
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 116 The Dukes arrive

The remaining three weeks until the Dukes came were unusually quiet. Everyone enjoyed themselves and someone was always by Drake's side.

Not allowing anyone to help anymore, Drake would push himself to quickly get everything done.

In the first week, all the homes were built and furnished by Drake. Making sure each and every household was happy. He would wake up before dawn and go to sleep as late as possible.

Once everyone's house was built and furnished Drake then went around the village fixing everything that looked bad. He obviously did not push himself like the previous week but still made sure that everything got done during the week.

On the first day of the final week, Drake went around and made sure there was nothing to be fixed or anything was missing. He got up before dawn and came back nearly at midnight.

Once he was sure that nothing had to be done, the second day he spent by the hole.

Feeling the anger coming from within, Drake knew he had to figure out a way to kill the man. Drake kept to himself the entire day. Even though June was by his side, she did not dare speak unless he wanted to.

On the third day, Medusa and Drake talked.

"Drake, by the end of the week. The Dukes will arrive and see how this place is doing."


"They arrived at the capital yesterday and are spending at least a day there before coming here."

"Why now?"

"It happens sometimes. Do not worry Drake, everything seems to be doing good."

"I need power. Not political, not physical, nor magical I need the power to defeat that man. I don't know what kind it is however I will get it. When I finally achieve victory over that guy, I will be able to defeat all of him."

Medusa saw he was joking about the final part but knew that the power he was talking about is probably in the books they read.

Seeing his determination, Medusa and the female Elder Dragon went with Drake to the hole. Near the hole they opened the final book.

Drake immediately knew when they opened the book. The presence inside of it was one of 'That' person. Drake immediately felt fear for a second and then Drake not wanting to show it felt something different.

"What is this feeling?" Drake thought the feeling was courage but he also thought it was not.

Drake flipped through the book and found a couple of pages worth studying.

The first page talked about how someone always laughed at him. The other side talked about how he coveted his power and allowed himself to be laughed at.

Drake looked at it and understood that the person who got laughed at would be himself. The person who did the laughing was 'That' person.

The second page talked about how the Draconic god and the god of Death both liked a woman and another person came up and took her.

Seeing what happened, Drake understood that the person who was born from the woman and the man was 'That' person. On the other side of the page Drake saw why he would accept being laughed at.

That was because he would get more powers and techniques than 'That' person. 'That' person could become physically, magically, and mentally stronger but it would mean nothing if he could not get any techniques.

Drake finally puts the pieces together and decides to look at the other books. In those books is what Drake had already read from those two pages. It had a lot more detail about him.

Nearing nighttime, Drake wanted to stay and enjoy the little bit of time with both Medusa and the female Elder Dragon.

Once it became nighttime, Drake looked up and smiled. The women looked at each other and wondered why Drake was smiling.

"Why are you smiling at the sky?" Medusa asked.

"I'm smiling because I get to enjoy looking at the nighttime sky with people who care about me." Drake said still smiling.

The two took what Drake said and thought about being in the depths with no light. They understood that no one would be safe without being close to another person.

The following morning, the Dukes arrived in the village. There were only two of them that came to enter the village.

The first one looked like a general that had fought in many battles and was victorious in each of them. The horse he was on also showed how much care and trust it had in the person riding it.

The second one was extremely young. One could say he had just turned 100 years old and no one would doubt it. His blonde hair, bright green eyes and skinny appearance made everyone wonder, "Who had this child?"

It was not just his appearance that made everyone wonder. His horseback riding skill was atrocious, the horse did not like him. The reins were completely different from the first. Not just because of the color, but they looked brand new and we're an ugly purple. The Duke in front had a blackish brown but that was to be expected.

They finally stopped in the center of the town where Medusa was waiting. The older one got off first.

He bowed and said, "Glory to Queen Medusa."

The younger one then realized his mistake we quickly got off his horse and repeated what the older said.

Medusa was angry. She was not angry because of what they said but rather the first Duke did not say anything about her.

"Duke General Sado why did you not say anything to the younger Duke?" Medusa was holding back her anger.

"I honestly did not know that he had not seen your portrait before. I will take responsibility for this behavior." Sado said still bowed.

"Boy, what is your name?" Medusa's anger slowly let through her words.

"I am Duke Georgetown. My father Duke Geergetown just passed shortly before the time to come. I sincerely apologize for not recognizing your Majesty at first glance." He said with tears starting to fall down.

"I am sorry to hear that your father passed. We will hold a ceremony for your father." Medusa slowly said to release her anger and tension.

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