
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 69 Drake meeting Pope

Drake turned around he did not realize how much power he used.

"He, no we are truly monsters." The Pope thought being able to sense the destruction he caused.

"I feel better now." Drake felt like a boulder had been lifted off his shoulders.

"HELP ME!" Everyone heard a voice from above them.

The Grand Fairies had grabbed Snake Medusa and threw her done. They waited for Drake to finish his battle.

"ROYAL DRAGON PLEASE HELP ME!" Medusa had yelled.

Drake jumped and catching her tail gave her a slam on the ground.

"What was that for Bastard?" Snake Medusa was upset.

"That was for not explaining what would happen clearly." Drake cracked his knuckles.

"I am sorry." Snake Medusa hid her head while talking.

"Alright Medusa. The next we meet, I will personally see to it that you are that beaten so much that death is better than living." Drake gave her a death stare.

"Has of now we are even and you cleared the nightmare." Snake Medusa mentioned for her safety.

"Nightmare?" Drake did not know what she meant.

"A female Dark Elf looked deep into your eyes. She will not be able to affect you anymore because you cleared the nightmare." Snake Medusa wanted to move to the next subject.

"What else is there to talk?" Drake did not know.

"You Destroyed The Continent!" Snake Medusa told everyone.

" I destroyed the continent." Drake got to thinking how he rampaged in the Dragon Clan and now he destroyed the continent.

The Nature Grand Fairy confirmed what Snake Medusa said. Drake did not realize how much power he used. He knew he had to fix it.

The Nature Grand Fairy kissed Drake and he restored the continent. While he was restoring the continent, the Nature Grand Fairy rubbed up against Drake.

"Well this sucked." Drake thought the entire he was restoring the continent.

"He truly is different from me." The Pope spoke very softly.

The Pope decided he would talk to Drake.

"Sir I am the First Pope. May I know your name please?" The Pope was asked in a curious voice.

"I am the Royal Dragon Drake." Drake figured this was the best introduction he could use.

"ROYAL DRAGON!!!" Everyone shouted close to him.

"Does this mean he has awakened?" The Pope was shocked and thought.

"I am also Hero Unknown's brother." Drake wanted to mention.

"I see." The Pope now understood he was trying to imply.

The two looked at each other and knew they would fight each other very soon.

"I hope to see you in the finale of the upcoming tournament." The Pope was smiling wildly. Even though no one could see it. They all knew he was.

"Oh you will. I already have my ticket." Drake went and pulled out his ticket from his pocket.

They just stood there waiting for a move to be made. They knew they could not fight here but they truly wanted to.

"Well, I have to attend some business outside the village. Do you wish to join me, Mr. First Pope?" Drake wanted them to do it outside.

"Of course. I would love to join you." The Pope's body was shaking with excitement.

"Then follow me." Drake told them.

"They are going to Duke It Out." Everyone spread the word like wildfire.

Inside the shop

"Master is going to fight the Pope?" Number one was using Master for the store.

"I want to watch with everyone. No one will care if the store is closed expect for Master." Number three also used Master for the store.

"Then let's go." Number one mentioned and they left.

By the church

"The Pope is going to fight someone?" The guard was talking to a villager.

"Yes. His name was Drake, the brother to Hero Unknown." The villager mentioned.

"We need to get the guardians." The guard ordered the other guards by him.

Four of them each went and got one of the guardians. They told them, "The Pope is fighting Hero Unknown's brother."

All the guardians left the church in a hurry. They needed to stop the fight before it got worst.

Outside the village

There were people sitting on the ground making a huge oval. The people wanted to watch this once in a lifetime event.

"Drake, when you are ready please begin the countdown." The Pope wanted Drake to start the match.

Drake pulled out a coin and said, "When the coin lands on the ground we begin."

Drake flipped the coin and once it began it descent the guardians all entered the oval to stop the match. They did not catch the coin.

Once it landed the two avoided the guardians and punched the each other. The punch was really solid from the Pope. Drake's punch was not has solid but it had more power then the Pope's.

The two got pushed back equally.

