
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 120 The final decision

Everyone but Drake wanted to eat fast so Drake and Sado could talk. Drake wanted to enjoy the time he currently has with everyone.

"They truly do not understand how terrible it was in that place. Even though they have some knowledge, knowledge and experiencing what I did are two totally different things." Drake nearly let his thoughts out.

Everyone could see Drake slowly getting depressed. They figured it was best to keep quiet and eat at the pace Drake was.

Soon, Drake started to get happier. Everyone was joyful again.

The Dukes seeing this already knew what the answer to their question was. They knew that no matter what they needed to allow this answer through.

"I wish my family would have taught me to be more like them." Sado revealed his thoughts in his eyes.

"This reminds me of my childhood." Georgetown was extremely happy.

Sado made sure that Georgetown's voice did not reach them. He needed everyone to keep this visit professional. Even his ass getting black and blue he kept professional.

Everyone finished eating with Drake being the last one to finish. Upon finishing, everyone went to the living room.

Sado would call a name and that person came in. The Dukes bowed as Medusa, Aura, Tara, Amelia, Death, Dracula, Ariel, and Drake made their way in first.

Upon finishing their bow, the Dukes then stood back up and went to walk in the other females that belonged to Drake.

Upon having everyone but Drake's parents inside. The Dukes then bowed again and Sado called their names. Drake's father walked in with his arms locked with May. Upon entering the living room, everyone but Drake all bowed and welcomed them to the meeting.

Drake's father got a little emotional because it had been so long since he had seen a scene like that. May too understood how her husband felt and allowed him to enjoy himself for a few moments.

Recovering from his emotional state, Drake's father led May to the couch and they got to sit down first. Then Drake sat down beside them. Everyone else got around Drake, no dare to sit beside him with this meeting fearing that he would lash out.

Medusa then stated, "Duke General Sado and Duke Georgetown."

The two men answered, "Yes Your Majesty." Then both of them bowed.

"What do you both think of Drake becoming a Duke? We want both of your honest opinions. If anyone thinks you are lying or conspiring together for a goal. You will both be executed. Do either one of you want to leave the house so you cannot hear what the other one has to say or are both of your judgments of your will?"

"My judgment is of my own will Your Majesty. I shall not judge what Duke Georgetown cares to do." Sado replied and was still bowed.

"I wish to state something that is not of my own opinion Your Majesty. Will you grant me the honor of doing so before this meeting starts?" Duke Georgetown was still bowed.

"I shall grant it." Medusa backed off.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Duke Georgetown stood up.

"Drake, what we want and what you want might be two different things. If you want it to be more private or more public you have the option and the right to do so. However, I am personally glad to have met you in private and seen your private life more than what you are in public. I would like for you to keep this private." Duke Georgetown said and went back to bowing.

"Duke Sado I have granted Duke Georgetown an opportunity to voice his thoughts. Do you also wish to state any thoughts before we start?" Medusa asked.

"I do. Your Majesty." Duke Sado replied.

"Very well then." Medusa backed off again.

Sado stood up and said, "Drake, just like what Duke Georgetown said. I too would like to keep this private because I would like to one day fight you seriously. I know I would lose, that will be okay. I want you to be yourself when our decision is spoken." Sado went back to bowing.

Medusa spoke up, "Drake they have stayed that they wish to keep this matter a secret. Do you wish to keep this matter a secret?" Medusa's voice was becoming more commanding each passing moment.

"Would you like it to be private or public, my family?" Drake asked everyone.

"Private." Amelia was the first.

"Private." Aura was behind her.

"Private." Nightingale was holding on to Drake's shoulders.

"I shall say private." The female Elder Dragon spoke up.

No one else spoke up.

"Seeing that my family wants it private it shall be private." Drake wanted them to be happy with this.

"Thank you Drake." Aura was the first to talk.

Amelia walked over to Drake's side and kissed him on the cheeks. "Thank you Darling."

Aura was upset that Amelia got the first kiss before the news.

"Nightingale please tie Amelia up for me." Aura had a revenge look in her eyes.

"Please no." Amelia did not like Aura's look.

She remembers a time that Aura got very upset and did not want that to happen again.

"Calm down now. We do have guests." May told them.

Everyone stopped and turned their attention to Drake and the Dukes.

"I, Duke General Sado, wholeheartedly believe that Drake should not become a Duke. My reasoning is because if Medusa truly loves Drake, in which I truly believe she does, the marriage would go on. If anyone would dare to say that you two do not belong together. I would personally destroy that entire bloodline." Sado finished with a smile.

"I, Duke Georgetown, wholeheartedly believe that Drake should not become a Duke. My reason is the same as Duke General Sado. However, I believe he would not be able to destroy that bloodline, I believe that every race present here would without a doubt be able to completely eradicate the race and not just the bloodline."

Medusa was shocked to hear what the final decision of the Dukes was.

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