
The Dragon Reborn In Pokemon: A Wheel of Time Crossover

The Dragon has been spit back out by the wheel, but this time and the last were not in the world he knew as Lews Theron or Rand Al'thor, and The Dragon is reborn into the Pokémon world. All the Pokémon can talk, and humans are dicks; go figure. The Wheel has been broken, and time is no longer flowing that same as it was, and the Dark One, Shaidar Haran has been infecting this world for the last ten years. This will be dark, dirty, and raunchy af, so duct tape on your pillows and strap the hockey helmet on before diving in! Just to make sure that you all know and aren't just wandering in thinking this is some fucking Ass caught it all story! Grab your furry-Dex and a box of tissue! Besides all that, The Dragon, Azriel, a man reborn into a new body as a human-shaped Pokémon, and is tossed directly into conflict after getting his first Pokémon. In this world, gangs, violence, and drugs have become the norm; each city is its own governing body. Time to explore Pokémon more profound than anyone has before while talking about things that are never explained. While this will be dirty, I will keep it pretty accurate, with hundreds of dark twists and a plot-driven storyline to keep you drawn in! This is about getting that Poke-pussy! Also, you don't have to tell me, I know I'm a pervert! Also: Theme song: I wanna squeeze every breast Like every nerd ever dreamed To breed them is my real test Filling pussy is my cause I will fuck them across the land Stretching holes far and wide I'll teach humans to understand My power that fills insides (Pokémon, gotta breed 'em all) It's my harem and me My Poké-Piercer will be your destiny (Pokémon) Oh, with all my new friends The Pokémon Pussy is what I must defend (Pokémon, breed 'em all) With a dick real huge The hero will get real bruised You suck me, and I'll fuck you Pokémon! (Gotta breed 'em all) Gotta breed 'em all Yeah Every pussy along the way With courage, I will fill I will fuck them every day To fix this fucked up place Sex with me is always right My dick makes the best team Transforming humans with my seed This is beyond my wildest dreams (Pokémon, gotta breed 'em all) It's my harem and me My Poké-Piercer will be your destiny (Pokémon) Oh, with all my new friends The Pokémon Pussy is what I must defend (Pokémon, breed 'em all) With a dick real huge The hero will get real bruised You suck me, and I'll fuck you Pokémon! (Gotta breed 'em all) Gotta breed 'em all Gotta breed 'em all Gotta breed 'em all Gotta breed 'em all Gotta breed 'em all Yeah! (Pokémon, gotta breed 'em all) It's my harem and me My Poké-Piercer will be your destiny (Pokémon) Oh, with all my new friends The Pokémon Pussy is what I must defend (Pokémon, breed 'em all) With a dick real huge The hero will get real bruised You suck me, and I'll fuck you Pokémon! (Gotta breed 'em all) Gotta breed 'em all Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6

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Graves and I walked over to the burnt walls of the Ketchum home, and I slipped the Breedé-Dex back into my blue shorts. G.I. Duck went first, and I followed him inside the ruin of one of the first buildings I had ever been inside of in this world when I was a kid.

This wasn't the time for memories, and I got down closer to the ground to start looking around.

The blue shorts didn't stay that way for long as I started to move burnt debris out of the way. The roof was gone, but a lot of the wood was preserved from the fire, but it was still dirty.

[What are we looking for?]

Graves kicked around burnt wood piles as he sent the thought to me but then growled as he kicked a red diamond. I stood up and walked over to the strange crystal Graves had kicked, but I started to glow pink and then lifted up into the air.

[What is it? I have never seen anything like that before, but you take it, I have no pockets.]

"Ring-a-fuckin-ding! Pull me out of your shorts; I can smell your Pokéballs from here!" The Breedé-Dex shouted from my pocket.

I pulled out the black device and opened it back up, and there was a disgusted looking emoji on the screen. Then it changed to a picture of the gem floating towards me, and text started to appear below.

<PM(Pocket Monster) Gems can be found worldwide, and they come in different rarities. Each contains weapons or Items to assist you.>

"That wasn't in the game," I said as I grabbed the PM Gem out of the air, and it transformed in my hand into a wooden bat.

[A wooden pole? Strange item to get; I could have just made you the same thing.]

I waved Graves over and showed him the new entry in the Breedé-Dex.

<Poké-Cracker: Rare Two-Handed Sword- When striking a Poké Ball, break it, and release any stored Pokémon. This removes the Control Harmonics effect caused by the Poké Ball. Effective on Poké Balls and Great Balls only.>

[Interesting, I take back my words because there isn't a Pokémon move that can do that as far as I know. This is going to become a great help to you since you are also a Pokémon.]

There was no doubt about that, and I closed my Breedé-Dex, and put it back in my pocket, much to its displeasure. Afterward, I looked around more, using the bat to push through the debris, but there was nothing like the PM Gem anywhere.

Graves and I headed back outside, and I took a couple swings with the bat; it felt good, but I was feeling tight. I dropped the bat so I could do some stretches.

The moment I let go of it, the Poké-Cracker dematerialized and disappeared before it could hit the ground.

"What the fuck? What is a temporary item or something?!" I exclaim.

"No, you dipshit! You have better get a better fucking place to put me than beside your Poké Balls! Call its name like you would call a Pokémon attack! That is a safety feature, so the other human fucks don't get any wise ideas! You don't want to get beat like a red-headed stepchild with your own weapon!" The Breedé-Dex shouted from my pocket.

[I still think you should at least dip it in acid to disinfect that dirty mouth.]

"If he wasn't so helpful, I might consider that after doing your first suggestion," I joked.

Then I did some stretches before sticking my hand out to the side, and then shouted, "Poké-Cracker!"

The bat materialized in my palm, and I gripped it, and then swung it, and then let go. The bat immediately dematerialized, and I narrowed my eyes for a moment, thinking.

[What's wrong?]

"I am just going to do a couple tests before we get going. I know how I will deal with Oak, but I want to be prepared, just in case. Better to be over-prepared than walking in half-cocked, right?" I said, and I stepped back to give myself some room.

[Fine, but I am going to go get set up, near Oaks. If I get too close, Gallia will sense me and don't take too long. This is about the time that he lets her off the drugs so she can feel, and she will be more powerful.]

I didn't need to be told twice as I briefly watched Graves march off in a southeast direction. I was surprised that I couldn't see Oaks house from here, but this wasn't the game.

I turned and started to swing my arm one-handed, calling out my weapon's name. The Poké-Cracker appeared in my hand seamlessly, and I grinned and let go again.

There was one thing that I wanted to try, and I resummoned the bat, but this time, I focused on it hard. I pulled it back and then hurtled it to a burnt wall of the Ketchum house, and it smashed and blew through it, still formed.

The moment I let go of it with my mind, it vanished, but I was already spinning with an open-handed backswing.


I grabbed it out of the air and then flung it again, smashing another section of the ruined house.




I blew the remains of the Ketchum house to bits and then finally stopped as I started to work up a sweat.

[That is a bit scary, and I have never seen an attack that wasn't taught that could use Energy like you were! I don't know If I could have stopped, but then I might not have been able to because all those attacks were fused with Dark Energy!]

I summoned the Poké-Cracker, and looked down at it, thinking about what Oak was doing to some Pokémon right now.

Black flames started to lick up the length of my Poké-Cracker, and in the depths of my eyes. Time to go visit the professor for the first and last time.