
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 95 June's love

Learning about how Dragon Princes are. June could not accept that Drake had/is going to have multiple wives.

"My brother really cares for me. I want to be his number one." June cried herself to sleep the night before Drake came home.

The morning that Drake came home

June woke up early to walk Beowolf's and Grizzly hugger. She would take them to the edge of the mountain. They would roam for a few minutes before returning.

Then they went to the few spots that the rest of their families watched for intruders. Seeing that everyone was doing good.

The last group of Great Running Wolves had seen Drake and the women who he had with him.

Beowolf's and Grizzly hugger ran towards the area where the Great Running Wolves had pointed towards.

"Why are they running now?!" June yelled inwardly.

She started chasing them. She did not want anyone hurt because of them.

Getting close to the other side of the farming area. June could see women looking around. She did not realize who they were.

Hearing Beowolf's and Grizzly hugger's name being called. She knew Drake had returned home.

June decided after seeing Drake to call them back.

"Beowolf's, Grizzly hugger." June called.

Seeing everyone's faces and how pretty they look, even though she could tell they were Demi- humans. June got jealous. There was so much she wanted to fuss at but she did not want to do it in front of Drake.

They quickly arrived at home. June decided to head to her room.

"I'm home." June heard Drake say.

Hearing May storming the living room and grab Drake. She squeezed the life out of him. May truly missed her baby.

"Hey Drake." Drake's father said.

"Hello father." Drake replied.

"Let's talk." Drake set down on the couch and his father set right beside of him.

"Who enjoyed having the night together?" Drake's father wanted to get to the point.

"The Goddess Kala." Drake spoke the truth.

"Huh?" May short-circuited.

"The Fuck." Drake's father replied.

"Why have I heard that name before?" June was on the stairway when she heard that.

The other women just shallowed the spit and did not want to say a word.

"I met Kala twice. The first time I actually fucked her and passed out. The second time we chatted." Drake wanted his parents to know the truth.

"Was she pretty?" Drake's father wanted to know.

"She is the second most pretty woman I know." Drake did not lie.

"Who is the prettiest woman you know then?" May asked.

"Ariel." Drake replied.

"Why?" May wanted to know.

"She does not wear any secrets on her sleeve and is truly a wonderful woman." Drake replied blushing.

"Have you told her yet?" Drake's father asked.

"I have not but I want to get the other women in line first before I talk with her." Drake said.

"Who else is pretty to you?" May asked.

"My sister and Medusa." Drake replied.

June heard it from the top of the stairs and shed a few years of happiness.

"What about other women close to you?" Drake's father asked.

"They are all pretty but the ones I named make me proud of having them as my wives." Drake told them.

June could not stop crying tears of happiness when she heard what Drake said. She had never felt so much emotion.

"I feel so good." June's heart was beating like crazy.

"I have a favor to ask Drake. What do you honestly think of those women in front of us?" Drake's father staring at Nightingale's sisters asked.

"They are wonderful companions. I truly could not have gone ten months in the past without them by my side. They made sure Queen Amelia and Queen Aura were safe." Drake told them.

"TEN MONTHS! MY BABY WAS IN THE PAST FOR A WHOLE TEN MONTHS!" May shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Mom." Drake could only say before May began to squeeze the life out of Drake again.

"I will not allow you to leave until you have fully recovered." May said but the reality was the opposite.

"My wife is truly one of a kind." Drake's father thought.

"She must be a succubus in disguise." Nightingale thought almost went to get Drake out of her arms.

"My mother will kill me with her hugs!" Drake shouted inwardly. He wanted to get out of her grip but knew if he did. The punishment would be a lot worse.

Nightingale left to head upstairs.

Kawaii just sat down on the couch and watched Drake.

Grace went outside and got on the rooftop.

The other two went walking around the village. They wanted to learn a little bit more about what was going on here.

Nightingale found June's room and entered it. She saw June crying herself to sleep and decided to wait for a better time to talk.

Nearly five minutes of being squeezed May slowly let Drake down.

"I nearly died." Drake thought with his head spinning.

Drake slowly made his way up the stairs. Kawaii had to help him the way up.

Kawaii saw a door and helped Drake enter in. She however did not look inside.

Drake made his way into the bed. His head hurt so much he did not care to change or look which room he was in.

He laid down and fell asleep almost immediately.

During the night, he woke up because he felt something rub on him but he fell right back asleep.

June's pov

After falling asleep June felt someone get on the bed but did not care enough to see who it was.

During the night, she rolled over and felt someone on the bed. She was still a little upset and decided to rub.

"This feeling I feel like it is Drake." June thought. She quickly dismissed the idea because of what Drake said the previous day.

Getting closer to daybreak June woke up, and to her surprise Drake had spent the night with her.

"My brother slept with me!!!!!" June yelled inwardly, almost shouting it out loud.

She was so happy she crawled over him and hugged him in the front and felt a smile on her face.

"I love you Drake." June whispered and fell back asleep.

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