
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 123 The first floor

Ariel and Drake exited the guild hall. Immediately after the receptionist got to work. The people inside the guild went around to make sure that everyone knew not to enter the Labyrinth.

They even went to the guards and told the guards not to allow anyone in if they are trying to go to the Labyrinth.

Ariel and Drake went to the Labyrinth entrance. There were a few people in line but Drake held Ariel back from saying anything. However, that night everyone but Ariel and Drake returned. They got the explanation not to enter the Labyrinth.

Once Ariel and Drake got up to the front. The guards looked at Ariel wrong and Drake punched them into the walls. The walls repaired themselves and the duo entered.

No one after them was allowed to enter because guards came up and stopped everyone else from entering until they knew who had done this attack.

The guards that night got scolded by the guild in front of the King.

"The person who punched you two is with Princess Ariel, the daughter of King Death, of the Vampires." The guild master told them.

No one then said a word and left it like that. Even though the guards wanted payback for what happened. They would not dare go against King Death who also has Queen Medusa, not to mention Queen Aura and Queen Amelia. They figured they had all started to come together for World Peace.

Inside the Labyrinth

Drake and Ariel had entered and walked around the first floor of the Labyrinth. They did not find any monsters anywhere.

Drake feeling depressed asked, "Ariel will you walk around without me? I feel like I'm the reason why we cannot see any monsters."

Ariel seeing and hearing Drake depressed answered, "I would rather look around again because it could be the adventurers that came through and killed all of the first floor monsters."

Drake got some hopes and decided to check around again.

Going around again the duo heard a sword cling. The duo headed to where it was. They found a very large snake with a metallic head.

"FUCK! I heard this beast was lower!" An adventurer yelled.

"Hissssssss" The snake started to coil up.

"FUCK!" The men behind trampled a female healer.

Seeing the men leave the woman got Drake angry.

Drake went and punched the snake. Upon the fist hit, the snake disappeared.

The healer got scared. She did not want anything to do with Drake.

"Are you okay?" Ariel spoke up.

"Ye-" The healer knew who Ariel was.

"That is," Ariel stopped midway and saw the healer stripping.

"Take everything." The healer ran out naked.

Ariel was confused why the woman would rather run out naked then talk with her.

Drake then spoke up, "I guess because she knows your father. Maybe she knows something about you."

"Maybe. Those guys were saying that this creature belonged lower did they not?" Ariel wanted to hear what Drake heard.

"I believe they said, "It was supposed to be lower from what they heard". I truly do not know what it was but we can look around some more."

"Perfect!" Ariel was excited.

The two continue to walk around. The more the duo walked the more monsters they did encounter.

Ariel tried the first few. Even though they were weak slimes. Drake made sure Ariel was taking safety into account. Drake was not going to allow her to get hurt. Much less have any problems with her clothing.

They decided to stop and rest. The duo did not get any clocks so they decided to rest when they felt like it. If they needed anything, Drake would find a way for it.

After resting for a few minutes, Drake and Ariel continued to search the first floor. Even though Ariel was upset that Drake was not saying anything. She wanted him to be happy and when he would smile at her. She felt her entire body trembling.

"I so want Drake to marry me soon." Ariel would keep these thoughts until they reached the bottom.

Near the center of the floor, Drake finally gave a knock on the wall. Upon knocking the wall opened up.

"What is this?" Ariel asked.

"A secret passageway. It will either lead us to glory," Drake was super hyped while saying this, "Or this will end up with me punching the wall out." Drake said this part with great sadness.

"Why?" Ariel was too focused on what Drake knew instead of trying to move forward.

Drake just grabbed her arm and entered. He did not want the door to close before the passage moved again.

"I wonder why the center allows entrance but the sides don't." Drake felt something off on this passage.

A sudden burst of blue flames wrap around the outer edge. On the other side is a throne made up of grass and dirt. The throne itself did not look right but Drake and Ariel felt something was not right.

"What is this feeling?" Ariel tried to ask but Drake kept his hand over her mouth.

Drake closed his eyes and focused. He could not sense any creatures or monsters. However Drake did not want anything to happen.

Suddenly, Drake grabs Ariel and throws her up.

"What in the world!" Ariel yelled.

Drake then punched the floor and when he did. A Goblin King, Goblin General, Goblin Knight all appeared. The Goblin King appeared beside the throne. He wiped the grass off and a cage was found with the naked priest.

The Goblin General threw off its cloak and the men who trampled the priest were tied up. Drake wanted those men to die a horrible death but knew that he could not afford it with Ariel there.

The Goblin Knight was on a Orthus. Even though it was not big, it's top fangs were showing and he was not even growling. The armor seemed to melt between the goblin and the Orthus.

Drake then jumped into battle.

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