
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 67 Drake's Nightmare

"I am the leader of the slave traders that Bastard hired to capture her." The man told Drake pointing towards Chusi.

"I am Drake the Royal Dragon." Drake smiled back.

"He is the Royal Dragon!" The man had a shocked expression.

"No need to worry about anything right now." Drake wanted him to calm down.

The man took a couple of breaths and calmed down. Seeing the man now Drake could tell he was either used to talking to very high ranking people or he was just scared of him.

"Your maid said you might be interested in my beastmen. Do you want me to bring them in?" The man had a smile.

"What are the races of them?" Drake was wanting some to help around.

"We have a tiger beastwoman. A Wolfman from a little south of here. A dark elf male and female from the other side of the continent. I was told they are sister and brother but they could honestly be husband and wife. These are in the first wagon." The man smiled.

"Bring me the Dark Elves and the tiger beastwoman." Drake wanted to see them.

The man did. The tiger beastwoman was extremely drugged and was massaging her tits. The dark elf male was trying to hide the female's face so she could not be seen. However the leader wiped the male for hiding her and Drake saw her face.

"Who else is there?" Drake asked the leader.

"The second wagon is full of children that their parents sold. The third wagon is full of women that could not pay their debts. For the most part the first wagon had the most valuable Beastkin." The leader replied.

"How much for all of them?" Drake wanted to buy all of the slaves.

"For this wagon or all of the wagons?" The man wanted to make sure he understood.

"All the wagons."

"Let me get my paperwork right fast."

The leader left. He wanted to make sure he did not over price the Royal Dragon. Making Drake angry was his absolute top priority to never do.

"For all of them it would normally be 252 gold coins." The man got the paperwork and calculated the price.

The man returned to Drake's house. The man had all of their paperwork.

"For the total of the first wagon is 189 gold coins. The second wagon 50 gold coins and the last is 13 gold coins If you are willing to buy them all right now. I will lose most of the payment for the last two wagons and give them all to you for 200 gold coins." The man gave Drake all the paperwork.

Drake read and did his own math to make sure he was not trying to cheat him. Once Drake confirmed he was telling the truth. He was going to make a deal with him.

"My maid come here." Drake called her.

"Yes Master."

"Go with Chusi and gather me 500 Draconic coins."

The man was surprised because 200 gold coins could be used to buy 50 Dragonized Metals and those 50 could be used to get 1 Draconic coin.

"Sir that would be over paying me for the wagons." The man did not want Drake to over pay and get angry.

"You are correct. I would be over paying if I was not hiring you." Drake immediately told him the reason.

"Hire me?" The man did not know what to do.

"Yes. If anyone is selling someone for a slave bring them here for me. You and your crew will work for me." Drake was not going to take no for an answer.

"Of course Royal Dragon Drake. We will do our best to please you." The man giving Drake a bow.

"We will not take any money. We have a couple of places that we can sell and bring you the money and slaves." The man wanting to leave and take care of the stuff.

Drake then waved him off.

Drake told the female Elder Dragon, "Make sure they get a pass through here."

"I have already been thinking of how to make it." The female Elder Dragon rubbed her cheek against Drake's.

Chusi and the maid returned late that afternoon and was worried why the slave traders left.

The female Elder Dragon explained everything. The duo was happy.

Drake had gone to bed early he started to feel weird.

Once Drake woke up he found himself in a cave. He looked around and suddenly realized he could not use any magic.

"Damn why can't I use Magic?" Drake tried to say it but realized he also could not talk.

Drake continued down going down. Even though he did not see any light, he could see perfectly.

He was truly worried about what would happen. He then saw a blue light and Drake ran to it.

Drake then noticed that his speed was not very fast. He was getting truly scared about what had happened.

After an hour of running he was no where near close and he was completely out of breath.

"Why am I so out of breath so quick?" Drake tried to speak again but still could not.

Drake pushed himself to get to the blue light and once he finally did. He saw blue flames all around and a snake like person in the center.

"I am Medusa human. Why have you ventured into my domain?"

"I do not know. I woke up in this cave." Drake could speak this.

Drake was worried that he could not say but he did and did not know why.

