says, "A new adventure begins."

He leaves the bedroom and sees Ishly and Provus fully equipped waiting for him when he says, "No!"

"But we are ready," says Ishly as Vincent looked at her and Provus seriously.

"It is far too dangerous for both of you," says Vincent as he passed them.

"But we were trained for this by everyone," says Provus when Fenris looked at Vincent sadly as well while whining at him as he sits in front of him.

"You really want to risk your lives in a mission that will kill you in the worst case. Have you thought about how I and the others will feel if you aren't there any longer?" says Vincent as drew a line.

"Fenris, look after those two and make sure they don't do something stupid," says Vincent to his Mabari when Titania and the other two joined them in the living room.

"Quite lively that early in the morning," says Titania joking around as Vincent gave her a stare.

"We should leave as fast as possible," says Vincent seriously as he opened a rift for them.

"Then let us move out," says Titania as she was the first to pass through it followed by her two companions and then Vincent before it closed.

"So you want to join your father in an adventure?" asks a familiar voice of the duo as they looked around until seeing the Mad God himself.

"Uncle Sheo," says Ishly as she jumped at him surprising the Mad God himself.

Sheogorath then used his walking stick and hit lightly Ishly's forehead before saying, "I don't know if you are just brave or mad, but what do I care maybe you will replace me in the future. Or maybe not only time will tell."

"Uncle Sheogorath," says Provus as Sheogorath looked at Provus.

"It seems you are walking one of your father's paths looking at the Darkness that is following you," says Sheogorath as he noticed his Darkness.

"Anyway, you want to join your father on his adventure is that right?" asks Sheogorath as the duo nods when Fenris bark as well.

"Oh, we have three rule-breakers, it seems," says Sheogorath looking at Fenris.

"How about this? I smuggle you on the Normandy but you must tell your father that it was me that brought you in," says Sheogorath as he stretches his hand out to them.

"And what do you gain from this?" asks Provus as Sheogorath laughed madly from hearing this.

"I will get to see that fear-filled expression on Vincent's face. It has been years since I haven't seen it. Those eyes filled with fear of losing someone important because he wasn't strong enough," says Sheogorath before Ishly laughs at him.

"That won't happen we are stronger than we look," says Ishly with confidence in her new gained strength.

"Let us see who is lying and who is telling the truth. Time will tell us," says Sheogorath before he asks, "Do we have a deal?"

"Yes," says Ishly as she shakes Sheogorath's hand before all four disappeared from the living room and they appeared in the Cargo Bay of the Normandy.

"You should hide until the Normandy is in space. They won't be coming down here for a while so good luck," says Sheogorath as he disappears again leaving the three behind when Fenris made his way towards some containers which he could hide behind while the other two followed his example.

Vincent and the others appeared on the Throat of the World which made Miranda feel cold since she was clothed lightly when she asks, "Couldn't you just open a rift into the city?"

"It is forbidden to do so. Last time I did that a guard stopped me and gave me a warning. I don't want to get us behind bars just because you can't pay your fine," says Vincent as he pointed out his last visit of Solitude.

"Anyway, we should arrive in Whiterun by the end of the day if we take a shortcut," says Vincent as they walked down the mountain going through High Hrothgar until they reached a field full of crops where once Ivarstead stood.

"It seems we are down the mountain. Now, which way?" asks Miranda as Vincent looked left and right before he walked the right path.

"Where are we going?" asks Jacob as he had no idea where they are going.

"We are going to Helgen. It is a town that is connecting Falkreath with Whiterun. I was once taken there as a visitor when it was only a village of twenty people," says Vincent thinking about Vilod and his special mead.

"Is it special for you?" asks Titania quietly as Vincent nods.

"It was the first village I visited on Nirn. Also, the first city that I saw burn to the ground because of my older brother," whispers Vincent back as they reached Helgen quite fast thanks to the forest path.

"How about we rest our feet for a while and drink some ale or mead before we continue," says Vincent since the three seemed to be a bit exhausted from walking this much.

