
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 150 Mine

After taking both of the women's virginity. Drake got a feeling. A feeling so weak that he did not know what it was.

He exited the room while Ariel and the priestess both slept. Upon exiting, Drake saw a goblin.

Seeing the goblin, his feeling grew stronger. The feeling of needing to protect Ariel and the priestess. The feeling instantly became one to destroy everything in his wake.

Before the goblin spoke, Drake grabbed him by the neck. Raised him up, and Death seemed to be behind Drake. The goblin did not resist and this made Drake confused.

"Anything should be wanting to live because of the neck hold." Drake's inward thoughts slowly came back.

"If I upset the Master of the Temple then I should accept my death." The goblin let the words out before fainting.

Drake not wanting to leave Ariel and the priestess without protection closed the bookcase. Then he put a lightning strike spell on the bookcase.

"I will protect what belongs to me." A dragonic voice sounded in Drake's mind.

Dragging the unconscious goblin. Drake ventured through the temple. Seeing all kinds of monsters bowing to him. Drake's feelings became even stronger.

"This place is making me want to slaughter everything." Drake silently whispered.

No creature could read Drake's lips but they could tell that Death was just an inch away.

Arriving at a giant demonic door, Drake felt a sense of peace looking at the door.

"This must be some kind of delusion." Drake said looking at the door.

Drake then touched the door. Red hieroglyphics appeared through the entire temple except for the room that Drake was keeping his women in.

With the door opening, Drake saw a massive lizard. It looked extremely old. Drake's sense of Mine lowered slightly before seeing a painting of himself.

With the painting of himself, Drake almost went on a slaughter run. He felt that nothing should be felt alive. Regardless if the creatures accepted him or not. The lizard seemed to notice.

"Welcome back Master." The lizard spoke but did not move.

"I am not your master." A draconic voice echoed through the entire temple.

"We deemed you to be our Master with you making this temple to help us." The lizard spoke and tried to move but couldn't.

Drake noticed this and kept his eyes on the entire surrounding. Something did not feel right. Drake's sense of Mine was running rampant.

With this trait of Mine running rampant. Drake's trait of Death Wake was slowly awakening. With every creature feeling Death over them. They knew it would not be long before they had to die or accept that Drake was not their Master.

"Why did I make this temple?" The draconic voice seemed to be less aggravated.

"You made this temple a house for two of your books. The first one is somewhere in a mythical room. You said that it will clean and repair itself. The second one you deemed unworthy to tell me." The lizard spoke.

"The mythical room?" Drake thought about the room where the women were.

"Why would other me seem to deem the other book unworthy?" Drake began to ponder.

A draconic eye flashes before the lizard. The lizard did not want to remember the horror of that eye. So he slowly let himself down.

Drake's draconic eye flashes again and Drake notices something within the chair the lizard was sitting in.

"Was that a book or something else?" Drake could not get the draconic eyes to activate again.

Drake walked up to the chair and sat down in it.

Drake went to a meadow.

"An illusion?" Drake spoke.

"No but more than a memory."

Drake turned around and saw himself. Even though the other of himself looked similar. Drake could tell it was not himself from the first time in Ritoco.

"Do you know what you are feeling right now?" The other Drake asked.

"A feeling of Mine." Drake answered.

"Correct and wrong. You are feeling that but there is a deeper meaning in that Mine." The other Drake replied.

"How is there a deeper meaning?" Drake did not know.

"You did not hear from either father?" The other Drake asked.

"No." Drake answered.

"There is a trio. The first one is a feeling of Mine and that feeling is the Mine trait. Whatever belongs to you is your draconic blood. The second one is that everything around you fears death and you will slowly start to slaughter everything in your path. That is the Death Wake trait. The final one is the feeling of freedom. Being free from whatever you decided to. Once you activate that feeling, you will be able to defeat 'That' man." The other Drake explained.

"How is that feeling activated?" Drake asked.

"Sorry but time is up."

Drake realized he was back in the temple.

"A sense of freedom?" Drake pondered.

Drake felt a hot spot behind him. Drake stood up and saw an extremely red spot on the chair. Drake flicked the chair and a book seemed to be burned up.

"That was why he deemed it unworthy." Drake answered.

"Did something happen Master?" The lizard spoke.

"Maybe." Drake did not want to answer truthfully.

"Will you allow us to prosper or do you wish to destroy us?" The lizard asked.

"A feeling of freedom?" Drake whispered.

The lizard heard something about a feeling. He did not dare try to speak anymore.

"Right now, I truly do not know what to do." Drake replied.

Drake started to leave.

"Make sure that all of your creatures do not get anywhere near the entrance." Drake told him before exiting.

"Does that have to do with his feelings?" The lizard thought.

Upon leaving the goblin woke up. The lizard immediately told the goblin to announce what Drake had commanded.

"Of course for the Master." The goblin replied.

Every creature then understood that something big was about to happen and they were willing to accept it. Even if that thing was Death itself awakening.

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