
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 92 Getting ready to return home

Drake manipulated the wall of the World Tree so that he and Medusa could stand outside and talk.

"So if I manage some land, and the Dukes do not want me to stay? Will I actually not become Nobility?" Drake was hoping with all his might.

"Correct." Medusa replied.

Thinking about what he had already done for his village, he had hoped to maybe be able to go home and relax with a couple of his women.

"Could I manage my village?" Drake asked.

"I had already decided for that to be your land." Medusa had a smile on her face.

Drake had to figure out who he was going to take with him for a little bit. He just stood beside Medusa looking over the Ritocian Vast Plains.

Medusa wrapped her arms around Drake. She wanted some attention.

"Is the reason why I was jealous was because he was not looking my way?" Medusa thought herself feeling much better now.

They stood there just watching and hugging each other. They would see Elven children actually run out from the World Tree and play outside.

"Children huh?" Drake thought about Ariel.

"We all want the best for you Drake." Medusa could tell what was on his mind.

"DRAKE!!" Aura yelled and opened the door.

"What is wrong Aura?" Drake asked.


"I am sorry Aura." Drake said and waved her over.

"Even though I am still very young, I truly only want one thing in life. That is for you all to be okay with me and live good lives." Drake told them.

"What else are you going to do?" Medusa asked.

"I plan on killing a former hero, who is still alive." Drake's voice sounded angry.

"You can count on us if you need anything." Aura smiled.

"Thank you." Drake kissed her forehead.

The three of them just stood there looking over the Vast Plains. Even though there was not much to look at, they were all enjoying their time together.

Getting close to suppertime, Nightingale went to check up on the trio.

"I hope everything is alright." Nightingale said on her way to the bedroom.

When she got to the door, she was hesitant at first to knock but she mustered up her courage and knocked.

"Drake, Queen Aura, Queen Medusa are you three still there?" Nightingale was worried she would have interrupted something.

"We are Nightingale." Drake responded.

Nightingale entered and saw the World Tree had been manipulated and the trio was standing outside looking over the Vast Plains.

"Suppertime is close by. Are you three planning on joining or not?" Nightingale tried to be professional but lost it near the end.

"We are, make sure your sisters are close by during supper." Drake replied.

"Of course." Nightingale responded.

Nightingale went back.

The three of them stayed for a little bit longer until it was time to rush in.

They quickly made their way in. They were close to the front only because Aura had told people to move.

"I am glad Aura is with me." Drake thought as he was getting food.

Drake turned his attention to Medusa, who was behind him.

"Hopefully she will convince the Dukes not to allow me to be a full Duke." Drake thought turning his attention back to the food.

Once everyone was seated and Nightingale and her sisters were behind Drake.

"I will be heading home soon. It is to honestly be a Duke in name, I hope everyone understands." Drake started.

"Well, who is going home with you?" Nightingale asked over his shoulder.

"I will get to that in a second." Drake responded.

"Can any of us visit you?" Amelia asked.

"Of course. I might be a little busy but I will be there as soon as possible." Drake said with a smile."

Amelia immediately got up and ran to the door. One of her guards got told about the situation.

She was gone for a couple of minutes. During that time no one had any questions and was excited to hear about who would be going to Drake's home.

When Amelia got back to her seat everyone turned their attention to Drake wanting to know who was going home.

"I thought it was going to be easy to say this at first but not so much now." Drake could feel his back sweating.

"Nightingale and her sisters will be spending the month with me. However, like I said before any of you can visit." Drake told them.

"So who wants to go home first?" Nightingale asked.

Everyone raised their hands, except for Medusa and Death.

"My wife wants to go visit his home?" Death had no idea why she would do so.

"Mother wants to come also!" Ariel was excited.

"This is going to be an interesting way to make myself go home." Drake just smiled.

Meanwhile back in Drake's village

"Dear I miss our son." May said inside of the restaurant for the orphans.

"It is alright dear. I am sure he will be home soon and with all the women in the world by his," Drake's father got slapped.

"He will not have multiple wives hear me!" May was furious.

"Of course dear. I was just saying that he would have all the women in the world as maids." Drake's father quickly finished.

"Okay that is better. He can screw them like that at least, but I hope his wife does not actually allow him to do that." May sounded sure of herself.

June had returned home. She did not care to watch Drake fight.

She was sweeping the house. When her parents came inside.

"Looking good." May said.

"Thank you." June replied.

"I got you a plate." Drake's father uncovered the plate.

"Thank you." June replied and started eating.

"Drake you need to come home and help her." May thought remembering how an Elf carried her home.

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