
The Dragon Lord's Apprentice

A young stable hand lives a uneventful and simple life, until one day when she looks to the skies and sees opportunity for something greater.

Extinct_Vessel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Dark Terror

Still not satisfied with these meager pickings. The ravenous dragon spread its massive wings and flapped upward, spreading smoke and bits of burning splinters in every direction. The creature rose higher and higher into the sky effortlessly that was it's true domain. The night was young. And his reign of liberated terror had only just begun.

It's Heading for the town!!!!! Screamed Durgan! The young lad kicked Skipper into high speed desperate to try and catch up.

"Durgan what are you doing!!!" Screamed Kresha. Holding on for dear life still with tears in her eyes.

"My parents are there right now!! I have to warn them!!!"

He needn't have worried about being the first to warn the town. The terrified night guard who had just started to doze off on top of the wall was the first to beat him to it.

"Wild Dragon, Wild Dragon!!!!" The terrified guard yelled at the top of us lungs. Ringing the alarm beside his post with both hands like a maniac hoping to wake the town before it was to late. 

Panic swept through the town like a plague.

A few groggy guards awoke from their slumber near the town barracks entrance and donned their helmets and short swords hastily and clumsily. Some were still in their nightclothes. Soon only a meager dozen men stood standing guard just behind the gate and barring it shut with a loud clang desperately.

"Golem!" The guard atop the wall called out hastily, leaning over the railing and pointing to the beast in the sky. "Defend!"

The old stone Golem standing Guard at the gate immediately took the call to action as ordered. Taking one long large stride from his post which he hadn't moved from in years. The dust shaking off his shoulders as he slowly began lumbering toward the direction of the dragon quickly approaching overhead. The Golem latched atop the old destroyed cart stuck beside the road with both hands and tossed it mightily into the air to try and knock the creature out of the sky. But the Dragon was far too swift. It evaded the rotten carriage easily and began to circle the golem safe from high above. Showering it in a breath of flame to burn it to nothing. But to its bewilderment. The golem stood unaffected.

The giant was now white hot and trailing bits of steam but it still stood standing ready to fulfill it's purpose. Rock does not burn or break so easily. But wings do. The golem began reaching out for a large bolder beside the road to try again. He would never stop until he brought down this pest.

The dragon above growled in anger. It would have to do this the hard way then.

The creature tucked in its wings and dived straight for the old guard kneeling, before then spreading them wide apart to land squarely on its mossy backside. Putting it astronomical weight squarely on its chest ands slamming it to the ground with a massive thud spread across the road. The golem tried to reach behind it. But the dragon started to coil its tail tightly around both of its flailing legs and proceeded to pin its arm's against the ground with its talons.

The black dragon coiled its striped tail tighter and tighter like a serpent engulfing its prey. Cracks started to form in the golem's feet and travel up its torso slowly like a constellation. Its lower half suddenly snapped into rubble and dust. But still the golem was not done. And neither was the dragon. The Beast Latched onto its victim and lifted it higher and higher into the air. The golem still fighting to free himself without a hint of fear in his ancient eyes, only wanting to kill this beast and fulfill it's sole duty in defending the town.

A duty that would go unfulfilled.

The dragon released its talons from the stone warrior's shoulders and let his torso plummet back to the earth from which it was formed.

As Kresah and Durgan approached the town, the first thing they saw was the seemingly invincible stone defender smashing into a thousand pieces upon the sudden impact with the solid ground. A cloud of dust formed and spread as the ancient warrior broke apart into millions of tiny pieces.

"That's.. That's impossible." Durgan said horrified. But it was possible. It had just been done. And now nothing in brosta could stand a chance against stopping the dragon.

Now that it's only major threat was taken care of, the dragon landed in front of the barred gate and smashed its armored head right through, using its scull as a battering ram. Pounding once, twice. It wouldn't hold.

Behind the gates, the guards began to shiver and quake as they clutched tighlty to spears and swords. The barracks commander tried to keep them in line. "Come on, men! Hold Position!

They soon wish they didn't.

The massive oak door tore right off of its iron hinges to crash toward the ground with a loud boom that shook the ground, crushing a third of the guards underneath. Those brave and swift enough to have moved out of the way were quickly batted aside by the beasts head and set alight by its fire as they tried to charge. The rest scattered in a chaotic panic. They weren't getting paid nearly enough to have to deal with this.