"How are you not feeling exhausted after marching this long through a forest full of wild beasts that ignored us somehow," says Titania as she wasn't at a hundred percent yet.

"That why I recommended a stop here. From here we can take a taxi to Whiterun instead of walking the whole way," says Vincent as they entered a restaurant.

They sat down and the waiter came over when Vincent says, "I would like to get four plates of wild with Vilod's special juniper mead."

The waiter was confused with Vincent's order and Vincent could see that when he says, "Just tell it to your body. He or she will know what to do."

"Are you sure they serve those things? I don't see them on the list," says Jacob reading the menu.

"They have it even if it isn't the original. It should come close to it," says Vincent as soon four plates with food came out which contained deer meat which was grilled over the open fire served with french fries.

Then the waiter served the mead and Miranda, as well as Jacob, could see how nervous the waiter was while serving this table when Vincent gave him a tip.

"Don't be nervous next time, I am just a normal person like anyone else in this room," says Vincent as the waiter nods before he leaves with the generous tip.

"Now let's eat, we haven't eaten anything since yesterday," says Vincent as he began to eat with them.

Once they finished they took a taxi to Whiterun with the three humans in the backseats while Vincent was sitting beside the driver.

"So where are we going?" asks the Nord behind the wheel.

"To Whiterun, we are going to visit her mother," says Vincent as the Nord nods and begins to drive towards Whiterun.

"It has been a long time that I saw an Au-Ra around Skyrim. They normally live in Dravania with the other Dragons or on Solstheim depending if they want to live between other mortals," says the Nord while driving to Whiterun.

"I am sent off as a mercenary by the former Emperor. It will be quite beneficial for the Empire going by the number I read on the contract. And if the Empire can profit from it," says Vincent as the Nord finishes his sentence.

"Than everyone profits from it. So those three are your contractors," says the Nord as Vincent nods.

"Yes, the girl in the middle is the contractor," says Vincent as the Nord looks into the rear mirror.

"Well, she looks like someone that gets things done compared to the other two," says the Nord as Vincent holds his laugh back.

"What do you mean!" says Miranda feeling offended by what the Nord said.

"You heard me, woman. You look more like a filthy mage beside her," says the Nord as Vincent was now laughing hard.

"I hope you Nords never change," says Vincent as the Nord looked at him.

"So you are familiar with our culture," says the Nord with a smile.

"I basically raised my children in Skyrim before we changed to the Imperial City," says Vincent as Nord was thinking for a moment before he kicked the brakes fully through which stopped the car.

The Nord was looking at Vincent in disbelief when Vincent says, "How about I take a picture with you when we arrive in Whiterun and you continue as if I am not here, Companion. After all, we don't have a Hierarchy between us Companions."

"Of course Harbinger," says the Nord as Vincent knew by looking at the werewolf statue placed left of the console.

"Harbinger?" asks Jacob hearing that for the first time

"It is the title giving to the most respected of the Companions. They are a group of people from Whiterun that takes contracts of any class except for assassination from all around Tamriel. I used to be one for a month before I found someone better for that," says Vincent as they arrived at Whiterun.

The Nord left is at the corner where the stables and Pelagia's Farm used to be as the driver says, "That's the nearest I can take you in Harbinger. The streets are too narrow from here on."

"Don't worry about it but let's take the picture that I promised you, pup," says Vincent as he left the car with the others.

"Is it just me or why did we not see another car on our way here," says Titania as it was stranger that no cars were on the streets like on earth.

"Milk Drinkers, Nords don't need a car to travel short distances. Even we taxi drivers usually don't drive around and use them only if someone needs a ride," says the Nord when Vincent smiles.

"It is true but can you be on standby we will need a ride to Cyrodiil afterward," says Vincent as they take the picture before the Nord hands him a card.

"Harold is my name, just call me on that number and I will be there at any time except it is midnight then I send someone I trust to drive you," says Harold as Vincent smiles as he hands over a pouch of gold to Harold.

"Thanks, Harold, here is your payment," says Vincent as the group walks the street up while people were passing them.

Hope you like it.

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