
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
199 Chs

Chapter 6 Training begins pt. 2

With the contract broken between Medusa and Dracula and them getting to speak each other's name after a month. They go back to where they were and began their training. During that month Ariel also took that month off to make sure neither one of them got seriously injured or worst.

After they two left, Death asked Ariel, "Why did you slack during that month? It is going to hurt you worst then them."

Ariel looks at her father angry and replies with a mono tone voice, "Who would have to help them if not me huh? I do not think you want to know how to help two women while being the only man that either one would be able to talk to much less both of them at the same time."

"Well," Death started but stopped seeing Ariel's death glare.

Ariel said, "Well, what dad?" she asked in very stern voice.

Death replies, "Well, since one of those women is my wife and the other one my sister-in-law. I do have some right if they were hurt by me to help them."

Ariel seemed a little bit happy about his answer and replied, "Mother and Sister-In-Law huh."

Death not realizing what he had just said realizes it and replies, "Yes one was and is your mother. Even though my Father destroyed me and wanted nothing to do with me after my mother's death. He is still my Father in my heart. My new brother the Hero is and will be engaged to Princess Medusa since he and I will always be brothers. She is part of my new family whom I love very much."

Ariel very pleased with what her dad said hugged his waist and continued doing her training to find magic pieces that her dad would hide through out the day. Until half a month later.

Death looks at Ariel and tells her, "Alright you have gotten pretty good at finding magic items. What about traps?"

Ariel looks at her father knowing full well she didn't do any of that training but replied, "I have indeed not done any of that because to me finding the items were more important at the time."

Death smacks his head and replies, "Okay no more magic item finding for today or tomorrow. I will start your trap training the day after."

Ariel was upset and decided to try one of his traps out to see how dangerous it truly was. The first one was arrows through the wall which to Ariel seemed easy to read until she realized the other side shot out where the other side did not. She did her best and failed at the trap several times in an hour. She never gave up and continued to the next one which was a tight wire over a blazing fire.

She thought, "The first one I thought was easy because of a single wall. What about this single wire over a FIRE!!!"

She started to grab the wire and once she did it sent her into the fire. After being sent into the fire she reappeared at the top with no clothes damaged. She tried it again only to feel a breeze under her dress. She quickly did ran across the wire and jumped once it was about to give out. Some how managed to make it across. She felt something under her left hand and realized it was her panties. They was so much water soaked in them she could not wear them.

She continued on to the next stage there was a stone floating in the air.

"There is six exits, a floating stone, what could go wrong. EVERYTHING in my mind," Ariel thought this was the craziest trap there was.

Then suddenly a green light appeared over one of the exits. She quickly went to one where the green light did not appear and got reappeared where the second trap was.

"FUCK," Ariel shouted at the top of her lungs. She instantly felt where her panties would be and they where is not there, "FUCK THIS CRAP."

She ran has hard has she could across the trap wire. Reentering the third stage trap. She noticed the green came back on but at a different exit. She quickly tried to make it to the exit, only to be blocked by the floating stone and the floor raising up. The stone somehow knew where Ariel was going.


She did her best with her mana to make it to the side only for the stone to somehow block her path. She thought, "Okay, dad would make this easy enough to survive but not to be killed. If there is a way to use magic to quickly move that then I can win."

Unknowingly, her father is behind her looking at a watch for some reason. Then he quickly grabs her dress and picks her up. Only for her dress to completely fall apart and only her bra to still be intact.

Ariel was frightened that someone grabbed her dress. She quickly went and covered her privates only turn around and see her father. She instantly shallowed her saliva and felt stupid at the fact she did not tell her dad first that she was coming.

She cried trying to explain to her father what happened. Only for him to pick her up and smack her butt. She cried even harder and did not know why he did such a thing.

"Damn my daughter is stupid. I did not think she would think it was okay to come in my training ground. I made this for very hard for reflexes, and controlling strength. At least she made it this far but I still need to discipline her," thought Death.

Death then grabbed his daughter and gave her a single smack to the butt, for coming in his training ground.

Ariel did not want her butt to be smacked more but did not want anything else to be seen. By the time Ariel stopped crying. She realized that it was nighttime and she was in her nightgown. She cried even harder realizing a pair of panties was put on her.

The next morning Ariel had cried so much during the night, she did not fall asleep until the sun rose. Hearing her cry so much Death could not sleep either so he immediately went into his relaxing training ground.

