
The Dragon King Of Lust

DISCLAIMER: This story will take place in South Korea so I want tell you that this story is not related to real world and if there is any connection it is mere coincidence. There is a legend in the cultivation realm that a mythical dragon once lived in the known universe and ruled over it. But the people fearing it and the people wanting it's all mythical poweres united and attacked the mythical beast and in the neck of time a mysterious person appeared and took away dragon. Then that person separated the dragons powers and now in the modern world a man will wield one of the dragon's power which is THE POWER AND CHARM OF LUST OF THE DRAGON. Join the discord server everyone below is the link to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Great Dragon

Author's Note

Hello everyone this particular chapter is going to deal with the dragon whose powers are going to play very important part in the story going forward. So you can say that this is going to a prequel chapter having a greater impact on the story. This particular chapter will take place ten million years before the main story. As this is my second story I hope you all will like and we will travel in this journey together.

But first thing first this chapter as I have said before is the prequel chapter for the story so it is quite long.

Thank you so much for showing your support for this story and now without further ado let's begin the story.

It is a little information, I have added another character in the characters chapter do check it out.


The world we live in which we live today is hiding many secrets in it. The world we are seeing is just a cover which is given to the mortal humans to live in. But under this cover there is the real world which is hidden from the mortal humans to protect that real world and the greatest treasure that is kept hidden in that world.

To begin with there was such thing as a cover world and real world rather it was once a single world hundred million years ago. But at that time something unexpected happened that created the real and cover world.

The cover world is the one where normal mortal humans live and die and make their family and do their regular day works.

But the real world which was hidden from the normal humans is the world of cultivators. In that world many cultivators lived with so many secrets and magical powers.

Most of them always live in that world but some of the cultivators also come to the cover world or we can say the normal world to enjoy the life of normal world.

But exactly what the hell happened hundred million years ago that created these two worlds.

Hundred million years ago.

The world was peaceful everyone was living in harmony and doing their work, cultivators were cultivating and non cultivators were living their lives. Mythical beasts were common for everyone as they can be seen everywhere in this world.

But the main reason for the peace and harmony was not the love, care and their wish for coexistence. No those were not the reason rather the main reason FEAR.

Yes, for someone who has the powers to destroy the entire universe with just his snap of fingers. That someone is capable enough to kill anyone without touching and the person killed by him were never get into the cycle of reincarnation.

That someone lived in a grand palace at the exact centre of the world where the main balance of the world was placed.

Inside the grand castle lived the most powerful being of the entire universe who can create and destroy worlds as that being sees to his please.

In that castle lived the being with numerous women who his sexual partners. Yes that being is not only the most powerful being the universe but also the most lustful being in the universe.

That being is none other than the most ancient and one of the primal species of the world to come to life.

That being is The Primal Chaos Dragon.

The primal chaos dragon was the ruler of the world ten million years ago.

He was both feared and revered in the world by the people. All the people be the cultivators and normal humans and mythical beasts feared the dragon most.

They all lived in harmony and in coexistence just because of the dragon. It was the dragon's will that everyone in his world shall live with each other.

So for that they all lived together without giving him anymore trouble and the dragon started to live his life in eternal bliss with his numerous sexual partners.

Being the prime cultivator of world, the dragon has many cultivation method within him and dual cultivation was one of them but he never used his dual cultivation method because he never wanted to share his powers with others. Also the dragon never wanted an offspring as he knew that if he started to impregnate his every partner then one day he will have to face an internal civil war which he didn't like.

So he never impregnated any of his sexual partners and just enjoyed his time with them.

So for that reason he has never taken any women for his cultivation. Apart from the women there were two subordinates of him whom the dragon trusted the most.

They were Gong Kim and Park Min.

These two were the dragon's most trusted subordinates who oversee the world in place of the dragon and they were also the ones who can communicate with the dragon and they only communicate with him if there is any universe level threat coming towards them.

As the saying goes, "All days never go equal."

Same thing started to happen in the world. The world which is ruled by the dragon was not the inhabited by good people only but the world inhabited by the evil people more and good people very less.

This was the reason for which the dragon took the path of instilling fear in the hearts of the people to rule over the world.

There were two hidden group in the world formed after the rule of the dragon. One group is the group of people who only feared the dragon and the second group was group of people who wanted the mythical beasts power for themselves to rule the entire world.