"For a mortal to enter here there are only two ways. First look deep into a Dark Female Elf's eyes. Second to have my grandchild fall in love with you."

"Well I did both." Drake did not sugarcoat it.

"Hahahaha." Medusa just smiled.

Drake just stood there.

"There are two things to do in order to leave. First defeat someone close to you with their powers completely manifested. Second make someone close to fall for me." Medusa had a evil smile.

"What kind of fall are we talking about? A love or getting the blame?" Drake wanted to make sure nothing went wrong.

"Of course you can decide which one. I prefer a woman licking me privates but someone taking a blame for me is also good." Medusa gave a weird smile and cuddled herself.

"Pervert." Was all Drake could think watching Medusa do this.

"I will personally take a bigger fall in whatever you have done and who will I be against?" Drake just wanted to get this done and over with.

"Oh. Well then, I have felt of my bloodline down the Royal Ritocian Family and have decided to use her." Medusa's hair was wiggling.

"Alright. Anything else I need to know before I begin?" Drake just wanted to leave.

"Yes. All of your powers will be restored if you can manage a punch to the girl. If you can stop her temper tantrum then I will let you go. If you punch her you take the fall. How is that for a deal?" Medusa had her eyes closed this entire time.

"Deal." Drake went up and shook her hand.

Medusa lead Drake to a place where there was a open space and creatures were watching from the holes in the walls.

"I can do this. Even though my powers are sealed, I will win." Drake could not talk.


The monsters booed Drake but he did not care.

Then Medusa from the future stepped out in the area. The monsters roared so loud the cave shook.

"Match will begin in 5 minutes." A monster appointed by the Snake Medusa said.

Drake thought, "Fuck I have not seen her powers." Drake wanted the fight to be easy but knew it wouldn't.

The match started and a goblin came out from the center of the area in stone.

"World View" Drake tried and it was successful.

"What is it Master?"

"If I lose I want to be sent back here in this time and place."

"We cannot do anything that affects Master."

"This is not going to affect me personally but the area around me, in which I will go to that time."

"We could do that. It will be risky but we can try."

Drake exited and Snake Medusa went down and asked, "My, my a power that affects time and space cannot be sealed. What did you do?"

"I made it where I will continuously fight." Drake did not want to hurt his Medusa.

"I see."

"If he is truly that powerful how did everything else get sealed?" Medusa questioned herself.

The fight between the goblin and Drake began. Drake had easily killed it.

Once that fight was over it became a hobgoblin. Drake fought it was was still an easy fight but Drake did watch it at first.

Seeing the hobgoblin killed, granddaughter Medusa gave a yell. An orc came out this time.

The creatures in the holes in the walls gave a huge cheer. Drake still did not care but this orc was not normal.

It size was nearly four times greater than normal orc. It is considered a normal because of not being able to give orders.

Drake lost due to the sheer force of raw power the orc commanded. With Drake's lost the area began to shift and turn with Drake until it returned to the time with the goblin coming out of the center of the area.

Drake quickly killed both goblins and waited for the orc to come back.

The orc came out and Drake tried to kill it but the sheer amount of damage it took was enough for it to out last how much Drake was putting out.

"Fuck." Drake had lost again.

The matches continued like so for what seemed forever. The only people knowing what is happening is Drake and Snake Medusa.

Finally Drake had almost given up hope of beating him when he seat down like Drake did. Drake thought for a second if he could use this to kill him.

Before he could granddaughter Medusa sacrificed the orc to bring out a huge dragon. Once it entered the area, several spells covered the entire area and let all a huge amount of fire.

Being burned alive, Drake now knew what it felt like and would try to not burn anyone alive again. If he could possibly help it.

Drake again got to the orc and tried using the feature to control him to kill itself but the dragon got summoned again and Drake latched on to its tail.

Drake survived the first round of fire but did not know there was a second round.

Drake again got caught up and making it to the dragon being summoned and never getting a chance to kill it.

"This is much harder than what I imagined." Drake was catching his breath with the new start.

This time it immediately went into the dragon. Drake got a fire breath to the face and restarted again.

"How many times will I do this?" Drake was getting extremely uneasy.

"Why did the dragon start off last time?" Snake Medusa tried to figure it out.

She could not think of anything but just continued to watch.

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