That afternoon Ariel woke up and went to go find her father only to see him all sweaty and stinking to the high heavens. Ariel then shouted, "WHY IN THE HELL DO YOU STINK FATHER."

Hearing her shout Death gave a sudden glare at Ariel and she did not like it but wanted to know the answer to her question.

Death responded, "You were away for almost three days missy. Do not yell like again," his voice was deep and demanded respect.

Ariel did not realize she was away for that long. She quickly apologized and was about to go away and when Death hugged her for behind.

Ariel felt at peace with this hug, she did not know why but she did.

Death forces her to the couch and makes her sit beside him. Death tells her, "If I had not shown up when I did you would have been trapped until you either exited that tunnel or died. If you exited the tunnel there are only two options for you. First is to see where you were and hope you can back track out or hope you make it to the first trap and quickly press fail on the red button."

Ariel thought about it and replied, "I never saw a red button."

Death responded, "Simply because you were not ready for those traps and got ahead of your self."

Ariel apologized for doing so and wanted to know why he dressed up.

Death responded, "I have seen a woman's body before and you are my daughter is there any reason why I wouldn't do that?"

Ariel dumbfounded replied, "What makes you so sure that I wanted to be dressed by you?"

Death laughed and wanted to reply but couldn't because of his laughter. Finely after calming down he replied, "I know you probably did not want me to dress you up. Let me fix that statement, I now know you did not want me to dress you up. However, I will not allow my daughter to get sick because of a stupid mistake that you made. Will I am protecting you, you need to be more careful of what I talk about and show you. Once you are outside of my protection, you have only yourself and your training to protect yourself."

Ariel thought about what her father said and agreed to what he said. She suddenly asks an out of the blue question, "Why is mom stupid?"

Death looks at his daughter and is worried about what she just said and replies, "What do you mean by your mother being stupid?"

Ariel replies, "When she and Medusa were talking that one time, Medusa said, "Friendship Contract." Mom agreed to it without question but there is no such thing as a Friendship Contract only Friendship."

Death then understands why his daughter thinks she is stupid. He sighs and replies, "That is thanks to your Great-Great Grandfather. He set up Vampire servants and to make sure they never did anything wrong. He broke families mind and bodies that were supposed to become servants. Once they were broken, they taught there sons and daughters the moment they were born that is the way. She was broken down all the way to her heart and soul. Even if I wipe her memory, her body would still act the same."

Ariel was upset how the servants were treated. Death looks at her and smiles, wrapping his arms around her head. Then promises her he will fix the rotten side of the Vampire Race.

Almost a month had passed since Medusa and Dracula had their contract broken they were quickly finishing all of their training. At first they could not get more then 100 feet closer to their goal. After breaking their contract and becoming friends. They quickly became stronger faster. After almost the month of training, they could easily go down to the deepest part of the ocean and fly to the tallest mountain and climb it in a single morning. Waking up late, if they woke up on time then twice, early three times. Death's clones became a single clone watching them train. Suddenly they are called back to the castle to talk.

They took their time and made there after a month of training their asses off. They enter and go to the office. In there Death was sitting on the couch, while Ariel was standing up covered in bruises.

Dracula quickly ran over to her daughter to figure out what happened. Ariel was not allowed to talk about it. Medusa sat next to Death and waited for the two of them to stop to figure out what happened.

After Dracula did not get anything out of Ariel she stood up and looked at Death and asked, "Why is our daughter like this Hunny?"

Ariel did not think after a month away from her husband she would say that. Medusa knew she would try some new words talking to Death, but not like this.

Death looks at Medusa and then Dracula and says, "I prefer you calling me Husband, or King. In the presence of others okay," he said blushing.

Ariel and Medusa found it funny. Dracula thought she did something wrong and would talk to Medusa about it later.

Death then got serious and replied, "Our daughter has been trying to become stronger going through traps. Her reflexes are the strongest there is. I highly doubt the Hero's reflexes no I know his reflexes would be able to match in high combat. For normal everyday, her reflexes are the best. However mana control, mana strength, pure strength, and over all knowledge are lacking badly. So I want the two of you to train her. Two months, within that time if she cannot get a better hold of at this a little bit of each. I will throw her to the deep end and make her go through what I did."

Dracula remembering what he went through scared her silly. As such they went to the firs place she needed to go to train.