
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 49 Meeting with His Majesty

The following day the trio went and made the announcement of the treaty between the two races. It was a huge advancement for the Elves.

Amelia would go back to explain to the Mermaids. She wanted to be the one to do it.

From there the original group plus Aura went to the mermaid city.

Near the abandoned village

"I cannot figure out why no one comes near me." The man who buried the girl was upset. He could not get anyone to get close no matter where he went.

"MY VOICE come talk to me." A more mysterious voice echoed throughout the surrounding area.

"Damnit, why know." The man let out a sigh and continued to make his way into the center.

"My Voice, how has the Future Elf Advisor been?" The more mysterious voice did not know what had happened. He did not contract the voice any earlier.

"He was killed by the brother to Hero Unknown, your Majesty." The man was worried about what the man would do.

"Hero Unknown has a brother?" The more mysterious voice wanted to make sure he heard right.

"Yes. I cannot tell if it is right or not. However, in a little less than ten months is the Pope Battle. I hope to crush him then in your name, your Majesty." The man knew if he did not talk right, he would die.

"If he truly is Hero Unknown's brother. You will not be able to defeat him but you can try." The more mysterious voice was extremely neutral.

"Why is that your Majesty?" The man did not much about Hero Unknown he did not research him.

"First, no one knows how strong he is. Second, he makes me feel uncomfortable just talking to him." The mysterious voice was not scared of him, Hero Unknown just made him feel uneasy just talking.

"I understand your Majesty." The man nodded.

"Go now. Tell the other voices of what we talked about." The mysterious voice was about to go when.


"Who is there?" The man yelled.

"We who serve his Majesty." The man knew this was a secret code for any of the voices.

"Enter." The mysterious voice answered.

The person who entered was a small little boy. He walked passed the man and bowed to the direction the man was pointing at first.

"Your Majesty, I have some information." The boy did not want to speak before telling what he needed to say.

"Go on ahead, my number one voice." The mysterious voice was more intrigued that he had some information.

"First, a man named Drake just made Amelia the Queen of the first mermaid city. Second she and Aura have both signed a treaty. Lastly, Amelia is trying to unite the mermaids under one banner." The boy somehow had gotten all of this information.

"Who is Drake my number one?" The mysterious voice needed to know.

"I have heard only rumors but they say he is brother to the First Pope. They also say he is brother to Hero Unknown. Some say he is your brother, your Majesty." The boy hates he had to say this but he wanted his ruler to know what rumors were going around.

"MY BROTHER?!?!?!?!?" The voice was so mad that the building they were in was about to collapse but neither person what to leave.

"Enter the next building." The voice did not want to kill his own subordinates in a falling building.

So the two went into the next building and they entered and heard the voice say.

"Get all the voices together. In ten months face the man named Drake. This is your all special mission. If you live or die it is up to you." The mysterious voice left and they did not want to continue.

The two went their separate ways gathering all the voices. There was 22 of them. They all gathered and talked about Drake.

"Who is the man we need to kill?" The only female in this group asked.

"Drake." The boy was number one wanted everyone to know before talking about what should happen next.

"That fucking man." The female was upset.

"What do you know?" The boy was interested in learning about him.

"He said he was brother to Hero Unknown. However he has his Majesty's power." The female was mad.

Everyone stopped there and not even the mouse outside moved an inch. All of them was releasing some much killing intent that it nearly killed a beast outside by just being too close to it.

The number one tried calling his Majesty but it did not work. Nearing the tenth time the mysterious voice finally answered.

"Why have you been disturbing me number one? Do you realize what it takes to make me mad." The voice was extremely aggressive.

"Your Majesty, she has some unforgivable news about Drake." The boy wanted to know to more but his ruler needed the information first.

"Fine. Bitch talk before I kill you." The ruler was now ready to kill some of them.

"Your Majesty, I was the one to get the Future Elf Advisor. When we were in testing, a man named Drake showed up and destroyed the project. He used your powers." The female went straight to the point.

"That is funny. Using my powers means that he is a god of Balance." The voice found it funny.

"He also used Holy and Dark Magic has well, your Majesty." The female wanted her Majesty to know everything.

"Who trained him?" The ruler know was more intrigued by that then anything.

