
Happy New Years

I hope everyone has had a good few days after New years!

Sadly there won't be a chapter today, but that's because I have something I wish to ask you all about.

A New Years resolution I have set for myself was to set up a P@treon (webnovel censors it), but I am still not sure whether it is worth the time or effort, and since I've never touched P@treon before I would like to ask for some advice!

My current idea is that I would make the releases here on Webnovel one chapter every 6 days with the P@treon receiving normal 1 per 3 day releases for a few weeks, just to get ahead a few chapters (like 5 or 6). Once ahead, releases here would return to normal, and I would have a "fast pass" thing that maybe is like 5 dollars for 5 advanced chapters (or more depending on feedback) the whole month or something along those lines. I would also make breaks a bit more consistent and have them at a max of 1 release per month unless there is some sort of emergency.

Any advice is greatly appreciated and please feel free to voice your opinions on this matter in the comments!



The fast pass is just what Im calling the releases on P@treon! Chapters will be free on here and will release 2 every 6 days once the p@treon gets ahead a few chapters!

Next chapter