
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 38 How to spend a day with a boy

After thinking Drake finally fell asleep. Aura and May pretended to be asleep so they could watch Drake.

Aura made a hand gesture and May responded using the same. After a while they went to sleep.

The following morning, Drake woke up being hugged by Aura and May. Drake did not want to wake them up. So he laid there waiting for them to wake up.

Shortly after he woke up. Aura said, "Good morning honey."

"Good morning Aura." Drake replied.

"Good morning son." May said.

"Good morning mother." Drake replied.

"What do you want to do today Drake?" Aura asked.

"Do not care what about you two?" Drake asked.

"It does not matter to me." May replied.

"Drake, I want to learn how to pleasure you." Aura said.

May looked over to Aura and winked at her.

"Huh?" Drake was confused with what Aura asked.

Seeing the confused look that Drake had.

Aura said, "I want to learn how to give you a good time in bed." She was blushing while saying this.

May started to take off Drake's shirt. Seeing this Aura took off Drake's pants.

Remembering that he could get transform at will. Drake hugged the both of them.

"Even though I can make my body look older. I do not want to do something that neither one of you is comfortable." Drake said hugging their heads on his chest.

Feeling this weird sensation. Aura wondered what it was. May could tell whoever she married made her feel the same exact way.

"Drake I have a weird sensation inside of me. I'm also extremely happy to know that you care that deeply for us." Aura said with love in her eyes.

May seeing her said, "Princess Aura you are truly in love with Drake."

Hearing May, Aura became even more happy that she could tell the feeling she had.

Drake replied, "I will do my best to love you too."

Right now Aura did not care that he did not but the fact that he was willing to try made her feel wonderful.

Suddenly the bed became wet. May smiled, Drake did not want to say anything, and Aura was extremely blushed because she had just come from her happiness.

May said, "I can tell you are really happy Aura."

Aura tried to hide her face in Drake's chest.

Drake did not want to make Aura more embarrassed so he said, "It is okay. I will eventually care more but before that we need to eliminate the man you thinks he is your future advisor."

Hearing this Aura got a little mad that Drake still thought about that man but she did not want to do much until Nightingale returned.

Aura took off her shirt. She grabbed Drake's head and put it near her breasts.

May seeing how serious Aura was. She was happy to know that her son could make women that happy.

Drake started to suck on Aura's breasts. Aura moaned has her breasts her being sucked. She could now tell after cumming when she was going to. She said, "I'm cumming dear."

Aura never had this much happiness in her life and she was having it with this boy.

Aura said, "May can he suck your breasts has well?"

This surprised May but since he had already sucked them she was willing. May got out of the bed to take off her maid's dress. Showing the same D cup breasts that Drake remembered.

Drake started sucking on May's breasts next after she laid back down.

Feeling how hard Drake sucked her breasts May started moaning. Trying to keep it in has much has possible.

Shortly after sucking on May's breasts. Someone knocked on the door.

"Who dares to interrupt my time with Drake?" Aura thought pissed off now.

"Who's there?" Aura screamed.

"I am extremely sorry milady. I came because someone heard some moaning. I wanted to make sure everything was alright." The voice was a lady's.

May responded, "What is your name maid?"

"I am Alma. Lady Aura's personal maid." Alma replied.

"I thought you were fired." Aura replied more angry than before.

"I am sorry milady but your father told me I was to be your personal maid." Alma replied.

May got up and got dressed. She went to the door and looked at Alma. She was extremely young, her hair long and green, she was frightened and blushing at the same time looking at May.

"Alma if you are Princess Aura's maid then you need to be able to watch certain acts." May said.

"Certain acts?" Alma did not know what she was talking about.

"Come in and see for yourself." May invited Alma in.

Upon entering Alma saw Aura laying on her back with a boy on top of her kissing her. Suddenly the boy decided to go down and suck her breasts.

"Well, can you stay and watch?" May asked Alma.

"I can stay. I do not know how much I can watch." Alma replied trying to hold in her shaking.

May seeing this knew Alma was probably about scared silly.

"Drake dear. Please suck my tits harder." Aura said.

Hearing this Alma nearly fainted.

This pleased May. Alma could not handle much but she was trying at the very least. Shortly after she passed out.

Seeing her maid pass out, Aura smiled. She knew she could not handle being her maid because of her age.

May undressed again and join the bed.

Aura knew she needed to do something more to make Drake hers and she said, "Drake honey. Please clean my forbidden hole with your mouth."

This actually excited May she too wanted Drake to play with her.

Drake asked, "It is okay? We are not married yet. Foreplay is okay but moving that fast is not."