Then after few hundreds of years of the dragon's rule the people who only feared him and the people who wanted his powers joined their hands to take down the dragon.

They have waited for many years for a right time in which they can attack and take down the dragon once and for all.

Then one day the second group's leader called an emergency meeting of the two groups and told them.

The Leader of The Second Group: "Everyone the day that we all have been waiting has finally arrived. Today we can take down the dragon once and for all. Because today the dragon will enter into hibernation and before going into hibernation he always removes all his powers from his body. His cultivation before hibernation is zero. This is the golden opportunity for all of us to get freedom from that beast."

The leader of the second group has told all of the people a great piece of news which was welcomed by all the people present there with great joy and clapping sounds.

"Clap clap clap clap."

Then after hearing this news on member asked.

Member: "Is it really true what you have just said leader Park Min ?"

Park Min: "Yes it is true. After staying loyal with him I know some of his secrets and this is one them and today is the day when will get what we all have desired for a very long time."

Yes, the leader of the second group who wanted the power of the dragon was none other than Park Min who was one of the trusted subordinate of the dragon.

He has always wanted the power of the dragon for himself and this was the reason why joined the dragon's side and worked his ass of to become the trusted subordinate of the beast.

Then they all agreed to that they will attack the dragon in the afternoon.

But one thing that they didn't knew was that Gong Kim was hiding between them and he has heard everything and recorded everything of their meeting.

Then at the afternoon they all marched towards the castle of the dragon and when they reached at the central city, Gong Kim who waiting for his chance to report everything to the dragon finally got his chance and went straight to an alley way from where he teleported inside the dragon's castle.

After arriving inside the castle Gong Kim went straight to dragon's room where the dragon was currently having his last time bliss before his hibernation.

Then Gong Kim went straight to the room without knocking his door and when he entered the room he saw many naked women sleeping on the floor, some were sleeping on some of the couches which were placed in the room and some were sleeping on a big bed with the dragon in the middle of the bed and some of the women also slept on the dragon.

All the women who were present in the room were completely naked and white coloured love juices were gushing out of there mouth, pussy and ass.

Then covering his eyes and only sensing the dragon's power Gong Kim reached at the dragon and started to wake him up. With his first attempt to wake up the dragon Gong Kim was successful and the mighty beast wake up.

Then after opening his eyes the dragon saw Gong Kim standing in front of him while closing his eyes.

Understanding the reason for his closed eyes the mighty beast roared and all the women woke up from the their slumber and then dragon told all of them to get out of his and close the doors after leaving his room. After hearing the dragon's command every women got up and take their clothes and then ran out of his room while the last woman closed the doors after leaving the room.

Then after every women left his room the dragon asked the reason for Gong Kim's presence and Gong Kim told him, "Soon there is going to be an attack on you."

Hearing him the dragon started to laugh and knowing that the beast will not believe him Gong Kim showed him the recording of the meeting and the dragon became very furious knowing Park Min has betrayed him.

Then his eyes became blood red and he looked up at the ceiling and flew past it while destroying the ceiling the completely. Gong Kim also flew behind him.

After going into the sky above his castle the dragon saw that his castle has surrounded by many people and he found Park Min in front of the crowd which made him more furious.

Then he roared loudly that just destroyed his entire castle. Then looked at Park Min and for knowing his true intensions he used his minding reading powers and got to know about everything and after knowing everything he just made a face full of disgust.

Then he didn't said anything and just snapped his fingers and by that everyone who wanted to attack him were killed in an instance with no trace of their living left behind.

Then he wanted to destroy this entire world but Gong Kim whom he has spared tried to calm him down and then he looked at his castle which was completely destroyed and with it all the innocent female were dead.

Seeing this he came into the conclusion that till he is in the world there will these deaths and this will never stop and the world will never be in peace. So he decided that he will go into eternal death.

Then he teleported himself and Gong Kim into the space where he created a sub space for Gong Kim to be able breathe properly. Then he told him,

Primal Chaos Dragon: "This world has no place for me now. All I ever wanted was for all of us to live together but their greed has consumed them completely and now all can never live together. If it is their wish then I will fulfill it."

