
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 97 The letter by Medusa

Drake opened the letter after going into his room.

"Dear Drake,

I'm writing this letter so that you can keep a written copy of everything you need to do in your village. First you need to make something to attract attention into your village. Second your village must have at least 600 people living there. Third your village needs to pay taxes to you. Fourth your village needs a festival the week the Dukes come in. I know this is going to be very difficult to do. However if you accomplish this you and your family will be granted Nobility. I hope you enjoy your time with family and friends. I cannot make it down until the Dukes arrive. Everyone else will be doing their best to come down and help you.

With a lot of love for you,


Drake finished reading the letter and the first thing on his mind.

"How in the Fuck am I going to increase my population? There is almost no room to increase!" Drake nearly yelled out.

After pondering it for a couple of minutes.

"I guess I will ask Amelia if I can get some merfolk moved to the edge. It would help me increase my population and we can have a festival celebrating the unification of both Ritocian and Non-Ritocian people." Drake thought.

"That is two problems hopefully solved. We need to make something to attract attention." Drake thought hard about it for a few minutes before giving up.

"GRRRRRRRR" Drake's stomach growled.

"Breakfast time." Drake said and went downstairs.

Seeing June and Nightingale together made Drake happy. Turning slowly Drake saw his dad being scolded by his mom. Drake tried his best to hold his chuckle.

June turned around and heard him.

"Drake breakfast is already ready." June raised her voice just a little.

"I know I'm right here." Drake replied with a small smile.

"I never would have thought that there would be a day where I could enjoy such a scene." Drake thought.

Getting to the table, everything was spread out. Each person getting all they wanted. Once everyone was done getting what they wanted.

"Itadakimasu" Drake said.

"Thank you for the food" June said.

"Itadakimasu" Drake's father said.

"Thank you for the food" Nightingale said.

"Thank you for the food" May said.

Drake was the first to finish by simply picking up the plate. Grabbing a spoon and shoving down his throat so fast that no one even knows how fast he finished.

Drake went back upstairs and reread the letter. Drake knew he had to come up with an attraction. Thinking harder about it now then he did before he came up with a brilliant idea.

"If I'm already asking merfolk to come down. Why don't we make a copy of Amelia's Castle. It would give them a place to live and it could be a really good attraction spot." Drake said out loud.

"We do not have enough money to pay me taxes yet but maybe with this we can do something about it." Drake finally had the plan all figured out.

First he would ask Amelia if merfolk would move to his village. If the answer was yes, he was more than sure it would be. Then he would ask if he could use his Earth Magic to make a copy of her Castle. He did not know if the answer would be yes to this one or not. Finally, getting at least one of their castles he would use it as an attraction spot for people. People would have to come down and spend more time here than what they have room for but they can figure that out once the other deeds were settled.

Drake rushed to the door. Opening it Nightingale was there.

"Have you read the letter?" Nightingale asked.

"Twice and I need to go to the fields." Drake replied.

Nightingale followed Drake. Arriving there in just a few seconds, Drake had to increase the depths of he was going to get merfolk living with him.

Drake increased the depths of the river on the far end. It was deep enough for the merfolk to live in.

"I wonder if I can make a deepsea swimming suit. It would need to look more open and come in multiple colors. It also needs to be available for any race." Drake was thinking hard about and used his Earth Magic to make a copy of the suit itself.

It stood about has tall has Death and it had the availability to spread at center places for certain races.

Seeing the suit Drake asked, "Nightingale will you please try this on."

Nightingale tried it on and Drake moved around to see if it fit pretty well.

From his point of view everything looked good.

"Nightingale does it fit okay?" Drake asked.

"It feels a little uncomfortable but it does fit well." Nightingale replied.

"Uncomfortable how?" Drake needed to know.

"It feels like I'm being squeezed in certain areas. Others it is just too loose." Nightingale said.

Drake used his Earth Magic to spread the suit width just a little bit.

"Does that fit better?" Drake asked.

"Much." Nightingale replied.

"Time to test it for swimming." Drake said.

"Huh?" Nightingale was confused.

"This is the prototype for being able to do something special." Drake said.

They both just jumped into the river. Nightingale had a hard time getting used to the weight.

Drake had to help her. Once she got used to it. It was still extremely hard to swim in.

Drake used his Earth Magic to lower the weight of the suit.

Nightingale was then able to move more freely with it.

"I believe this will work." Nightingale said.

"Wonderful." Drake gave a thumbs up.

They returned to the surface after just a few minutes of swimming.

Drake was ready to send a letter to Amelia. He would really like to have more time to get everything done but Drake knew in the end everything would be decided by this.

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