
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 94 Feeling the Death Energy from a Book

The former gods were reading how Drake got shifted into another Ritoco that Drake had died in.

"Damn 'That' guy." The former god of Balance said just by reading what Drake had seen.

"He truly deserved to die before he could get this powerful." The former god of Life and Blessing said.

Even though they were not powerful enough to stop him. If they knew how strong he would have become. They were willing to bet on everything to kill him in the past.

They stopped reading to calm themselves and once they did they continued reading.

"I feel sorry for Drake. Seeing the mother of his first child being treated like that." The former god of Life and Blessing could tell how sad Drake was just by reading.

"Well, he was truly upset wasn't he?" The former god of Balance wanted to continue but decided there was too much emotion so close together that it was not worth it.

"Are we stopping or continuing?" The former god of Life and Blessing asked.

"Stopping for a little bit." The former god of Balance replied feeling something bad coming from the book.

"What was that feeling?" The former god of Balance inwardly feared.

The two talked about how Drake defeated the First Pope, aka Hero Unknown. The more they talked the more they started feeling uncomfortable.

"Damn why am I feeling so bad now?" The former god of Balance could not get over his feelings.

"I know I was feeling weird but now I know there is something bad that actually happens to make me feel bad." The former god of Life and Blessing inwardly thought.

"We need to continue." The former god of Life and Blessing spoke.

"I am actually afraid to." The former god of Balance replied.

"I am also but if we do not, then the way we feel will not go away." The former god of Life and Blessing was trying to be strong.

"Let me build up my courage first and we will continue." The former god of Balance was so scared of continuing that he was ready to send the book back to Ariel for revision.

After a few minutes of cheering each other up they began to continue when Drake decided to punch the planet into oblivion.

The gods were shocked at how strong the robots were.

"To be able to block that punch took incredible raw materials and power." The former god of Life and Blessing said.

"Not only that but the reaction time of some of those robots were also extraordinary." The former god of Balance replied.

Seeing the former god talk to Drake made them mad but they also understood why he did it.

"So my stomach is turning upside down right now." The former god of Life and Blessing felt like she was about to vomit.

"I feel the same as you." The former god of Balance felt bad but not like the god of Life and Blessing.

They really wanted to continue but they finally forced themselves to continue.

"Nothing survives the face of Death." The former god of Balance read and vomited.

The former god of Life and Blessing passed out.

It took about thirty minutes before they were able to get back up and talk.

"What was that Death Energy?" The former god of Balance asked.

"It should be on par if not stronger than what Kala created." The former god of Life and Blessing was scared.

"Does that mean the first god of Death and Destruction would be able to use that?" The former god of Balance asked.

"I know the first gods were the strongest ones but I have researched them and I do not know who it is." The former god of Life and Blessing was scared.

"The only thing we can do is continue reading." The former god of Balance tried to read but failed.

"We need to calm down." The former god of Life and Blessing told the other god.

"Calm down? How do we calm down after reading about Death Energy being used like that!!!" The former god of Balance was getting angry.

The former god of Life and Blessing hugged the former god of Balance. They stayed like that for a while.

Finally they both passed out. The book still radiated Death Energy but the two of them were calm and not bothered by it.

"We need to get her here and figure out why he had so much Death Energy." The former god of Balance inwardly said.

The former god of Life and Blessing noticed what was going through his head. She too wanted to get her but the both of them knew it would be extremely difficult.

"Alright. I will go fetch her for this question. Just remember to have her feel this energy when I return." The former god of Life and Blessing said and left.

"Damn. I wanted to talk before she left." The former god of Balance said to empty air.

He bookmarked where he stopped with her and continued to read.

Seeing that he got back to his normal time but everything had been changed to the races but not what made him come to this world.

"Something is off with this. Not even I change that much with my ability." The former god spoke out loud.

Bang...Bang...Bang..."Open the door asshole!" The former god of Death and Destruction yelled.

"Coming." The former god of Balance spoke.

"What is so special that she had to time travel and speak to me?" The former god of Death and Destruction said with an upset attitude.

"Well, how does one have too much Death Energy?" The former god of Balance just got the question out.

"There is no person who can control a ton of Death Energy. Simply because Destruction Energy is simpler and does more than Death Energy." The former god of Death and Destruction replied.

A/N With next weekend being a long weekend for me. I will be releasing chapters 95-100.

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