
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 40 Dates with Drake

The following morning Drake woke up and found he was literally covered in women. He could not move and did not want to know who was hugging where.

After a good while, May woke up and said, "Good morning honey." Smiling while hugging his left arm.

"Good morning mom." Drake replied.

May wanted to kiss Drake but could not because Aura was on top of Drake. She looked over and saw Nightingale hugging his right arm waking up.

"Good morning Master." Nightingale said.

"Good morning Nightingale." Drake turned and saw Nightingale hugging his right arm.

"Good morning Drake." Aura said waking up removing the covers and showing her naked body to Drake.

"Princess," Nightingale started but Aura slapped her mouth shut.

"Good morning Aura." Drake said thinking about everything they did yesterday.

Suddenly the other assassins start waking up the Beast Girl and another one was hugging Drake's right leg. While the Mermaid Girl and the last one was hugging Drake's left leg.

Suddenly a tail wraps around Drake's head and he is lifted up and shown the Dragon Girl's body. She was a thin girl, not much of anything on any part of her body however her voice one could tell it was truly wonderful.

"Good morning Master." The Dragon Girl said.

Hearing her loving yet immature voice could instantly move any man, woman, or child.

Drake at first could not tell that this was the same girl was last night. After confirming he was truly awake. He replied, "Good morning."

She began to hug Drake. Feeling bloodlust coming from under them. Feeling this she became more furious and kissed Drake on the lips.

Much more bloodlust and a little killing intent came from May. Feeling the killing intent, the Dragon Girl. Slowly let down Drake.

Once he was down, only the killing intent remained. She lower her head has she looked at May who had a smile in her face. However to the Dragon Girl she had the look of some one who was going to kill her.

Aura said, "You will be the last one. Neither me or May got the first kiss in understand?" Aura said looking to the Dragon Girl.

She nodded and accepted her punishment from Aura. She was going to stay away from May if she could.

Drake looked at the other two girls and asked, "We did not meet yesterday. Let me see your faces."

They hesitated at first but removed their hoods. One was a Ritocian girl and the other an harpy girl.

"I am Raven." The harpy girl said.

"I am pleased to meet you Raven." Drake replied.

Drake then turned his attention to the Ritocian and she looked scared.

"I wonder why she looks scared?" Drake thought.

"I am sorry I cannot say my name due to a snake person called Medusa. She said down the line our bloodlines will mix." The Ritocian girl said.

This surprised Drake. He knew Medusa had been born in Royalty. He already knew why she probably couldn't come out and say her name.

"I believe you are from Royalty correct?" Drake asked.

She immediately pulled a dagger at her waist and put it to his throat.

"I do not care if Nightingale accepted you. How do you know I'm former Royalty?" The girl was extremely mad.

This surprised everyone but Nightingale.

"I came from the future. In there a person named Medusa lives. I am taking it has your granddaughter. She was born into Royalty." Drake replied.

Hearing this she immediately put her dagger away. "I am glad someone is able to make it back into Royalty with my blood." The Ritocian girl said.

She knew she would not be given a date. However she wanted to learn some about her granddaughter.

"I want her to be my first date. I know she wants to learn about her granddaughter." Drake said.

Aura disagreed even though she had given the Dragon Girl a chance. She would not give it to this girl.

"Let me rephrase it. She will be my first date. I know she wants to learn about her granddaughter." Drake said.

Hearing that they left it at that and Drake wanted a bath. She did not hesitate to say she would be okay with a bath date.

May was releasing some killing intent. The girl knew to behave in the bath.

The two went to the bathroom. Nearing the entrance there was a maid standing by. Once they entered and undressed, Drake pushed out the clothes. The maid grabbed them and went to wash them.

Drake and the Ritocian girl stayed in the bath for a couple of hours. Drake told all he could about Medusa. It was not much but he did say in his first time. She fell in love with him.

The Ritocian girl was extremely happy. She knew a little about her granddaughter and had a good time chatting with Drake.

After exiting the bath and putting on their clothes. They returned to the bedroom.

The next one was the mermaid girl. Drake wanted to go somewhere private. They decided to allow them to go to the basement.

Going down the stairway, they entered the basement. Seeing all the destroyed parts. One could tell something was here but not much more.

Drake set down on the ground thought about what happened all this time. Remembering Ariel, Medusa, Tara, the Elven Queen, Sera and Nihil. How all of them acted made Drake sad. He cried his heart out on the mermaid girl.

She could not tell why but she allowed him to cry. After a while Drake got better. He explained why he cried to the mermaid girl.

"I see. You are a truly nice guy. I hope one day maybe I have a granddaughter and she will like you too as well. Please remember my name Amelia." The mermaid girl said embracing Drake.