"From what I heard he came from 5,000 years in the future." The female replied.

"That is something that is similar to Hero Unknown. I hate to talk to that fucker again though." The ruler really hated Hero Unknown.

"Is there any updates on our mission now, your Majesty?" The number one wanted to know.

"If he truly is Hero Unknown's brother. Simply making him injured will be too much. So target the people who Drake cares about." The ruler know did not care about Drake unless he joined.

"We will see him in nine months your Majesty." All the members talked at once.

"Farewell, next time if I do not answer within the first three times stop calling. Even if there is an emergency, do not keep trying." The voice then vanished.

"You heard his Majesty. Our goals now are to figure out what and who Drake likes and make Drake submit to us." The number one stated and everyone but him and the female left.

"What is it, number three?" The boy wanted to know.

"My body aches for one of you." The female has had an urge for a while and the only one she trusted was number one.

"I cannot right now." The boy needed to get ready for the big event in nine months.

"Please. I will plan everything and place your name on it. If it fails, I will take responsibility." The female had to have this urge taken care of.

"Then start by licking my body Bitch." The boy did not have to work extra hard this time and he did not have to take responsibility. He was going to be fully satisfied.

The female started to undress the boy and has she is undressing him starts to lick him. The boy is just standing there making sure she was doing everything he wanted.

Nearing the end of nearly completely licking the boy. The female undressed herself and once she was completely undressed, there were eight spider like metallic legs coming from her forbidden hole.

The boy started to touch the legs and the woman started to feel wonderful. Nearing the end of touching each leg for nearly five minutes each. A metallic spider came out.

The boy then pounded the woman for the rest of the day. That night the spider went back into her hole. It started with the middle legs spreading her legs and entrance. It then used it's two front legs to make the hole for where it would be.

Once the hole was ready, the spider would crawl back in the hole. Once it's head was in it would expand the head and shrink the abdomen to fit tightly inside the the hole.

The boy did enjoy the day, but the woman had wished he would have continued. She then started the plans.

She came up with waiting to see if anyone special cheered for Drake. Once they figured out who was cheering, they could grab them.

The main part of the plan was who was going to be fighting Drake. She had talked about it with the boy. They came up with number two.

They started to put everything into play. Everyone would look for Drake outside before the battle so they could figure out if he was near anyone.

She figured they would not find anyone. If they did, it would not be a guaranteed person. However that would at least be a start for looking at the Pope Battle.

The boy then called for his ruler. There was no answer the first two times but the third he did answer.

"Is there any problem boy?" The mysterious voice was curious about why he was still there.

"I want your permission for this plan." The boy explained that plan and how the main focus would be at the Pope Battle. They would look for Drake, hopefully they could figure out something.

"That is a nice plan number one. It seems like that is something from number three though." The mysterious voice was upset that he did not plan it himself.

"She gave he the idea and I did finish it." The boy wanted his ruler to know what happened.

"If the plan fails, then you must kill number three." The mysterious voice had a dead serious voice.

"I understand, your Majesty." The boy finished.

The two went out. The boy explained what would happen to number three. She truly did not want to die but not everyone liked her and would allow her to die.

The two did not tell anyone about failure but she knew her ruler must have told someone else. Everyone could talk to the ruler.

"Do you think we will have a chance to succeed?" The woman was now discouraged.

"No we do not." The boy was being straight with her.

"Does his Majesty not like me or is something else the matter?" The woman needed to know.

"To make matters simple. Number two wants to have sex with you. You have never given him a chance. I also understand that I made you enter and you trust me. Do not make matters worst." The boy wanted her to know who was probably behind all the matters related to her.

She then understood, she kissed the boy and went on her way. She knew she would not get another chance to be close to the boy.

The boy was very upset and really liked her. Then he touched on the shoulder and the boy knew who it was.

"Well, my if it is not number one with number three. What is wrong with you?" The man had sarcastic voice.

"Number two leave me alone or I will be the one to kill you." The boy was furious.

"My, my number one please do not make threats you cannot keep." The man did not know how powerful he was.

The boy suddenly had the man on his ass with 135 broken bones. The man could not even react to how fast the boy was.

"What happened?" The man did not know.

"If she dies, everyone will die." The boy said and left.

"Damnit." The man was left there.

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