The dragon sniffed the air eagerly and began swallowing up the burned and dead guards before it one by one. Still it kept advancing, its apatite unsated and sensing that was an even greater deal of fresh meat close by.

The black dragon slowly began to slither through the cramped city streets on the prowl, knocking against buildings and rooftops with its massive tail and wings. Drowsy villagers were attempting to flee in every direction screaming so long as wasn't the same path as this beast. Some managed to flee quick enough from its fire. Others didn't. All around the town burned.

The dragon stopped in front of a large shop with fresh venison and sausages hanging from the ceiling. Quickly beginning to gorge himself on the succulents meat so easily offered to him. He suddenly stopped in place with a bloodied sheep's carcass at the sight of two human shop owners quickly trying to escape down the stairs out of harms' way. Halting halfway down the stairs, with two glowing eyes staring directly at them through the open stall entrance.

The deadly reptile sapped up the goat in its mouth, inched towards the defenseless couple and slowly started to open its jaws to engulf the two of them in its consuming flames.

"NOOOO!!" Screamed Durgan as he rushed forward with kresha close behind trying to get him to run. He looked to the ground beside him and to her amazement, chucked a rock toward the dragons head. The beast turned and growled angered at the little boy.

"Oh no...". He muttered quivering. Durgan had wanted to be a knight all his life. Now he would get his chance whether he wanted it or not.

The dragon charged the two of them at full speed.

"Run you idiot!!!" Kresha screamed. She gripped tightly to his tunic and the two sprinted into an nearby ally just as the dragon unleashed a massive blast of fire down the street that narrowly missed the two as they turned the corner. Both of their eyes widened in horror at what they saw before them.

It was a dead end.

The two panicked and began trying to climb up the stone walls but it was no use. They were trapped with no way out and death behind them creeping in.

The dragon inched its snout closer and closer, poking around the corner and slowly turned to face them, sniffing the air hungrily. It's massive horns scraping sparks against the walls as it stuck its head down, taking up the whole alley towards them. Her heart sank as the beast began to slowly open its mouth, a red hot glow could be seen at the back of its throat that was like a boiling furnace. The hottest fire she had ever felt, it hurt just to look at. She could feel the heat it radiated out in blisstering waves. There was no escape for either of them she knew

The two friends clenched hands and braced for the coming blast shutting their eyes to brace for the fire together. 

Without warning a massive shadow flew overhead toward the direction of the black dragon. The wind it carried, no it WAS the wind, sending leaves and scores of dust down the alley into Kersha and Durgan, whipping hair into both their eyes. A white blur crashed into the side of the black dragon as it turned too late, slamming it away from durgan and Kersha and into the center of the town square, where dozens of villagers were attempting to flee the carnage. The black dragon tumbled and splintered through dozens of stalls before standing and rearing angrily toward the source of the interruption, ready to face it.

Kersha's eyes expanded in pure amazement and shock at what she saw as she peeked around the corner with durgan below It was another dragon that had knocked the black beast to the ground. It had actually saved them! It was pure white almost like an angel with glittering scales and blue feathers running along its back, bright green eyes and a long slender snout above. But unlike the black dragon. There was something atop it's back.

A man with a grey metal helmet and white scaled cloak stood atop an armored saddle, tethered tightly to the white beast, almost telling and guiding where and what it was doing with a whip, while also using it against the opposing dragon. Lashing it again and again across the ash colored face with one loud crack after another.

The black and white dragon circled each other angrily, snarling and snapping with puffs of blue and red fire and smoke coming out through their nostrils. Suddenly they sprinted toward each other in a frenzied and chaotic crash of flesh and claw. Slicing and biting at one another, to then begin carrying and flapping higher and higher above the town in a spiraling duel of flame and death. The black dragon was quick and ruthless but it was smaller. Much smaller. The larger white dragon under the hesitant order of its rider suddenly bit hard into the black's wing, not enough to rip it off but enough to ground it. The black released a horrendous wail of pain that hurt Kresha's ears immensely. She covered them as she watched the two creatures tumble down toward the earth with a large crash of dust and street tile. The white dragon turning and shifting at the last moment to land on and pin the wounded blak beneath its gleaming ivory talons victoriously.

At last. It was over. The nightmare had been defeated.