Next up was the Beast girl. Drake was starting to get hungry so they went to eat lunch. Entering the cafeteria everyone looked at the duo. Wondering why a Ritocian and a Beastkin were together.

Drake ignored the stares but she could not.

They each got a huge portion and decided to eat in a corner. Has they ate the girl explained her powers.

"My family is known has the peacekeepers in the Beastman race. Our fur has the ability to shift our looks into any other Beastman." The girl started and looked back at Drake thinking. "It is not what you think. My family is not Royalty but the lowest Nobility. We have no combat powers except what mana we use."

"Is it because of your fur ability?" Drake asked.

"Yes." The girl responded.

"Naturally because of that my family is also known has 'Nameless'." The girl continued.

Drake thought about her fur and said, "Can I call you Grace? To me you always walk gracefully and I cannot think of a better name."

She was happy that he thought of a name for her. She accepted her name and glowed. It was a similar glow to the Elven Queen who regained her name.

Everyone in the cafeteria was on edge with the Beastkin. They had never seen a glow like this before.

"I am extremely happy Drake. Please allow me to become a servant of yours." Grace asked.

"I cannot make that decision. In my timeline, there are women there waiting for me to return. If you want to become my servant you have to ask them." Drake replied.

"Of course. I wish I could give you my first child. However, I cannot because of my Nobility." Grace said with a sad look.

Seeing her sad, Drake remembered Ariel crying.

"If you don't want to give your first child to Nobility. You don't have to." Drake said.

Hearing that made Grace happy. She truly hated having to give her family everything. She was treated horribly not only by other beastman but her own family for being a female.

After talking for a few more minutes. They returned to the bedroom.

Next up was Raven. She wanted a place that she could see far away. Drake asked Aura for a place. They got escorted to another stairway that lead up to the top of the World Tree.

Seeing this with Drake. She had to tell him the truth.

"Seeing how close you and Nightingale are made me jealous. So I wanted to do something that is required for me to get married." Raven said.

Hearing that made Drake happy that other people are getting jealous. He did not want anything bad happening to the people he liked.

"I have to reach a point and look far away with a man. Regardless if I love him or not." Raven continued.

Hearing that Drake got upset. He wanted people to like him for you he is not because they have to.

"I hope you will accept my marriage proposal. I cannot marry anyone else." Raven finished.

Before Drake could start Raven put her finger over his mouth.

"I want to now enjoy the view with you." Raven said.

They enjoyed the view and watched the sunset before returning to the bedroom.

Finally it was Dragon Girl's turn. She wanted to wait till in the morning. Drake accepted her proposal. Once again they all slept together.

Drake dreamed of Ariel hugging his head and crying. He could not get it out of his head after remembering it. He did not want to hurt her but he did.

The following morning Aura woke up removing the covers from sleeping on top and showed her body to Drake.

Everyone did their good mornings. Then Drake and the Dragon Girl went out.

Once they exited, she asked, "Can you show me everywhere you went with the others yesterday?"

"Is that all you want?" Drake asked.

She nodded yes.

Drake lead her to every place they went to. The first being the bath. He did want a bath. So they entered and got their clothes washed.

The first place after that was the laboratory and Drake explained what was there before. Once he was done, they went up for breakfast. They finished and went to the top of the World Tree.

Seeing the view she said, "It is cute."

This made Drake a little upset because to him it was more than cute.

She grabbed Drake and flew into the sky. She wanted him to understand why she said it was cute.

"I can fly too." Drake said.

"Do you want me to release you?" The Dragon Girl said being sarcastic.

"Yeah I do." Drake said being serious.

She did not want to but he did not want be hugged while flying. She reluctantly released him.

"Wind Fairy" he shouted.

Suddenly a huge gust of wind out picked up behind them. She watched Drake actually fly and was surprised.

Then Drake disappeared from her view and felt something around her. Looking down she saw Drake hugging her and flying.

She remembers of her brother doing the same when they were younger. She allowed to continue.

Nearing the end of their flight. The Dragon Girl said, "My brother Drago used to do this when we were younger. I wish he would return and fly again with me."

"Do not worry. I will give him a solid punch for you. What is your name?" Drake told her.

"Kawai is my name." She replied.

"She is extremely cute like this." Drake thought.

They landed and returned to the bedroom. Drake told everyone, "I have four plans before the Pope Battle in 10 months. First giving Katsumi and Drago a beating. Second I want to travel and see the world. Third learning more about Hero Unknown, my brother. Fourth I want to learn more about True Awakening."

Hearing his Aura was saddened that he wanted to travel. However she wanted the best for him.

Nightingale and her sisters had different plans. They all wanted to travel with Drake.

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