
The Dragon Progenitor

Due to the advanced levels of human ingenuity, Humanity is able to revive the power of a great cosmic level beast of chaos in the body of baby Samuel. With this power, Samuel sets out to train and get stronger with his friends, facing countless cosmic entities but a moment of despair causes the world to be plunged back into the dark ages. Will this resurrected power follow its original goal of reality annihilation, or will his human heart be able to keep this power from going BERSERK? DISCLAIMER: I do not own the image on the cover and will immediately remove it upon request.

DragonKingAbbadon · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Dragonification Part One

"Today has been really eventful. We've discovered a lot about your dragonity", Dr. Michelson said. "Yeah, we have…, wait, what about the dragon transformation you mentioned earlier, how do I do that?" Samuel asked, rather curiously and excitedly. "Oh! I almost forgot the most mind blowing one. The 'dragon transformation' or 'dragonification' (as I call it), is an ability that must always be used outside and in an open space. Come with me downstairs," he said and led Samuel back to the elevator that took them down to the stables.

"I can't believe you have actual horses. I have only seen them on Television", Samuel said excitedly. "That must mean you are unfamiliar with horses, I presume?" Dr. Michelson asked. "Yeah", Samuel responded in an embarrassed tone. "Well, then I guess I'll have to teach you about them. Come on", he waved Samuel over and asked him to follow him as he entered the stables. "What type of horses are they?" Samuel couldn't help but ask. "They are Irish Thoroughbreds, said to be one of ten of the world's best horse breeds", Dr. Michelson explained.

When they approached the horses, the stallions cowered and grouped together, kneeling down in the corner. "What's going on? What's wrong with them?" Samuel asked perplexed. "It's strange but I guess even though you are in your complete human form, they still sense the presence of a dragon. I guess your training brought out more of your draconic bloodline. They are revering you in their own way. I told you before that, animals are, by instinct, biologically inclined to see Dragons and other strong and powerful creatures as symbols of authority", Dr. Michelson explained.

Samuel walked closer and observed the horses. He could see that they were fear-stricken, shaking as if they were in a freezer. He knelt in front of them and began communicating with them. After a few minutes, he petted one of the horses and in a gentle voice told them to get up. They obeyed immediately and rose to their feet. "What did you do to them?" Dr. Michelson asked. "I just became friends with them. I told them not to be afraid of me. I assured them that I will not hurt them", Samuel replied.

"Brilliantly done ", the doctor commended him. "Shall we go?" Samuel asked Dr. Michelson. "Yeah, let's go", he responded. "How about we take Thunder and Lightning, two of my finest", he continued. "Thunder and Lightning…really?" Samuel asked exasperated. "It sounded cool when I named them", he replied in embarrassment. Thunder was a pitch-black stallion while Lightning was white with yellow patterns.

Samuel called for Thunder and it trotted to him.

Thunder knelt before him allowing Samuel to easily mount him. He mounted the horse and pet it on the neck in thanks; an action that pleased the horse greatly. Dr. Michelson mounted Lightning and the two slowly rode out of the stables giving Samuel enough time to adapt. "Lisia, please open the bay door", Dr. Michelson spoke up. "ACKNOWLEDGED! BAY DOOR OPENING!" Lisia replied as the bay door slowly opened. They rode out of the mountain, riding until they reached a clearing Dr. Michelson had discovered and marked for outdoor experimentation a few miles away from the lab.

When they arrived, Samuel recognized the place instantly. "I know this place. I came here once with Elizabeth, the friend I mentioned earlier. That's the spot where I got my first … kiss", he said with a blush, amidst a smile. Hearing Dr. Michelson snicker, his entire face turned red out of embarrassment. Recalling the events of the past made him miss his dear Elizabeth even more and remember how he may never see her again. "Young love" Dr. Michelson thought to himself with a smile.

After a few moments of reminiscing, Dr. Michelson finally drew Samuels's attention back to the mission at hand. "Okay. For this stage you need lots of space. Take this and ride out to the center of the field", he instructed as he gave Samuel a wireless earpiece. Samuel took the earpiece and quickly fixed it in his ear. He then grabbed Thunder's reigns and rode quickly to the center of the field. Upon reaching, he tapped a button on the ear piece and spoke, "Testing....testing! I'm here. What do I do next?" he asked over the comms.

"This part is a little tricky. I want you to meditate and look deep within yourself. Picture the limiters that keep your dragon side and your human side separate and balanced. Your mind, body and soul. Your targets are the limiters on the body. Once you have a clear vision of the limiters, imagine breaking them. Free yourself from the chains that bind you to a human body. Let the dragon in you free!", Dr. Michelson declared, rather dramatically.

Samuel took a deep breath and started focusing inward. "Remember, when the limiters suppressing your Dragon side are released, every aspect of your Dragon side will be free including your blood lust. Make sure to prepare your mind. Even if you still have a human mind, your 'WILL' must be strong enough to reign in the dragon. Do you understand me?" He asked after delivering his warning.

"Sure, Doc. I understand. I'll try my best to be careful.", Samuel said as he refocused. He blocked out every distraction and focused intently on his dragon side. After minutes of complete focus, he succeeded in realizing the limiters. He then proceeded to break them.

The sky grew darker as the winds picked up into a violent twist. There was a strong tremor as Samuel suddenly gave off a bright reddish glow. His clothes ripped off as his body expanded, transforming into a huge, four-legged western-style fire breathing dragon; almost squashing his horse. He stood thirty meters in height and almost eighty meters in length with his tail alone reaching a whopping hundred meter in length. A swipe of his tail carried strong winds along with it. He raised his head to the darkening sky and gave a loud deafening roar into the thundering skies, the vibrations shaking the entire mountain zone.

Miles away in the center of Sienna Metropolis, in the Sienna Metropolis middle school, Elizabeth sat in her class paying attention to her teacher as per usual. Suddenly her desk began to shake. It wasn't just her desk; the whole building was shaking. The other students began crying out and panicking. "It's an Earthquake. Everyone, get under your desks now and keep your heads tucked in between your legs", the teacher instructed.

The students continued to panic and scream while following the teacher's instruction. They quickly scurried under their desks and tuck their heads in between their legs. Elizabeth, with the heightened senses brought about by her pseudo dragonity, felt her hairs stand on end. She heard a sound that felt all too familiar coming from the distance.

The feeling of familiarity served to convince her of the fact; that was the roar of her beloved. Her heart was aflutter with emotions. It was as if the roar was calling out to her. A tear drop fell from her eyes as thoughts of Samuel filled her mind. "We will see each other once again, I promise", she whispered to herself as the shaking finally stopped.

Love is a language stronger than hate. let's love our neighbors as ourselves

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