
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 121 Drake's next move

Medusa gets over her shock and sees Drake happy. She felt conflicted because she wanted Drake to be a Duke for the masses but seeing him happy because he is not a Duke. Made her wonder if she truly loves him or not.

"I need to think about everything and make sure. Otherwise, it will end the same as the last time." Medusa was sure.

Not wanting to ruin the mood. Medusa kept quiet and Ariel noticed that something was wrong.

"I wonder why she is not happy?" Ariel thought and knew she needed to talk to her mother.

Drake enjoyed the night with his family. During the night Ariel talked to her mother.

"Mother why was Medusa upset after the Dukes made their decision?" Ariel needed to know.

"She wanted Drake to be a Duke for their marriage. Even though the Dukes declined, that is not why she was upset." Dracula explained.

"Then why mother?" Ariel kept pondering.

Finally, after several times Dracula told her, "She was upset that Drake was happy that he did not become a Duke."

"I'll talk to her." Ariel said.

Dracula went to where Death was. Ariel went back to the bedroom with Drake.

Drake was asleep when Ariel entered.

"I want to know what you plan on next Drake. Whatever you decide I want to be there with you." Ariel whispered.

The next morning, Drake woke up first. He quietly slid out of the bed.

He went outside and found Grizzly hugger and Beowulf's sleeping outside.

He got Grizzly hugger to carry him to the river.

Seeing the glistening river made Drake happy that he had changed how the river flowed.

He returned to the house. Drake then got on Beowulf's and headed to the hole.

Grizzly hugger then just went back to sleep.

Drake then got to the hole and got off Beowulf's. So he then wanted to shout in it but knew that it would not reach the bottom.

Drake then decided just to say what was on his mind, "I will return down there. Once I do, I will have the power to defeat you."

What Drake did not know was that his voice did reach the bottom. Once it did, everyone and everything down there froze because the voice that sounded like a god.

Everyone and everything down there, decided to cool off attacking the Hellish Library. They wanted not to see the god that had spoken down there.

"That Damn Punk Can Already Use His Fucking Powers!" 'That' man was extremely wrathful.

Back up at the top, Drake got back on Beowulf's and they returned to the house.

Upon entering, everyone had already woken up and started preparing that something drastic had happened to Drake. Seeing him return, it made them not only anxious but wondered how he managed without someone close by.

Upon Drake entering, he then realized that he had been hurting but he dared not to say anything because he himself did not know what happened.

"What happened?" Medusa asked.

"I don't know. Something just seemed off and I went to check out the river and the hole." Drake did not want them to worry. However giving them this would make everything go smoothly.

"Alright. One of us, everyday will keep in check to make sure nothing happens." The female Elder Dragon spoke up.

Seeing the determination in their eyes, Drake knew he had a wonderful family.

"Thank you." Drake had a smile.

Death came rushing out. Of the bedroom him and Dracula were in. He immediately grabbed Drake and checked him over.

Drake not knowing what was going on just let Death do what he needed to do.

Everyone there was surprised at Death doing this but no one said a word.

Finally once Death was done. "Why did you use your god voice?"

"Huh?" Drake's entire family did not know of the god voice.

"I do not understand." Drake replied confused.

"Did anything happen today?" Death asked.

"Drake was able to go out by himself without anyone close by." Ariel spoke up.

"Your innate god powers activated. You have the normal god of Balance powers. Every god of Balance has those powers. However, being a god means you have other powers to help you fight if needed. Those powers activated today." Death did the best he could to explain.

"Well, will they always be active or will I have to activate them?" Drake wanted to know.

"Depends what they are in the end. I believe those powers have just activated so there is no telling what the end will be." Death continued.

"What makes you say that dad?" Ariel needed to know.

"The voice in which Drake just spoke was a god's voice." Death told her.

"So does that mean going to the Hellish Library broke them in? Or is there something else we need to know?" May asked this time.

"There is no telling what it was. Honestly could have been anything and everything was the trigger." Death told them.

Drake listened to everything and made the decision. "I want my god powers to develop but I need the power to stop him first. So I need to go to the Labyrinth in the Beastman territory."

Everyone turned around and smiled.

Drake got a confused look.

"We heard everything." The female Elder Dragon spoke up.

"I was thinking." Drake told them.

"You spoke it out loud." Tara said.

Drake started to feel really uncomfortable with his god powers. Death could tell that too. Even though, Death himself did not hear everything. He could get enough to know what was going on.

"NO I WAS NOT SPEAKING." Drake got upset and ran upstairs.

Ariel wanted to go upstairs. However, Death stopped her.

"His god powers have just opened up. If we do anything now. Drake might hate us for it or his powers will not manifest." Death explained.

"I do not care. I would rather Drake not have his powers." Ariel stated.

"I too agree with Ariel." Tara spoke up.

"Me three." June spoke up.

"I believe he needs to see what it might do. If he does not want them, make sure he does not get them." Drake's father spoke up in a demanding voice.

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