
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 122 Going to the Labyrinth

Ariel rushed up the stairs and saw Drake covered up in the bed.

Ariel went over and hugged Drake.

"I will not allow you to feel upset by yourself. I too am upset how they reacted to your god powers." Ariel whispered.

"Thank you." Drake's voice did not reach Ariel but his telepathic skill did.

"Why are you using your god powers?" Ariel asked.

"I am not. I am using a skill called telepathy. I learned it with my family." Drake told her.

Understanding a little about it. Ariel kept asking small questions and found a little more about what might have happened.

"So Drake, I think I understand what has happened. When your god power became activated, your skills automatically became the target and everyone then understood you. By using your skills with god power, everyone thought it would be a god talking to them." Ariel tried to explain it several times before this one.

"Why did I not need anyone close by when I left this morning? My god power could not have been active on both." Drake told her again in telepathic.

"That is true. However, I believe that your god power allowed you to leave but it also affected some of your skills." Ariel again took several times explaining it.

Drake paid attention to everything Ariel asked and wanted.

"I really need to learn these powers." Drake thought.

"Do not worry Drake. You will learn in due time." Ariel thought, hearing Drake's own thoughts.

Drake kept to himself all day. He was too upset to do anything with anyone. So Ariel stayed there with him.

That night, both Drake and Ariel went outside when everyone was in their bedrooms.

Going outside and seeing the night sky with Ariel made Drake want to go to the Labyrinth even more.

"Ariel, I want to go to the Labyrinth with you." Drake used the telepathic skill.

"When do we need to leave?" Ariel responded with a smile.

"How about now?" Drake kept using his telepathy.

"Sure thing." Ariel hugged Drake's arm.

Drake smiled seeing his number one beauty hug his arm tightly. Drake then decided to kiss her on the forehead before they left.

Drake then asked, "Long time or short time to get there?"

Ariel thought about it. She then answered, "It does not matter. I am glad to be spending time with you."

Drake smiled and they left the village together.

The following morning in the village

"WHERE DID ARIEL AND DRAKE RUN OFF TO?!?!" Medusa was angry.

"Probably to the Labyrinth in the Beastman territory." The female Elder Dragon responded.

"Why are you calm about this?!" Dracula was upset too.

"There is nothing we can do about it because they arrived and entered the Labyrinth. Or they are taking their time and enjoying everything together." The female Elder Dragon responded again.

"Why?!" Medusa had a massive headache.

"If it is Drake. Then there is nothing to worry about, if it is my daughter then we are probably screwed." Death told them.

Everyone turned toward Death and kicked him out of the house.

"Damn!" Aura was upset that Death was not mad.

Everyone then decided to go on and wait for them to return. They would give them the beating and scolding of their entire life.

The following morning with Drake and Ariel

The two had barely made it to the capital. Drake carried Ariel on his back while she slept. Drake did not want to disturb her much, so he decided to just walk at an outrageous speed.

Once they made it there, Drake went to the shop that he had owned.

Seeing the building was still there made Drake happy. He remembered where the bedroom was. So once he entered, he gave them a special code to enter the bedroom.

The code was something that number one had originally made. Even now, only the guild master and two other people even talk about it.

Drake rested for a couple of hours. Seeing his sleeping face made Ariel blush with excitement.

"I really want him to marry me before Medusa." Ariel did not allow her thoughts to go through her mouth.

Shortly after awakening, Drake made sure to keep his voice down but it still had a weird sound to it. No normal person could figure it out but someone with a little god knowledge could. Also the highest ranking priest would eventually put the pieces together.

Drake thanked the person and he and Ariel would then fly to the Beastman territory. Once they arrived, Ariel led the way to the Labyrinth. On the way there, they passed the guild.

Seeing the guild, Drake had them go on in. Upon entering, the cheering of the crowd immediately stopped. Seeing Ariel, everyone in there began to wonder who was about to die.

"Princess Ariel, what a surprise to see you here." The receptionist said.

"I am here to train in the Labyrinth. Make sure no one enters after I go in." Ariel told them.

"How are we lowly beings supposed to make money to pay for our families dinner?" A Beastman asked.

Drake pulled out a bag of gold coins. There were two of them and Drake accidentally pulled the one that had 20,000 gold coins. Instead of getting the one with 10,000 gold coins.

Seeing the gold coins put on the counter. No one even said another word. The receptionist counted the coins and a small amount was given for each person in there. Once everyone had some for the night, she would count again for the next day.

Even though Drake and Ariel made it out before the coins ran out. The receptionist made sure to keep track of each and every gold coin. When they exited, she would tell each person how much money they owed Drake. She did not include any extra charges because she and the guild master worked during nights to cover any extra that Drake might would have charged over the course of three years.

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