


One hour later and we were heading towards Mikhail's office, me in between Jace and Mark. Jace knocked on the door and we heard a deep voice reply to come in. On entering Mikhail's office I took in his appearance: messy hair, dark circles under his eyes and a sleep deprived look. It didn't take me much time to realize that he had barely slept, he has probably been busy in here for him to look this way, though he still looks handsome. "Hi Fiona how was your night?" He asked trying to smile. "It was peaceful but I can't say the same for you" I replied with my own smile. "Do I look that awful? How did you even know?" He asked with a grimace. "Yeah it's obvious, I mean you look like you died and came back to life" He let out a low chuckle while staring at me intently. I could feel Jace and Mark staring at the both of us knowingly and this made me uncomfortable although I tried not to show it. "So Jace told me you have something to tell me" Mikhail says in a serious voice. "Oh... um...you see it's about my memories" I say putting on my most believable tone and hoping they take the bait. "What happened? did you get them back?" Mark asked before Mikhail could even say anything. I turned to look at him and made sure not to glare before answering him. "Not really but I remember something" "Okay what do you remember?" Mikhail asked with curiosity evident on his face. Good the plan is working, now all I need to do is to keep up the lies and maybe I'll get somewhere. "Well I don't think it's something important, I mean I don't want to bother you with my problems" I say while looking down. "Fiona listen we offered to help you, you didn't force us or anything so don't think that way" Mikhail said "Yeah you can count on us to help you" Jace said with confidence. To be honest I felt guilty about lying to them but I have to do so, I don't know what danger lies ahead and I can't just go around getting innocent humans involved. "Okay well I saw this building near the area, I keep seeing it and I think I've been there before" "I know the building, it's not far from the forest" Mark said. "Maybe that's where you were held hostage, your memories must be returning" Jace said. "Hmm in that case I think we should check it out" Mikhail said. "Well I also thought the same thing so if I can have someone in the clan drive me there so I can look around" I said in a soft voice. "Oh no need for a driver or anything, I'll drive you there and check out the place too" Mikhail replied. I absolutely froze. Okay this wasn't the plan, I was supposed to be there alone so I could focus my energy on picking up a scent. It'll be easier for me since I'm a Royal and our senses are sharper than other Dragons. "Oh no, no, I couldn't trouble you like that, I'm sure I can manage alone you don't have to come with me" I say desperately trying to stop him from coming along. "No that's too dangerous, what if there are dangerous people there and they get their hands on you?" Mikhail said "Yeah you need someone to protect you and Mikhail's the best person for that" Mark said with yet another smirk. This can't be happening, if I go with him I won't be able to investigate or. . . hmm I can use this to my advantage since it looks like Mikhail won't change his mind about coming with me. "Okay if you insist then I guess we'll go together" I say with a grateful look even though I'm anything but grateful. "Okay go get dressed we're leaving soon"

After that was decided I left the office with Jace and Mark so that Mikhail could finish up whatever he was doing before we came in. Jace escorted me back to my room and asked me to meet him downstairs when I finished dressing up. I decided on wearing a white top with pink leaves, pink trousers and silver shoes. After getting dressed I brushed my hair and put it in a tight bun on top of my head before heading downstairs. I saw Jace and Mark sitting on the chairs and approached them. "So I'm ready where's Mikhail?" I asked them. Before Jace could open his mouth to answer me I heard him. "Right here, let's go" I turned around to see Mikhail standing there and he was already dressed. We all went outside to what I'm guessing is Mikhail's car, we entered the car with Mikhail planning to drive and me sitting beside him. Jace and Mark waved us goodbye as Mikhail drove out of the clearing. At first I was wondering how we would get outside the forest with a car but before I could ask Mikhail my question was answered. We drove through a cleared path that looked like it was made for vehicles to pass if they wanted to leave the forest and I'm sure that's what it's for seeing as there are thousands of people here and a lot of vehicles too. After driving for a while we finally drove through a path that led out of the forest and onto tarred roads. We kept driving for about 15 minutes when I finally saw what I assumed to be the building. It was an abandoned warehouse which looked quite old if you asked me. The paint on the walls were peeling off, most of the windows were broken and it just looked very disastrous if I was being honest but it was located in a secluded place. A building where bad things could be done, a building where hostages could be kept. Mikhail stared at the building with a lot of caution and I couldn't help but be alert with the way he was acting and I guess he was right to act that way since we didn't know who or what could be inside right now. "look I want you to stay close to me during the time we'll be inside the building, don't leave my sight for anything" Mikhail said in a strict tone I was about to answer but he continued. "We don't know who's inside that building so we've got to be careful, I wouldn't want you getting hurt" Mikhail said this statement with a clenched jaw and even though I knew I shouldn't have reacted to what he said I still felt a part of me grow warm at the fact that he cared about me and didn't want me getting hurt. "Okay but we need to look thoroughly in case there's anything suspicious in there" I said I saw Mikhail nod at me before asking "are you ready to go in?" I wanted badly to say something like 'i was born ready' or 'ready as I'll always be' but instead I stuck with a simple "yes". We both walked towards the door ready to open and see who or what was inside, I was prepared for anything.

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