
Training Rhenyra and making plans

After she let go we both went towards the feast where everyone was discussing something or other with each other and he could see that she was in a happier mood than before but he didn't say anything, however she decided to break the silence." Thank you for being so kind and supportive of me it truly means a lot to have someone as powerful as you looking after me" she said." It's nothing Rhenyra I am just doing what any normal person would do in such a situation helping you out with the pressure of being heir to the throne " said Edward " Well thanks again for all your help and most of all thank you for believing in me unlike some people who like to see me fail" she said." You won't fail princess and just like in the past when House Targaryen will be restored to its full strength and the three heads of the dragon will rule till the end of time, also princess after this feast is done come to the training yard, because I will personally make sure that your intellectual strength and skills in battle are at their highest peak " said Edward as she nodded and went their separate ways, as Edward was walking amongst the people Daemon approached him and signaled him to talk in private.

"What is it that you want to ask Daemon?" said Edward." What was it that had Rhenyra so upset and also what did you two talk about over there" asked Daemon." Well for starters the pressure of being heir to the throne and the fact that everyone just wants to see her fail had her in tears, but I managed to reawaken her fire by telling her that I would personally train her just like I did with you and I will make sure that before she ascends the iron throne the people of the realm would learn to fear, love and respect her since a great ruler needs to have all three of those qualities" said Edward." You do know that Otto will whisper in my brothers ear telling him that you are trying to become king and overthrow him or he might come up with some other excuses" said Daemon to which Edward smirked and Daemon knew what it meant he had a plan." Do not worry Daemon because I will make sure that Otto Hightower is gone for good and that he perished in an accident" after Edward said that they continued to talk about what Daemon would do since once he annulled his marriage to Rhea Royce he would be free to marry whoever he chooses and so Edward gave him sound advice which he knew daemon would listen to because he knew that Daemon respected him more than anyone.

After the feast ended and things went back to normal Edward took his spot in the council and he didn't even ask for permission from anyone to do what was necessary and because of that kings landing became a heaven for anyone living there and a fortress for anyone who dared to try and attack, he had a fleet of fifty war ships patrolling the black water bay along with infantry towers across the wall surrounding kings landing, he also had twenty thousand troops patrolling the streets of kings landing every hour of every day, outside of kings landing in the fields he ordered a thousand of his people to farm the land which they did and with Edwards magic it became extremely fertile making crops three times a month thanks to his magic which he used to focus the power of the lay lines more in Westeros which in turn made the realm more prosperous.

The same thing was happening to every region of the realm the people were happy and conflicts were squashed before they even happened and they started seeing him as guardian from the days of heroes which he didn't say anything against it, one more thing that happened was the training that he promised Rhenyra and he used the same method he used for daemon first awakening her true bloodline and magic afterwards he created a time dome where he showed her the true way of ruling and her responsibilities but he also showed her different scenarios and tested her each day making progress, other than teaching her he also trained her in magic and combat which he didn't make it easy for her and trained her to the breaking point but because of the potion that he gave her the next day she would be on her feet stronger than before and so the training continued for three years while only a day passed outside and in those three years he remade Rhenyra from a little brat and scared girl into a warrior and leader worthy of the iron throne.

During his time training her there were intimate moments with them such as her trying to seduce him, or him just making her stretch in different angels and he had to say after Rhenyra took the potion and began training her body became lean with pure muscle and filled up in all the right places which made it harder for Edward to keep focused however Rhenyra enjoyed the effect he had on him, the training continued with her becoming selfless and more focused to helping others than just focusing on her own power or the iron throne and once the training was done Edward called her to give her the tools she needed.

"Rhenyra can you come here please there are some things I wish to give you" once she heard him she came over and saw a sword which was beautiful but strong, an armour with the Targaryen symbol and colours which was meant to cover her from head to toe and last but not least a book with runes on the corners and the Targaryen symbol proudly displayed in it, seeing them she waited for him to explain.

"The sword is made of uru a metal highly conductive to magic which has some enchantments on it first it can return to your hand whenever you throw it in battle and you can also use your magic much easier with it, there are also two other enchantments the first being a bloodline inheritance which means no one other than a son or grandson/ daughter or granddaughter can ever wield it, the other being a change enchantment meaning it can become whatever weapon you prefer, second we have the armour and it has enchantments which allow you to control it in whichever look you prefer along with other enchantment such as self cleaning, anti anything that is intended as harm towards you and most of all you can channel your magic to unlock new abilities from it and last but not least we have the first grimoire of your house meaning everything you learn or experience along with the magic of your house will be recorded in that book automatically" once Rhenyra heard what each one of them were capable of and what they meant she lunged forward and hugged him.

"Thank you thank you so much you have no idea how much everything you have done to help me means to me and I promise you that I will make you proud and most of all I will ask my father to marry us, I can think of no one who I would like as my companion and husband in this life or any other life" as she said that she kissed him which he returned holding her close to him and as they pulled away she had a blush on her cheeks." I love you too Rhenyra and from getting to know the true you during our training and the changes you have made to yourself through the course of these years I know that you are truly there and ready to become who you are meant to be, now let us leave this place since we have much to do once we are out" as he said that he undid the dimension and they appeared in his dojo once there they both went to the red keep however before going there he remembered Syrax and he spoke to Rhenyra.

"How about we go and see Syrax plus there is something else I want to show you" she agreed and so they made their way to the dragon pit where the dragons were kept in chains and it was something he would change since he had the ability to turn them into humans making their freedom that much more of a possibility.

After making their way to the dragon pit they went to visit Syrax and once they saw her he used his magic to turn her into a human just like the other dragons and when Rhenyra saw what happened she was a bit taken aback but nonetheless happy since now she would never leave Syrax in the dragon pit instead she would always be by Rhenyras side after finishing their business they both left the dragon pit however Edward turned Dreamfire into a human as well taking both of them out of the pit, now he had four dragon emperors and three dragon empress which already made the power behind Rhenyra colossal but he didn't think much on it because if Otto decides to make the same move he did when he put Aegon on the throne then he would personally burn him to ashes and seal his soul torturing him for all eternity for what he did to queen Aemma since it was his plotting with the faith and the maesters which prevented Aemma from giving birth to a male heir all of those times, he would also make sure the faith and maesters learned fully what it means to have angered a dragon god and he wasn't going to make their death an easy one he will use them as his ginny pigs for experiments.

Otto Hightower would die by his had once Viserys was dead and afterwards everyone who would dare stand against him or his family would follow him, he would make what maegor did to the faith a mere spectacle compared to what he would do to them.