
The Dragon With Infinite Mana

Waking up to being the last of the Chinese Dragons. Hunted down to extinction due to their powerful abilities, Joan knows to keep her nos clean or she would be the next. However, she later came to know she had infinite mana and with the inherent abilities together with the passed down bloodline memories of how to use them, she comes to realize that perhaps she might not need to be so cautious.

Mirko_Senboku · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

The Girl Behind The Scenes

Sarah was never a fun of high school because of the hypocrites living in the place. This universe's high school was even worse because these kids had the power to back up their threats. Powers had become something of a norm with the society slowly accepting it due to the good they can potentially bring. But, true equality is an illusion and this is so even in this universe.

When the normal humans saw they were been ostricized due to their lack of powers, they started hating. The rich and powerful of course chose this to make them even more rich and powerful and thus, this universe's version of neo nazis were formed. And high schools was the best place for recruitment. What do you get when you mix hormonal, emotionally and physically bullied teenagers with radicalized sermons of the before time, school shootings, bombings and even drive bys. Sarah realizes that Gina was already on a watch list which made her a little annoyed but that feeling just got washed away just as quickly as it appeared.

Due to the bullying she had suffered through, Gina had become quite anti social and very depressed. This led the FBI to put her on a list and keep tabs on her everytime. She saw the van following the school bus from her house so she got curious and read the minds of everyone in the van.

'You had the chance to stop her bullying but you instead decide to make her into a possible threat? Too bad for you now, you are now a possible threat to me,' she thought before she started messing with the luck probability. As a girl was passing by her, she cleared her throat a little loudly.

The girl was a little startled and seeing who it was, kept a little distance from her, making her bump into a boy seated next seat to Sarah. The boy instead bumped into his neighbor who accidentally let go of his own outside the window. The pen sailed in the air before hitting a dog whose owner had tied her to a lamp post in order to get into a grocery store.

The dog, tired, hungry and irritated, became aggressive to the first person she saw, a cyclist. She lunged at him, barking and growling menancingly, scaring the cyclist into steering the bike away from her. However, he steered to the road, at the incoming FBI van, making the driver of the van swerve away from him. But, that was a bad move for the van swerved right into an oncoming truck, leading to a head on collision that killed everyone in the truck and van! Sarah was watching all of this with a satisfied inner grin. She then jumbled the pattern so that it would appear it was just an ordinary accident to any one who had the power or the intelligence to connect patterns.

'That should make them scratch their head for a few weeks while I finish what I wanted to do,' she thought to herself.

The bus finally arrived at the school and she got off with the same depressed look on her face that Gina usually had. The first place to go was to her locker for she had no friends. However, she noticed everyone was looking at her weirdly. She felt the urge to skin them slowly while increasing their pain receptors' sensitivity to a million percent. However, she quickly got hold of herself and kept going. When she got to her locker, she found a photoshopped picture of her head on a naked girl giving someone a handjob. When everyone saw she had seen it, they laughed uproariously, pointing at her.

'What a bunch of sadists!' she thought to herself, a million torture ideas cruising through her mind in a second. She decided to do what Gina always does, keep her head down while letting tears stream down her face. She ripped the picture off the locker, took out her textbooks before running to the classroom.

'This will become tiring real soon,' she thought to herself with a sigh. 'I need to stop this.' Using clairvoyance, she checked who was targeting Gina and nodded. It was actually a cliche plot, the popular rich kid bullying the poor, loner kid before the loner kid overturns the table and becomes a Chad.

'Except this time, you guys will take each other out,' she laughed inwardly. However, she stopped her train of thoughts when she remembered the accident earlier in the day. If anyone with a good head on their shoulders investigates properly they might see the connection. An FBI team monitoring her gets killed in a head scratching accident then the bullies picking on her get killed the same way! Once was a coincidence, twice was motive. However, who's to say she was the only one they bullied?


In the school's boy's bathroom stall, there was a crying plump boy with a possibly broken rib. He was cursing his bullies inwardly when the lights to the bathroom started flickering ominously. Slightly nervous, he wiped his tears before cautiously getting out of the stall, expecting his bullies to be standing out there with mocking grins. However, the lights stopped flickering and there was only silence. He looked at the bulbs before going to wash his hands. Once they were clean, he looked at his reflection only to see it looking at him with disgust. This scared him almost to a heart attack, making him jump back in fright. The reflection did not even move.

"So this is me, a snivelling little turd anyone can step one and get away with, how pathetic!" the reflection said in pure disgust.

"Wh...Who are you?" Collins asked.

"No matter how I wish it as nothing but lies, I am you. You, however, will never become me," the reflection answered. "How many times, Collins? How many times?" Collins started wailing all over again, his entire face showing an aggrieved look.

"I can't stop them, I can't," Collins sobbed.

"You are right, you cannot. However, I can," the reflection said. Collins looked up with a start.

"How? How will you stop them?" he asked urgently. His reflection just smirked a little.

"That will be a surprise. But, you can help me do it,"

"How? I'll do anything!"

"Say yes and I will take over your body and reenact revenge on everyone that has wronged you," the reflection said sinisterly. That tone probably made Collins a little cautious for he took a step behind in fear.

"Who...What are you?" he asked in fear.

"I am you, rather, the you that has been trapped and poisoned by your hate. I am who collects every single murderous thought you have of those three. I am who collects every single shred of anger you harbor against them. I am who swallows every last trace of hate against them. I am you, only; I have the power to finally fight back," the reflect said as it appeared to come closer and closer to the edge of the mirror with each sentence. "I Am You!" This made Collins go into contemplation. Finally, he looked with never seen seriousness.

"Yes!" he said. His reflection grinned before Collins suddenly opened his eyes. He was still in front of the mirror, his hands still wet and the tap water still running. He was looking at the mirror in front of him when it suddenly cracked before his eyeballs flashed black before getting back to normal!


'Demonic creation and possession is actually so much fun! Manipulating scenes from behind is actually quite fun. Now I get why those villains like Mr Sinister love doing it!' Sarah thought to herself. The bell rang, signalling the start of first period and to a certain demon, the start of the fun!