
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 159 Arriving at the last floor pt 1

Entering the volcanic eruption, the trio arrived at a bottomless pitfall. There was only a singular line that controlled the massive gravity affecting the trio.

"Too much." The priestess cried.

"This is way too much." Ariel cried.

"This will be fun." Drake had a smile.

The women looked angry at Drake. He then lifted each one up in his arms. The moment he did, they felt the gravity lessen on them.

"Why?" The priestess was confused.

Neither Drake nor Ariel responded. Drake kept the movement going.

"It seems like it only thinks of us as one person since Drake is carrying us." Ariel thought logically.

The longer Drake walked the harder it began to continue. The line seemed to never end.

In the deepest part of the bottom

"Three people have taken the shortcut to entering the final floor. I wonder if I will get the chance to eat them or will they make it to the floor?" A creature spoke.

The only things that were available to see were its eyes. One being like stars in the night sky and the other brighter than the sun on a summer day at noon.

Back up top

Feeling extremely exhausted, Drake wanted to stop but a feeling of dread kept him going.

"This is terrible." Drake spoke.

Ariel and the priestess both looked at him and felt sorry for Drake receiving this kind of punishment.

"Set me on the floor." The priestess demanded.

"No you will be crushed." Drake told her.

"We do not know what will happen on the final floor. We probably will need you." Ariel spoke.

"All three of us cannot make it with Drake being this burdened." The priestess had determination in her eyes.

Ariel seeing the determination in her eyes also wanted to be beside her during the time.

"Drake set both of us down. We will do our best to crawl there." Ariel spoke.

"You will be crushed!" Drake's pride would not allow them to be hurt.

"Drake. We will be fine. Worst case scenario is that we get transported to the surface. We will be waiting there for you." Ariel slipped out of Drake's grasp and landed on the line.

She instantly could tell the gravity here was more than what it was at the beginning.

The priestess slipped out of Drake's grasp when he tried to pick up Ariel again.

Drake now feels his pride hurt and wants to shout but the women hug each other. The increase of gravity affected them even more.

They helped each other slowly get up and finally they looked at Drake.

"We will not be able to make it there, if you do not rush there." Ariel spoke.

Drake feeling lighter than a feather dashes forward. He kept in his mind the torture the women were going through.

His transformation was not going through either. He had been trying to go into a half-dragon state and could not. This is what truly upset him the most.

"I promise to get you both back safely." Drake softly spoke as he dashed towards the end.

"Move slowly, priestess." Ariel told her.

"I will do my best to follow your movement." The priestess followed her commands.

Back at the bottom

"He is not affected but those two are." A smile full of sharp white teeth could be seen.

"If only I could personally affect that line. I'm so freaking hungry." Opening its mouth millions of teeth could be seen. There was no end to what could be seen inside the mouth.

Back at the top

Drake rushed hard to get to the final floor so he could be with his wife and priestess. Drake did not feel any gravity on him. His pride had been hurt and nothing was going to stop him from returning to what belonged to him.

"I will make it!" Drake shouted.

For nearly an hour Drake rushed until he saw a faint glow. He rushed even harder to make it there.

Suddenly he realized he entered the floor. It was not the final floor like what he was thinking. It was the floor where the system had originally belonged.

"This!" Drake was shocked.

Seeing the wall where a stone tablet was missing. The paintings describe how the system was created.

"Some extremely powerful creatures created the system." Drake could tell from the pictures.

He could not tell what the creatures were.

Following the wall to a spot where a picture seemed different from the rest.

The eyes on everything seemed to be looking at him. To Drake no matter where he looked those eyes seemed to follow him.

"This is super weird." Drake felt something touching his shoulder.

He immediately looked and nothing was there but the feeling of his shoulder being touched still there.

"What is wrong here?" Drake spoke.

"Welcome to the bottom of the Labyrinth. From here you should be given the chance to return to the surface or go to the Hellish Library. Since you already went there. You have another choice to add that is to the Demon Labyrinth." A voice echoed through.

"What is the Demon Labyrinth?" Drake asked.

"It is another Labyrinth under this one. It directly leads to the Hellish Library. It only has four floors though." The voice echoed again.

"Well I need to get my wife and my priestess here so I know they are safe." Drake spoke.

"They will fall." The voice echoed.

"I cannot allow that." Drake spoke with anger.

"Them falling is due to your indecision." The voice echoed.

Back to the women

They were moving slowly. Each step takes forever and only one step each time one of them walks.

"This is bad." Ariel spoke.

"The act of hugging each other or walking one step at a time with a huge load on our shoulders or the fact there is something below us?" The priestess spoke.

"Really? I have not felt any life down there though." Ariel spoke.

"Maybe something that only has death with it then." The priestess spoke.

They slowly continue on.

Back at the bottom

"She can sense me?" The creature frowned.

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