
The Dragon Progenitor

Due to the advanced levels of human ingenuity, Humanity is able to revive the power of a great cosmic level beast of chaos in the body of baby Samuel. With this power, Samuel sets out to train and get stronger with his friends, facing countless cosmic entities but a moment of despair causes the world to be plunged back into the dark ages. Will this resurrected power follow its original goal of reality annihilation, or will his human heart be able to keep this power from going BERSERK? DISCLAIMER: I do not own the image on the cover and will immediately remove it upon request.

DragonKingAbbadon · Fantasy
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89 Chs

The Genesis Twins Part Three - Life on Earth

Space cracked, opening up into a wormhole the size of a stadium just outside the Milky-way galaxy and a singular ship shot out at light speed. It's been five years since the pods entered the wormhole but due to an accident, only one pod had exited so far. It was the pod carrying the twins. The wormhole closed behind the pod, indicating that the second pod was way behind.

Six months later, the pod entered the Earth's atmosphere. The pod flew across the night sky of Cape Metro city until it crash-landed into the jungle at the edge of the city. The pod's door slid open and two five-year-old preschoolers crawled out. Their pale bodies were were clad in protective unitards but they were clearly discombobulated.

The two preschoolers held hands and waddled together towards the bright flashes of light coming from the city, the pod immediately camouflaging itself.

The two soon arrived at the city, dazzled by the moving vehicles, the flashing traffic lights and the crackling of the exploding fireworks in the sky. It seemed some sort of festival was going on. This was all new to them; after all, this was basically their first experience with the outside world. They turned to see a vehicle with flashing lights approaching them.

The police car pulled over next to them and an officer alighted. He walked up to the two preschoolers and knelt before them. "Hey! There. Where are your mommy and daddy?" he asked taking a look around but the toddlers just stood spaced out as they admired the flashing siren lights of the officer's car.

"My name is Detective Noland Smith. I am going to take care of you until we find your parents, okay?", he said as he picked up the twins and placed them gently on the backseat. He then instructed his partner to case the entire area for clues of their origins, or traces of their parents. "I suspect they were abandoned but I can't be sure. Let's go back to the station and check the missing child reports", Detective Smith said to his partner as he took the wheel and drove back to the station.

After checking the reports, the police could find nothing on the twins. They reached out to hospitals in the city hoping to get any information on their origins. After two days, since no one had stepped up to claim the twins, the police followed protocol and reached out to child services who promptly retrieved them and proceeded to hand them over to the Cape Metro Home for Orphaned Kids.

After seven months in the orphanage, it had become quite obvious that the twins weren't normal, and the other kids bullied them for it. Even though they had adapted well to the human culture, their physical appearances said otherwise. They both had pale skin as well as silver colored hair and superior human strength that terrified all the inhabitants of the orphanage.

A couple seeking to adopt entered the orphanage, one fateful day. They were given an exaggerated welcome due to their affluence. They spotted the twins huddled together in the corner surrounded by several other kids who were mocking and teasing them. "We'll take those two in the corner over there", the man said to the caretaker after consulting his wife. "You sure you want those two? They are a bit strange", the caretaker remarked. "Not as strange as allowing other children to mock these little kids right in your presence", the wife retorted giving the other caretakers the stink-eye.

"Anyway, what are their names?" she asked. "Well, they don't have names, exactly", the caretaker responded. "What do you mean by, 'they don't have names, exactly'?" the husband asked. "Well, in truth, we tried to give them names when they were brought here but they never respond. They keep to themselves most of the time and have never done anything to warrant confrontation so we mostly just let them be", the caretaker explained.

"So why are they being bullied anyway?" she asked. "Well, a couple of weeks ago, a few bullies from a nearby teen orphanage broke into the orphanage to torment the kids here. The bullies couldn't get them to cave so they resorted to physical abuse; but after taking a single swing at them, they emerged with sprained fists".

"They run out of here crying. This spread fear and panic among the rest of the children. They decided to ignore the two completely and this developed into bullying after some of the older kids spread rumors that they were witches or demons or whatever. They have exhibited strength unmatched by any child here, and their hair colors don't help much", the caretaker explained.

"So, they are being bullied just because they are too strong for their age and that they don't have normal hair colors? Huh! You've got to be kidding me", she stated vexed. "Just get the paperwork ready", the husband said as they walked towards the twins. Seeing them, the kids scampered off.

The couple knelt in front of the twins as they in turn lifted their heads. "Hey there, my name is Maxwell Miller but you can call me Max, and this is my wife, Clarice. How would you two like to come home with us?" he asked. The twins glanced at each other and after a while, nodded in agreement.

Weeks after being adopted by the very rich wealthy Millers, the twins had started warming up to their new parents, so much so that one day, they actually spoke to their parents. Max and Clarice were so overjoyed that they took the kids out to celebrate.

A wormhole opened a month later at the edge of the Milky Way and Silendiana's pod finally popped out. The pod quickly entered the Milky Way Galaxy, following the path her children's pod took and, due to its slower speed, took a whole year before her pod entered Earth's atmosphere and crash landed near the same crash spot as her kids'.

"SUSPENDED ANIMATION MODE DEACTIVATED", Lisia's voice rang out. After thirty minutes, Silendiana's eyes opened. "WELCOME BACK YOUR MAJESTY", Lisia greeted. "Nice to hear your voice again Lisia", she replied. The pod door opened and she sat up straight. She got out of the pod and felt the soil under her feet.

She wobbled a little but soon gained her composure. "So, this is Earth. It's much bigger than I expected", she said as she stretched her body. "Lisia, are you already integrated with the Earth's systems", she asked. "OF COURSE, YOUR MAJESTY. WHENEVER YOU ARE READY", Lisia replied. "Very good. Let's get started", she instructed.