
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 21 End of Volume 1 ( 2500 views)

Back in the cell, the man was reading very diligently when a knock came.

"WHO'S THERE?" The man shouted at the top of his lungs three times.

After getting annoyed, by the knocking he goes over to his now new make-shift door. It did not look like a cell door but a wooden sliding door. He forced it open to see a loli standing in front of the door.

"Well, miss previous god of Life and Blessing. Did you happen to start to miss me? Or maybe you want something more from me? Let me think," the man started to think.

"Enough previous god of Balance. If I wanted more, I would have fixed the relationship between the three of us already. I wanted to know why did you mess with the current god of Balance?"

"You are no fun at all. I know, why not spend some time with me and let's read his new journey." The man said excitingly.

"Well, the current god of Life and Blessing is with him. She is indeed a powerhouse. She was able to perform the ultimate Life power. Even though, I talked her way through. She herself was extremely talented for a young maiden."

The man set down on his bed and motioned the god of Life and Blessing to come over and sit next to him.

"If we were back in the day I would have happily sit in your lap. However, the broken tide between us three will never be fixed. Let me take that back, we can fix but the previous god of Death and Destruction will never fix her side."

The man was getting a little upset and replied, "Let us start then. Only the current god of Balance can defeat "That" person that hurt us. That was why I made his first life a living hell. From his dad getting murdered, to his mother being raped in front of him, to the hellish training of the Ritocian Capital. From there he went on his own journey, he journeyed with Medusa on the way to the first dungeon that he soloed, no help from me. To finding the current Elven King, stealing the scrolls to figure out what to do, I did help. Then he managed to activate the first Time Scroll and go back 5,000 years. I controlled his destiny during that time it was simply wonderful to cause mass mayhem but make the planet Ritoco stable. He then decided to go back another 1,000 years to grab angels and demons. I made his destiny go that way as well. What he did on those planets was him 100 percent. Then he got sucked into a portal and went back to his home planet called Earth, I believe."

The man was smiling from ear to ear and his mouth has wide has he could.

"That smile always freaked me out previous god of Balance."

"You truly are no fun huh." The man got depressed.

"Are you going to alter his life this time around?"

"Only once, Ariel came by a little bit ago and asked me for a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"She wanted to bear him a child but never could. She wants to have one of his children." The man was explaining.

"WHAT SHE CAN COME IN HERE AS WELL!!!!" The loli was extremely surprised.

"In here, all time is same. I am everywhere, and there is no time I am not here. If someone entered here a 1,000 years ago. They can talk forever not realizing how much time passed."

"I see. Well, are you going to alter his life any more than that?"

"I am not sure. Giving Ariel her child, will either completely change or utterly destroy his life. I cannot tell which yet. I will give him the battle against "That" person one way or another. I hope you understand."

"Yes, "That" person needs to die either way."

"Let's make a deal previous god of Life and Blessing. If giving Ariel her child does not change his life what do you want? If it does change his life then I want you to start fixing our relationship. Deal." The man was trying to urge the deal on.

"If it does not change his life, then you must bring the previous god of Death and Destruction in and force yourself on her. In front of me, while I do some stuff. I like that deal how about you?" The loli was smiling really hard.

"You know I cannot leave here but for thirty seconds and just grabbing her arm. Is all I could do. You have a great advantage over this deal hmm?"

"Of course, she is the biggest reason of our dispute. She needs a good smacking around to teach her right? Previous god of Balance, I will also offer a deal myself later on. However, I guess I want to also read the current god of Balance life. I need something to pass the time."

The man was extremely happy and reading out loud from the volume called All Return to Present Volume 1 of The Dragon King's Rise.

A/N I know this is a short chapter for me. I know I rated this has restricted but Drake has not reached that point yet. It will get to that point but I have now given most of the backgrounds that is needed. There is only two big backstories left. Has of current I do not have p******. I might be willing to get one in the future. I hope to one day get a cover that is mine. I also hope to one day be able to publish chapters daily. I know there has not been a lot of action but it will get better. Please leave a like and a review when you all get a chance.

Thank you all again for reading my first book!!!

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