Seeing this the entire village cheered. They were truly ready to watch this match. There was food stand vendors selling fruit and small cut up pieces of meat for cheaper then selling it in the village.

The next round of their match got stopped by the guardians. The guardians all pounced Drake. Drake could have fought them all but he was already tired and he did not want to anger them anymore.

"It seems I have lost this match." The Pope declared.

Everyone looked at the Pope. They were saddened that he took that lost. They truly wanted him to win.

"Your Majesty. Why did you say you lost? It was clearly a draw." The first guardian spoke up.

"We had already begun the second round and you four dared to intervene." The Pope declared.

"We are sorry for giving you your lost." All the guardians bowed and talked one after the other.

"That matters not now. Give him whatever woman, money, and prestige he wants." The Pope said and walked away.

The guardians all looked back up to see the Pope walking away. They were saddened they had to do this.

Drake got up and went to go grab some items. The first thing was six rings covered in gold. The rings were for granddaughter Medusa, Tara, the Female Elder Dragon, Ariel, June and Chusi.

Next set of rings were gold with silver linings. They were for Aura, Nightingale, and Amelia.

There was a necklace with a ring like the one Aura, Nightingale, and Amelia got it was for the maid.

Everyone else got a silver ring. On the inside of the rings all of them had: "This is a symbol of belonging to me."

"I know they will all like it." Drake was thinking about them.

"I am sure all the women who you have gotten these for will like them." The second guardian said.

"Second guardian." A soldier came running up.

"What is it?" The guardian was upset because he needed to be by Drake.

"His Highness the Pope is wanting Drake to enter the church." The soldier replied.

"Do you want to enter now or do you have something else to do?" The second guardian asked.

"Actually, I want to return with my wives." Drake told them.

"We will await for arrival." The second guardian replied and headed down to the church.

By the church

"Make sure when he returns he gets all the items, food, and best inn for his women." The second guardian reminded the guards.

"Second guardian where is he?" The Pope yelled from a window.

"He wanted to bring his wives here." The second guardian replied.

"Make sure he gets to come inside." The Pope made sure they understood.

At the edge of the village

"Wind Fairy" Drake called.

The Grand Wind Fairy showed up. This surprised Drake he just wanted the normal fairy to come.

"We have all matured thanks to you." The Grand Wind Fairy told Drake what was on his mind.

"How did you mature?" Drake had no idea how he did it.

"When you were in the cave with Medusa and she cut off your magic power. We were still able to sense you and grow from your anger and frustration. It was an added bonus that the magic power only got cut off on your end and not ours." The Grand Wind Fairy explained.

Drake could not understand everything and decided that it was best not to understand everything.

They returned to the Dragon Clan. The speed he casual use with the Wind Fairy, was nothing compared to the casual speed with the Grand Wind Fairy. Drake was really happy with this.

Once they returned, Drake immediately went to where his house was. Drake wanted everyone to know he was alright.

On the way, everyone kept saving, "Royal Dragon I am glad you are in good health."

Drake thanked each one that did say this. Even though it did get tiring, he still wanted to thank each dragon that said this.

Once Drake got close to his house he heard, "Husband, Drake, Master" all close to each other and he got tackled.

Chusi and the female Elder Dragon both were hugging him tightly and crying.

Drake apologized for his attention to Hero Unknown. He did not want to stop until he was defeated.

Drake looked over to his house and saw it had been destroyed. There was a clone of granddaughter Medusa slowly fading away.

Drake got up and walked over to her. He put his arm around her shoulder and brought her close to him.

"Whatever power you are hiding, remember we can overcome it." Drake knew this was the only chance he would get to tell her this.

Medusa smiles and whispers something. Drake was shocked when he heard this. Once Medusa finished she disappeared.


"What did she whisper?" The female Elder Dragon spoke up.

"Just let it be for right now." Drake honestly did not want to repeat what she said.

"Tomorrow we will be heading to the village of Ritoco. You all will be coming with me." Drake told them.

They went to the temple to spend the night. Drake did not get much sleep because he was anxious meeting the Pope tomorrow.

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Happy New Year everyone!!!

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