
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 173 Special Delivery

Haru had fallen asleep next to Drake. She had not felt this warmth in such a long time. Haru had forgotten how the warmth of love felt.

Knowing that Haru was sleeping next to him, Drake kept his posture and allowed the older Dragon to stay close to him. He knew she loved him but he himself did not have any feelings towards her.

Knowing that everything around him would instantly vanish if he explained his feelings. He found it best to first get her to be on a good level before everything got settled.

A knock came at the door.

No one answered.

Another knock came and again no answer.

Suddenly someone opened the door.

Drake looked at who opened the door. It was the former current Dragon King's wife. She had a box in hand and wanted to hand it to Drake. Seeing the box she had in hand. Drake felt a need to rush over there and tear it apart but did his best to keep his cool.

"Sir, you have killed both of the former Dragon Kings. It has been decided that you will be given the crown to inherit the throne. Inside of this box is the real crown. There will always be a fake crown near the throne for you to wear. The ceremony will start when your exiled family arrives." The former queen explained.

Knowing that he had at least a day before the crowning. Drake wanted to take full advantage of that time and see how Haru felt about him.

Even though he knew he did not love her. He wanted to see if she knew the feelings she had for him.

Breakfast was served to them in the bedroom. Drake was anxious because he knew he needed to talk and find out her feelings but he did not want anything bad to happen.

Everything leading up to lunch was the duo heading back to the colosseum. Drake and Haru wanted to see what the colosseum looked like from above.

Getting a nice view from the King's pedestal. Everything was in a decent place. There was no dragon pedestal that stood above them and the sights of the arena also seemed close up.

"Everything looks really good. Do you agree, Haru?"


The answer seemed to make Drake wonder if he should ask his questions or not. He knew he needed to for his sake.

"Haru, what do you truly think of me?" Drake's straight face and neutral voice seemed to make her wonder what was happening.

"Mio angry?" Haru asked with a questionable face.

"I am not Mio. The Mio whom you had a relationship with is gone. I am Drake." Drake started to get a little frustrated with Haru but calmed himself down before continuing.

"I am sorry. The feelings you feel and the feelings I feel might be different. What do you think your feelings are Haru?".

Haru felt herself questioning what Drake was saying. She could not help but see Mio every time she saw Drake. Her feelings towards Drake were her true feelings.

"Mio Mio." Haru began to question herself.

Drake sighed and looked at her. Knowing full well what he was about to say would tear her world apart. That would also kill him in the process, he knew these words were not going to stop.

"Haru. I am Drake not Mio. I like you for a friend. The Mio you knew has died and gone somewhere else. If the feelings you feel are for Mio. Then I want to kindly ask you to see the world with your eyes. See if the changes that have become are better or worse."

"If you believe your feelings are true to me as Drake. Then I want you to start calling me by my name. Only then can I truly hope to accept your feelings and see if I can grow mine."

Haru listened closely to Drake. She had never been scolded so badly by Mio before that she wanted to hear each word clearly. Feeling that she was about to lose Drake she quickly hugged Drake.

"You love?" Drake could not tell if she was asking a question or telling what she felt.

He wrapped his arm around her and said, "If you love me. Then let us start the process of you calling me Drake."

Haru heard what Drake said. She attempted to repeat what she heard, "Dragon King."

Drake froze up when he heard Haru casually said him by his true name. Not even he could actually say his true name when he first tried.

"That is my true name please be careful when you say it please." Drake almost got down on one knee to ask.

"Haru know rules." Haru smiled.

Drake gave her a questionable look. He had never heard of the Dragon Rules about true names.

Haru spun her tail and an ancient book with less than 20 pages appeared.

Haru quickly showed Drake the rules of Dragons using True Names.

Rule 1: If you cannot say your true name. A name that sounds similar in the ancient draconic language will be used.

Rule 2: If you say your True name to another Dragon, opposite sex or not, family or not, that Dragon(s) cannot use that name unless told otherwise.

Last Rule: If the user said his casual name but the Dragon(s) heard his true name instead they must abide by Rule 2 by not using his name.

The news of this shocked Drake. He never knew something so precious could be handled so perfectly within the Dragon Family.

"This makes the naming even more special." Drake voiced his thoughts.

Haru knowing what to say started to speak slowly, "Drake is a good Dragon. Believe me, I know that Mio is gone. I cannot help but call you Mio because I cannot call you your true name. Drake sounds like I use your true name." Haru voices each word out perfectly and visually wrote it down on the stone.

Three dragons entered and said, "New Dragon Ruler. Your exiled family has just entered and wishes to see on the throne getting your ceremony underway."

The bomb drop made Drake fear that taking the throne was a mistake but Haru guided him with the full intent to protect all the dragons there.

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