Saying the dragon snapped his fingers and a bright light of red colour came out of his body which flew towards the world and then it started to change the world. The light then separated the normal non cultivators and cultivators and then from the space the dragon roared and an invisible wall was formed which created the two worlds which are the main world and the cover world.

Then he roared again and the memories of both the worlds people was completely wiped out of each other.

Then he looked at Gong Kim and said,

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Gong Kim you are my only true friend whom I trust the most now. Then believing on that trust I am going to entrust you with defending my powers till it's rightful masters don't arrive."

Then saying this he closed his eyes and before Gong Kim could say anything he saw a golden colour light coming out of the dragon. He was not able to stand into he light as his eyes stared to pain a lot. So he closed his eyes and after sometimes the dragon told him to open his eyes. Hearing this he opened his eyes and saw that two balls and a sealed box were floating in front of him.

Then dragon told him,

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Gong Kim these two balls hold all of my powers. The red ball contains all my fighting powers of every aspect that is hand to hand combat, any kind of weapon combat, magical power combat while the blue ball contains my powers of lust and charm with some magical powers and the sealed box contains my rare primal chaos dragon bloodline. Now I am entrusting these powers and bloodline of mine in your hands, now accept them."

After saying this, the dragon pushed the balls and the ball floated towards Gong Kim.

Then the dragon said to him,

Primal Chaos Dragon: "After 100 million years two individuals will appear in front of you one female and one male they both will be bearing my dragon symbol. The female will appear first in front of you so you will give her the red ball while the male will appear after 150 years of the female's appearance and give him the blue ball and my bloodline and also I have hidden all of my wealth somewhere safe which you will know very soon and you have to give all of my wealth to that male."

Hearing all this Gong Kim was very confused and he wanted to say something but the dragon understood everything and came near him and placed his hand on his forehead by which all the knowledge of the dragon and all the details of the prophecy was transferred inside Gong Kim's mind.

Then tears stated to form on Gong Kim's eyes as he now knew that the time has come for his friend to say good bye to him forever.

Then in an instant a bright light came out of the dragon's body and which blinded Gong Kim for a few second and when he was able to see again he found himself in a new place which was very beautiful place which was very surreal.

The place was full of beautiful flowers and with a waterfall present there, some mountains were also present there and a huge mansion was there. Then Gong Kim suddenly felt like touching the ground so he bent down to touch the ground.

When Gong Kim touched the ground below him he got a message transmission in his mind which was from the dragon.

From the message he knew that this place was created by his friend for him and after him for his two power holders. Then he also came to know that sealed bloodline box will open only when the male will came near it. Then final message was for him to go into seclusion cultivation for 100 million years and when the right time will come he will know and will come out of the seclusion and with this the message ended.

Then hearing everything he cried for hours and then to fulfill his friend's wish Gong Kim went to seclusion for 100 million years. In between that time many things changed on both the worlds and time went by very quickly.

After 100 million years and 150 years before the main story.

Suddenly one day Gong Kim who was cultivating in seclusion opened his eyes inside his room and then went out towards the flower field and looked at the sky.

At this moment he knew that the time has come for the first power holder to appear. So he used his teleportation power to go to the main world.

There he teleported in front of a house which was completely destroyed and perpetrators who destroyed the house were laughing maniacly.

Then feeling that he has failed to carry our his friends wish guilt came to him. Then he looked at the people who did this and asked them if they are the ones who did this.

One of them came out and said proudly that they have done this and destroyed the house.

Hearing this Gong Kim became furious and without saying anything with just the movements of his fingers he killed all of the people who destroyed the house.

Then thinking that he had failed keep his friend's wish he turned around to leave that place and at that moment he heard the crying sound of a baby and he dashed towards the house buring in flames. Then he saw a small girl under a burning bed is crying.

Then he rushed there and moved the bed using his powers and took baby in his arms. Then he saw that this baby is a girl and she has the dragon symbol on her left shoulder.

Then feeling happy that the first power holder is safe made him happy and then he teleported to the front of the burning house and said,

Gong Kim: "I don't know who were the parents of this girl but I promise you that I will take care of her and I will make her very strong for her future so you don't have to worry about her and you can peacefully go towards your cycle of reincarnation."

Saying Gong Kim bowed down in front of the house and then teleported to his own secret dimension.

Then he glanced at the baby girl in his arms and said, "From today onwards your name is Ji Ho."