Aura saw the look that Drake gave he was a little scared and worried at the same time.

Aura smiled and said, "I hope to give you my first time Drake. I cannot give you my first child because that belongs to the Elven Community. So please help me."

Hearing that Drake went under the covers and pulled Aura's pants off. She had a beautiful blue pair of panties on. Seeing this blue, Drake was reminded how much blue he was near on Earth.

Drake pulled them off and started licking the area clean. Aura was happy that Drake was willing to help her.

May saw this and wanted Drake to lick her clean as well. She was starting to get wet has time moved on.

Drake got done licking and moved to the clit and sucked it hard. Upon sucking Aura came again.

Aura passed out when she came that time.

Seeing her pass out May lifted the covers and had Drake move to her.

Drake got out of the covers and heard Aura snoring. He was glad she was sleeping soundly.

Drake and May started with a kiss. Feeling his lips, May could tell that they left similar to hers. After kissing a few times Drake was much better at kissing. May knew he would continue to get better over time.

They continued until May asked, "Drake did you like playing with Aura's forbidden hole?"

Drake nodded yes.

Seeing him nod, May started to take off her radiant pink panties. May got something she never would have guessed. The feeling of love, she never could feel love. She was cursed and once she felt love the curse could weaken down.

She was extremely happy. Drake was happy to see her smiling genuinely. They continued until Aura woke up.

The three of them continued to play with each other. Before they knew it, it was night time.

Drake happened to look outside and saw they had spent the entire day in bed. This upset Drake he wanted more to be done but he was glad he did this instead.

Alma being there almost all day. Did not want to spend more time then necessary. However Aura had other plans.

Aura made Alma change the bed sheets while looking at them for guidance on which bed sheets to bring.

Although the bed sheets were all the same color. May was upset with Drake because he did not care. Aura was happy to know Drake cared about the important things.

After a while the trio went to the bathroom to take a bath. After bathing for an hour the trio got dressed and headed out. After leaving the bathroom.

A man was there and said, "Princess Aura. Please make your way to the King."

"I will not today. I will tomorrow." Aura said.

This made the man shake in his boots because he had never heard Aura talking back like that.

Upon seeing the boy, the man knew why she did not want to come today. This made the man happy that she can spend time with other men besides him and the King.

The man returned and relayed the message. This upset the King but upon hearing why the King was happy.

The trio returned to the room to see Nightingale and 5 other women there.

Drake was worried she was mad at him and wanted to talk to her.

"Master, I am glad you and the Princess had a wonderful time." Nightingale said.

"Huh?" Drake was confused.

"It is simple. I gave May some potion to cloud your judgment to see how you would react." Nightingale replied.

This made Aura upset. She did not think May would do something like that.

"I am sorry Nightingale." May said.

Everyone looked at May.

May pulled out the bottle and said, "I never had to use it."

No one knew what to think about this. Nightingale did not want to admit it but she was happy.

"Why did you not use it May?" Nightingale looked angry.

"Because I did not have to." May responded happily.

Nightingale did not know why May did not have to use it. However she was upset that Drake willingly did stuff with Aura and May.

"I see you are Drake. We are the sisters of assassination. Pleased to meet you Drake." One of the sisters said. The voice was extremely pleasant to hear almost to soothing.

Drake asked, "What are your names?"

The first to answer was a dragon girl she answered, "We heard Nightingale accepted you. We cannot give you our names until we accept you. However I heard you want someone dead."

Drake was upset that Nightingale told them someone needed to die. He explained the situation.

The women were curious why an Elf would need to be killed. They were willing to do it because Nightingale told them to.

Drake then asked, "How much will this assassination cost?"

The women looked at each other and smiled. Drake knew what that smile meant. The girls then all turn their attention to Drake.

"The cost of this assassination is a date with each of us. How's the deal?" The dragon girl replied.


The other girls bowed to Aura. One of the girls then used Water Magic around herself to reveal she was a mermaid.

Seeing the mermaid, Drake remembered all the anime he watched and most of them had mermaids with them.

"I was the former Third Princess of the Mermaid Kingdom. I have betrayed my family, so I did not get into conflict with my older sisters. Because of my betrayal, I do not have a name anymore. Please accept our proposal. We have no need for money. We usually accept it because no one really cares about us. However we heard from Nightingale you have accepted her." The mermaid said.

"I cannot say I will not like all of you. However, if Aura is okay with you all. Then that will be my starting point. I will not date you until Aura has accepted one of you. If she does not accept you then whatever payment will come from the Elven Community." Drake replied.

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